For those who haven’t seen it yet
Here’s a summary of the things we hadn’t known before we could watch the recorded stream on youtube:
1. Death’s Embrace:
More downed state damage and striking foes below 33% health inflicts 1 stack of vulnerability for 5 seconds.
What we didn’t know: there is no icd on that vuln application.
2. Barbed Precision:
33% chance to inflict bleeding.
Apparently this was an intentional change. But the explanation for why they did it seems rather weak: “we lowered the critical chance because you’re also getting that 20% bleeding duration”.
Seriously? Like you can’t just get that same duration buff now on top of extra condi duration from points in Spite? The 20% merged into this trait really can’t be the reason for this nerf.
I could imagine that in combination with traits in other specs like Deathly Perception would give this trait a noticable buff, and this might be the reason why they nerfed it. However, I’d much rather take -50% duration on that single bleeding stack than have the proc chance reduced by half. This way the potential to do just as much damage is still there, but now it’s more of a matter of getting lucky with rng than an actual static nerf to the trait.
So if any changes to Barbed Precision are still possible: please revert the proc chance to 66% and reduce the bleeding duration instead.
3. Master of Corruption:
What we didn’t know: the additional self applied condition is a different one from the initial condition, so not just another stack of the same.
Robert Gee didn’t know them by hard (they will be seen in the skill fact), but he mentioned blindness, poison, bleeding and torment being among those extra condis. He also said “some of them can be devastating if you don’t get them off of you in time”.
4. Terror:
Not an actual news regarding the skill itself, but Robert Gee said that it was moved to master because of the feedback they got from the community.
First of all, no one was bothered by the tier Terror was in! It was annoying that it didn’t get the same treatment of the baselining of traits that were standard picks accross all classes, including the necro.
Quote: we made a lot of staff traits baseline and rolled the remaining ones into one because those staff traits were taken all the time anyway. (obviously the very same logic applies to Terror)
Also, even if moving Terror to master tier was an actual request from the community (it wasn’t), this feedback would’ve been based on the version of the Curses specialization we saw before. With this new trait setup Terror makes just as little sense in master as in any other major trait tier. Seriously, please merge this with a minor already!
5. Weakening Shroud:
No icd confirmed. Functionally identical in this case just means it’s the same but also a seperate skill from the dagger’s so it woudn’t interact with Quickening Thirst.
6. Beyond the Veil:
In regards to the community’s request to make this apply to allies:
According to their explanation, Death Magic is not supposed to be a support line for allies but just for buffing your own defense. So Beyond the Veil is primarily protecting the necro and as an extension of himself also his minions.