Reanimator: Why don't you like it?

Reanimator: Why don't you like it?

in Necromancer

Posted by: ratmanduohana.6824


First of all, last thread about this was closed for discussing moderators decisions, and the other one, for making a petition, so please, keep that topics out of here, maybe we can have a nice topic about Reanimator within forum rules:

I don’t like reanimator very much, but I don’t hate it, sometimes It does something, couple of hits, couple of bleeds, it’s not horrible when it works.

But It’s obvious it has problems, first of all, it’s a forced trait that can cause you problems, this is unique isn’t it? It can keep you in combat, hit the an unmarked mob, generate aggro or trigger undesired effects.

The problem it’s not the Jagged Horrors, in Lich form they are quite nice, if they don’t get obliterated by an Aoe they can add some nice bleeds, the problem I think we all agree is to be forced to have it if you want the toughness line, which has things like Staff Mastery, Greater Marks or Reapers Protection.

My solution: Give it a 5% chance to spawn a Jagged Horror whenever a minion deals a hit, put a 20-25 secs cooldown and maybe exclude Flesh Golem.

Or just change it, make it a Staff Marks 10% chance Blast Finishers, just for say something.

Again, please, try to keep this into the forum rules

Reanimator: Why don't you like it?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Kravick.4906


I don’t like reanimator for a couple of reasons. Most have to do with minions themselves being broken. First and foremost, when I spec into the death tree, its for defense, not minions. Minions as it stands are broken beyond use. Half the time they don’t even work, just standing around while a fight is going on. They don’t regenerate health, which combined with the long recast timer, means that when they inevitably die you can’t bring them back for a long time. Every time I need to go in water, they despawn, leaving you without the minions you’ve traited for.

On certain occasions, the jagged horror will keep you in combat, even after its death. You can still see numbers flying off its dead corpse, which I am to assume is the source of this bug. Only when the corpse despawns, and the damage numbers stop flying off the corpse, do you actually come out of combat.

There are many instances where having a pet is detrimental to your party. Giganticus Lupicus will spawn grubs off the jagged horrors. The “Lightning Ramp” in the Rata Sum fractal. You can dodge the lightning sliding down the ramp easily enough, but if it hits your jagged horror, which can’t dodge the lightning, it will not only knock you back, but other party members as well. Rangers have this problem as well with their pets. During the Jade Maw fight, jagged horrors often get targeted by the green laser beam, prolonging the fight. Even while they’re dead they can still be targeted. Again, rangers have this problem too.

The minion itself is weak. Now if you could get multiple to spawn instead of just one (off multiple enemy deaths of course), maybe I could see the value in them. As it is right now, having only one of them is meaningless. They do next to no damage and that does not justify the frustration you have to put up with just to get certain traits in the death tree (greater marks for example).

They don’t last long enough. Even with the buff to their duration, they never last long enough to do anything useful.

They can rally downed players. This problem still hasn’t been fixed 100%, and I don’t know how to reproduce it. Sometimes they rally, sometimes they don’t. I don’t know whats causing it, but I have personally had it happen to me more than once. No, nothing else was around for them to rally off of. Nobody else was around to res them. It wasn’t a warrior using Vengeance. The only thing that happened is they killed my jagged horror with their downed skills.

Stuff goes here.

(edited by Kravick.4906)

Reanimator: Why don't you like it?

in Necromancer

Posted by: PapaG.2317


tbh this skills is garbage, it has only 1 use and that’s for the +toughness the trait skill gives when you spend 15 points in the line. the horror might last 15seconds if that, so you get 20 toughness for 15 seconds <—-lol@that. It should have a 0 cooldown but having a max or say 3 or 4 horrors out at once, then it might actually be useful. lolol


Reanimator: Why don't you like it?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Drarnor Kunoram.5180

Drarnor Kunoram.5180

To be fair, the grub-spawning issue is getting fixed with this month’s patch. Asura fractal, you should just wait for the thing to die of its own degen before attempting the ramp. Jade Maw can sometimes be frustrating, but at other times it can buy your party some much-needed time to gather some crystals.

Other than that, it’s just Subject Alpha’s AoE and PvP downed Warriors that are serious issues with it hurting you.

That being said, minions definitely shouldn’t be forced on you. Those two minor traits need to be swapped to Majors.

Dragonbrand |Drarnor Kunoram: Charr Necro
I’m a Geeleiver

Reanimator: Why don't you like it?

in Necromancer

Posted by: CHIPS.6018


When you down an enemy, and then your jagged horror dies seconds later due to “auto damage”, and so the enemy recovers and then downs you instead, you know why it sucks.

Chipsy Chips(Necromancer) & Char Ashnoble(Thief)
The Order of Dii[Dii]-SBI→Kaineng→TC→JQ
Necro Encyclopedia-

Reanimator: Why don't you like it?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Locce.8405


Reanimator is just the worst Minor Trait in the game.
While there are other weak Minor Traits to be found there is not one other that does little good to begin with and gives you all the negative effects of having a pet on top of that. As soon as you put your 5 points in Death Magic you are weaker for having it, mainly for the following reasons:
1.) This Jagged Horror does very little damage and dies easily as soon as there is some AoE damage or an enemy concentrates on it (<- must be a bored PvE mob). This leads to a statistically irrelevant amount of damage over its lifetime.
2.) The Trait triggers upon an enemy’s death which means that it is completely and utterly useless during prolonged fights against single strong enemies (Champions etc.). For the same reason it is often useless when it triggers since the Jagged Horror dies before you enter the next combat or very shortly thereafter.
3.) The Jagged Horror suffers from serious pet AI issues. Sometimes it contributes in the laughable way it can. More often it just watches as you fight or charges off to aggro new enemies or does similarly useless or detrimental things.
4.) Despite its lack of actual use it counts as a fully-fledged pet with all its positive effects for enemies (mostly PvP) fighting you and needing a target for some effect (stealth from Cloak&Dagger for example or a gift-wrapped Vengeance Rally).
5.) The Reanimator Trait probably is the (weak) justification for the next Minor Trait, Protection of the Horde, which is equally weak unless you play a pet-necro. If you do not want to play a pet-necro Death Magic is very costly trait-wise as two of your Minor Traits are basically worthless. I do not remember any other profession being coerced into a special kind of build by Minor Traits in one line.

Reanimator: Why don't you like it?

in Necromancer

Posted by: ThCakeIsALie.5306


Lupi loves you, your teammates hate you.

Reanimator: Why don't you like it?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Burjis.3087


I don’t hate Reanimator itself at all.
Just the fact that we are the only class that can’t use its toughness trait line in the fight against Giganticus Lupicus.

Solution? Very simple: Prevent Risen Grubs from summoning on Jagged Horrors in the same way that they don’t spawn on mesmer illusions.

Everlasting Sacred Path [ESP] (

Reanimator: Why don't you like it?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Carrioncrow.6872


I don’t like being penalized for spending my Trait points.

Trait points are supposed to be a “BENEFIT”

I don’t like having a “TAX” to get to the good stuff.

Reanimator: Why don't you like it?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Poxheart.2845


The only thing I like about Reanimator is that when a jagged horror spawns I know to hit “f” for a loot bag. There are no other redeeming qualities. I have never seen the horror attack a target that I am actively fighting, but I lost count of the times I’ve seen random (passive) mobs suddenly aggro on it. If I had a choice I would never choose this trait.

Knights of the WhiteWolf

Reanimator: Why don't you like it?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Softspoken.2410


5.) The Reanimator Trait probably is the (weak) justification for the next Minor Trait, Protection of the Horde, which is equally weak unless you play a pet-necro. If you do not want to play a pet-necro Death Magic is very costly trait-wise as two of your Minor Traits are basically worthless. I do not remember any other profession being coerced into a special kind of build by Minor Traits in one line.

It’s not the focus of the topic, I know, but I have to quote this for truth. If it wasn’t for reanimator, Protection of the Horde would be the only minor trait that requires you to take a category of utilities / heal / elite to receive any benefit from it at all. Most ‘specific’ minor traits refer to categories of skills available on multiple weapons.

And even then, the benefit Protection of the Horde gives is kind of shoddy grumblegrumble.

About Reanimator: I don’t like it because it procs at the wrong time. It forces you to immediately find another target and attack it to receive the marginal benefit it provides. This is coming from the defensive toughness and boon duration tree.

The other complaint I can really sympathize with is that a Jagged Horror’s inevitable expiration can cause your necromancer to commemorate the occasion. My Necro’s a male Charr, so his comments are pretty mellow and unobtrusive (“It did its job”, or “Rest well, soldier”) for which I’m thankful. Compare to the Human female’s (I think?) “NO! I hand raised that minion!”

Frankly if I got that sound bite one in six times my Jagged Horror which everyone has a hard time caring about died, I’d probably smash my speakers.

Mixing insults with your post is like pooping in a salad.
It’s pretty obvious, and nobody’s impressed.

Reanimator: Why don't you like it?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Sheobix.8796


I remember my first day on gw2. I thought, oh cool! a jagged horror must be some awesome flesh abomination minion with huge jaws and blahblah whatnot. I spent my first five points there. I got a flesh rat. Lets just say that was the first time i ever retraited and ever wanted to spawn a single one again.

When the first impression of a trait results in repulsed disappointment, you know the dev effed up on that one.

Lich form, i spawn an army of rats. Nice.

Seriously, not one guy up on mount arenanet thought it was a crap idea?

Reanimator: Why don't you like it?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Avigrus.2871


If the minion had a purpose it wouldn’t be so bad… it barely does any damage.

I get the feeling this was added in as fluff because the rest of the class traits/skills didn’t spell “Necromancer”… raising the dead is what Necromancy is, after all.

80 Necro (5), 80 Guard (4), 80 Mesmer (3)
80 Ranger (3), 80 Warrior (3), 80 Thief (3)
80 Ele (2), 80 Engi (3), 80 Rev (2)

Reanimator: Why don't you like it?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Magoo.5726


Yeah, thats it. I’ve started my necromancer and wanted to be a minion master with my private army to rule Tyria. So I skilled death magic, because the jagged horrors sounded very promising. After five points in there I became the Pied Piper of Hamelin. Badly disappointing.

Reanimator: Why don't you like it?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Derms.4758


Both Reanimator and Protection of the Horde should be optional imo. They’re MM-focused which means that anyone playing without minions and wants to invest in Death Magic just got 2 useless traits. Something like a boon on crit would be more useful.

Reanimator: Why don't you like it?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Rennoko.5731


I just think they should have worked it so it would spawn, be responsive (which I would one day hope all minions will be), and go run up to your target and blow up like a bone minion (or a shattering illusion). How cool would that be if it spawned and now supplemented as a little bit of burst and a blast finisher?

Maybe a chance on hit to blow up? Can I get a button that just blows him up?

Reanimator: Why don't you like it?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Martacus.4085


It’s also just annoying.

Reanimator: Why don't you like it?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Druitt.7629


The higher level my Necro gets, the more I’m liking my little naked rats. I’ve found them to be useful in various situations.

BUT they can also be very disadvantageous at other times and if we have any points in Death Magic it’s forced on us.

As others have said, PvP can be a problem (though some say it’s been fixed), various boss fight mechanics can also be a problem, and pathing issues in dungeons can always cause problems for players with pets/minions out.

If our trait lines were reorganized in such a way that there was a Minions trait line, it might make sense there. (Even then, a Minion-based Necro might not want any minions out at certain points in time.) It might also make sense as a (more powerful) Major Trait that we could then swap out when appropriate. But as it stands, it’s an issue.

Reanimator: Why don't you like it?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Ratphink.4751


Not really in a category that dislikes them, but I’m not super pumped about them either.

Being forced to take a minion, when I don’t like baby-sitting minions to begin with is definitely a down-side. The other downside is that with this trait alone, you only can ever get one at a time. This seems silly to me because even with their bleeds, they aren’t doing an overly large amount of damage for how quickly enemies can dispatch them, along with their continual health loss.

However! Until I see somebody showing a video with reliable, reproducible rallies off of JH, this complaint is just a myth and should only be considered as one. Truth of the matter is rallies are weird in PvP and you seem to get rallied if you dealt 1000 damage to an enemy that goes down about 3 minutes after you dealt that damage.

Also I have never had these guys agro on their own. If they agro’d something I didn’t want, it was always a case of me not paying attention to my target. This is similar to the over-agro I accidentally cause on myself with the Ranger I’ve started playing and the pet. This is even taking into account time I’ve spent in Orr.

Lastly, now taking into account I rarely use any minion skills, I rarely find these guys standing around idly. I dunno if it’s because they’re usually my own minion, but I often find my enemies sporting stacks of bleeds I did not personally cause. They are attack. Now whether this damage is at all noticeable is an entire argument I don’t care to enter because if I had the option I wouldn’t take the skinless rodents to begin with on the simple matter of playstyle. However I feel the need to point out that they aren’t working as terribad as so many people complain about. At least in my opinion.

“I have begun my journey in a paper boat without a bottom.”

Reanimator: Why don't you like it?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Silverrey.2471


I just think they should have worked it so it would spawn, be responsive (which I would one day hope all minions will be), and go run up to your target and blow up like a bone minion (or a shattering illusion). How cool would that be if it spawned and now supplemented as a little bit of burst and a blast finisher?

Maybe a chance on hit to blow up? Can I get a button that just blows him up?

Honestly making them little rat bombs would fix many of peoples complaints I think. They would be around about as long as they are now but they would actually do something. Plus seeing a mob fall then an undead rat come crawling out of it to run screaming at one of their allies and explode would be really fun to watch. lol

P.S. Making the buggers be DEAD when they fall would be nice too. I just watched one get a full 10 bleed ticks after it hit zero….

(edited by Silverrey.2471)

Reanimator: Why don't you like it?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Brujeria.7536


I dont think dislike the idea of a minion as a minor trait in general. However the problems are:

- they look ugly, really bad design
- they have no actual use for the trait line. you skill this traits for more thougness. those minions should do something like reducing the damage you take while they are active. or transfer damage you would take on the minion instead. or you get healed when they die. or improved thougness while they are alive. ANYTHING like that for the defensive aspect

Also Protection of the Horde is in general a nice idea, but its just not fitting due to minions in general. The thougness you get per minion is pitifull low. It just makes somewhat sense if you fill your entire bar with minion skills.

Minion in general are a problem, even if their AI gets fixed the next few patches, they are so squishy. They only get good if you really use all of your utilities for them, because of the bare amount. Minions should be useful even if you decide to only pick one for your utilitys. Look at the Engineers turrets for example – they are far from being perfect, but i feel it makes much more sense to pick the net-turret as compared to bonefiend – simply because the individual purpose of each minion is just weak and rubbish. Same goes for the damage – Worm and Golem are okay damage wise. both have also a good purpose. but shadow fiend is just a weak activation effect – bone fiend is as well + VERY unreliable + it has also an cast time so unless you can chain the immobilize it will miss 80% of the time. bone minions are.. well, not really minions, they are just abused for the explosions. I feel the balance is centered too much about the second activation.

Reanimator: Why don't you like it?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Manticore Five.9867

Manticore Five.9867

Combine both minor traits into a single adept major trait, then make the toughness boon scale with level. Replace the empty traits with something useful. Keep in mind that toughness is something every necro likes, and might have non-minion reasons for entering.

Reanimator: Why don't you like it?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Oldbugga.7029


Reanimator is just the worst Minor Trait in the game.
While there are other weak Minor Traits to be found there is not one other that does little good to begin with and gives you all the negative effects of having a pet on top of that. As soon as you put your 5 points in Death Magic you are weaker for having it, mainly for the following reasons:
1.) This Jagged Horror does very little damage and dies easily as soon as there is some AoE damage or an enemy concentrates on it (<- must be a bored PvE mob). This leads to a statistically irrelevant amount of damage over its lifetime.
2.) The Trait triggers upon an enemy’s death which means that it is completely and utterly useless during prolonged fights against single strong enemies (Champions etc.). For the same reason it is often useless when it triggers since the Jagged Horror dies before you enter the next combat or very shortly thereafter.
3.) The Jagged Horror suffers from serious pet AI issues. Sometimes it contributes in the laughable way it can. More often it just watches as you fight or charges off to aggro new enemies or does similarly useless or detrimental things.
4.) Despite its lack of actual use it counts as a fully-fledged pet with all its positive effects for enemies (mostly PvP) fighting you and needing a target for some effect (stealth from Cloak&Dagger for example or a gift-wrapped Vengeance Rally).
5.) The Reanimator Trait probably is the (weak) justification for the next Minor Trait, Protection of the Horde, which is equally weak unless you play a pet-necro. If you do not want to play a pet-necro Death Magic is very costly trait-wise as two of your Minor Traits are basically worthless. I do not remember any other profession being coerced into a special kind of build by Minor Traits in one line.

^^^ Probably sums up my feelings.

Maybe a better question would be "How many of us would chose it as a trait if it was a CHOICE at say the 10 or 20 point level in the trait line? To me it seems like we are just being forced to accept the Jagged Horror because if left to choice it would expose its real value as far as the players are concerned…ie useless.

(edited by Oldbugga.7029)

Reanimator: Why don't you like it?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Burjis.3087


The more I’m thinking about it, the more I like the idea of jagged horrors actually just blowing up. Probably doing aoe bleed when they blow up.
Anet really has to consider putting this idea to the test.

Everlasting Sacred Path [ESP] (

Reanimator: Why don't you like it?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Sagath.5921


If they would do something else than just hit and die giving rally to enemies in wvw, maybe poisoning people around them or exploding when they die and aggroing everything in pve they would be nice.

Reanimator: Why don't you like it?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Luke.4562


Jagged Minions inflict bleeding, what if they can be more than 1 and more durable? It would fit better with the concept of the Necromancer doing hybrid damage having 5-6 (if not 10, why not) pets applying costantly bleed on the target and possibly working in synergy with Death Nova.. (of course avoiding making it an OP mechanism in Pvp, balancing for example their life and lowering the degeneration).

It would be nice even having a system to grow up and mantain the “horde” gaining a fair advantage (maybe in synergy with other major and minor traits) if you do it correctly without hardening the MM gameplay (I mean that mantaining the horde should be particular, but not so hard that it can distract us from playing it on both pve and pvp, taking all our focus). Just like it was on early GW1, you had to struggle to be a good Minion Mancer by healing your pets and taking care of them (ATM when playing MM i really don’t care of them dying, its not a big problem).
Maybe find another way of summoning them, with a new weapon, or a cooldown spell like a mark from the staff, similar to the Lich’s one, a Well, some kind of Malediction..
We would have bigger pets, harder and with more specific spells and an horde of smaller pets, with less life, but still dangerous and filling their role, increasing costantly the attrition.

The fact is we need a funny and nice system of pet managing, not just something like summoning them, then sacrifice or use its skill. It should be funny, entertaining, attractive, struggling to get better, dynamic.

Reanimator should be redesigned to be an higher Trait, to deeply characterize and define a Minion Master.

I thought too that they can change Jagged Horrors to have the Karka’s hatchling look (this from Bone Minions smaller actually sucks), and maybe make them jumping on the target applying bleed or some useful condition or drain life.. just as karkas do.
They should be low hp, to not being op in pvp but have some kind of deterrence mechanics which doesn’t make them completely useless in the case Aoe in pve or enemies focusing them on pvp… maybe some kind of Death Nova effect, or garanting Life Force on death..

ALPHA, BETA, several months, … 1 Year later…“When it’s ready”[cit.]

(edited by Luke.4562)

Reanimator: Why don't you like it?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Oldbugga.7029


Bleeding ….everyone stacks bleeding and we as a prof are probably one of the slowest at it…the Jagged Horror’s stack would just be lost in the turmoil or worse still excluded because of the stack max. If it has to stay then it has to be meaningful for a compulsory trait.

Reanimator: Why don't you like it?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Luke.4562


That’s what i mean, make it nice and useful.

ALPHA, BETA, several months, … 1 Year later…“When it’s ready”[cit.]

Reanimator: Why don't you like it?

in Necromancer

Posted by: wiazabi.2549


Forcing minions on a non minion build

Making your character constantly say their stupid msg cause of this crap trait, im norn so its “dead again dead again” all the time.

A 5 trait that somehow is there to justify the 15 trait in same line REALLY?

Encounters in the game that have pets as a burden making classes with em ranger / necro more annoying and forcing you to spec out of an entire line to avoid it.

Killing something from a ranged place your pet is just gonna stand there doing nothing.

I wish ANET would make a vote if we wanna keep it!!

Reanimator: Why don't you like it?

in Necromancer

Posted by: station.6421


Honestly, i don’t mind the concept of reanimator at all. What bothers me is that it’s so weak. What I’d like to see is:

-remove the CD, cap it at 5 minions (would give them double use as an AOE sponge for groups)
-move it to grandmaster minor or major trait in death magic, preferably major (and replace Dark Armor (I) as the Adept Minor trait.)
-Increase the durability of them slightly, reduce decay
-and for the big one… wait for it… Improve minion AI :P
-bonus: have it spawn off of our minions that die? Pretty please? haha

It’d really make the trait fun IMO as well as optional. It will give fans the old GW1 necro feel with having a little minion army.

Reanimator: Why don't you like it?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Lukin.4061


Why I hate reanimator? Well the minion is useless (because of AI/dmg) and actually harms me in pvp, since bouncing attacks hit me 2x, now when he lives EVEN longer the amount of time I can be hit is bigger.

Reanimator: Why don't you like it?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Arvid.3829


There are many instances where having a pet is detrimental to your party. […] The “Lightning Ramp” in the Rata Sum fractal.

I have somewhat of a question about this: before I had any points in Death Magic, I was always the first one up on this “Lightning Ramp”. But since I changed my traits, it has become a lot harder as my jagged horror will always trigger one of the ‘traps’. So… does anyone know a quick trick to despawn your minions (other than quickly going in and out of Lich Form/Plague)?

Reanimator: Why don't you like it?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Drarnor Kunoram.5180

Drarnor Kunoram.5180

Just wait it out. If your group goes one at a time, you can easily be #3 and not worry about it.

Dragonbrand |Drarnor Kunoram: Charr Necro
I’m a Geeleiver

Reanimator: Why don't you like it?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Linguistically Inept.6583

Linguistically Inept.6583

i hate it because to get the two staff traits i have to get two traits obviously designed for minion masters, they spawn next to me (im normally away from enemies) and i cant spawn more than one at once
(it would be awesome if you could bunch a group of enemies together and kill them with epidemic/marks and EACH kill spawned a minion ON the corpse it spawned from – or move it to a major trait and replace the minor with something every build could benefit from; like swapping reanimator for shrouded removal and protection of the horde for spiteful vigor/death shiver)

Desolation: 80 ranger [Nightwither], 80 necro [Dusk Grimsoul]
80 warr [Blaze Steelsoul], 80 ele [Blaze Nightstrike], 80 mesmer [Grim Shatterwhirl]
80 guard [Dusk Grimlight], 80 engi [Flintgear]

Reanimator: Why don't you like it?

in Necromancer

Posted by: cerulean moth.2743

cerulean moth.2743

Not speaking about the bugs with the trait, I believe that Reanimator would be better served if the Horrors were completely invulnerable to damage, save the degen.

This would give us a constant expectation for how long they would survive, and a reasonable expectation for the amount of bleed stacks the trait would proc.

Reanimator: Why don't you like it?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Kilger.5490


I have decided I cannot spec anything in the death magic tree because of this trait.

I’d rather they:

(a) remove it and swap it with a I-VI trait, leaving it available if someone wants to slot it
(b) put it in the final minor trait slot so only serious investors that want it will get it
© just remove it, and leave it blank.

Prefer (a), then (b) or lastly ©

Kilger – Human Ranger
alts: Fangyre (Necro), Hardrawk (Ele);
Jade Quarry

Reanimator: Why don't you like it?

in Necromancer

Posted by: BondageBill.4021


Reasons I dislike Re-animator:

- Minor trait: Increases aggro radius for 20 seconds upon killing a mob. Would you take this trait?

- Jagged Horrors still get hit by PvE mechanics at the detriment of the team: electric stairs in Asura fractal, Jade Maw beams

- Allows bouncing attacks to hit me multiple times, due to bouncing off of JH

- It’s a minor trait that has absolutely zero impact on single target encounters (e.g. many bosses).

- It forces use of minions in any build that wants to trait for increased toughness, boon duration, improved staff skills, protection from wells, etc. Note that Necros are not a pet class by definition. Minions are an option, but not part of the class mechanic, like Mesmers or Rangers. I believe this was ANet’s justification for no control over minions during pre-release.

IMO, if this trait were replaced with a blank space, I would be happier with it than I am today.

“We don’t need to make mandatory gear treadmills” -Colin Johanson

Reanimator: Why don't you like it?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Draehl.2681


- It forces use of minions in any build that wants to trait for increased toughness, boon duration, improved staff skills, protection from wells, etc. Note that Necros are not a pet class by definition. Minions are an option, but not part of the class mechanic, like Mesmers or Rangers. I believe this was ANet’s justification for no control over minions during pre-release.

This. Death Magic could be attractive to any number of builds that have no desire for minions. I hate minions/pets and as the poster above said, Necros are not inherently a pet class. I play Necro for the durability/lifesteal/death shroud/conditions/etc. which Death Magic could be appealing towards. IMO either move this trait deeper in the line or make it a major so we can opt out.

Reanimator: Why don't you like it?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Avatar Rage.4369

Avatar Rage.4369

It is a minor trait that is geared towards a specialist build, in this case a minion master. It is like having minor trait based blocking for a warrior, just a waste on most builds.

It seems to be the only trait of this nature in the entire game. Just unfortunate that it is apart of the Necro trait line.

Though just my two cents for a quick fix:

Take away minion health degen, or……..
Reduce timer to summon a new minion, or………
Swap it out for a generic major trait, so people who don’t need minions can just no take it.

Honestly this trait really puts me off playing a minion master which is kinda the reason that I wanted to be a necro.

Reanimator: Why don't you like it?

in Necromancer

Posted by: gamefreak.5673


Reasons i hated the trait and still do
1- Has pulled aggro on it own and gotten me killed along with a group as well.
2- Has kept me in combat after mobs are dead, has not happened recently
3- Has made boss fights harder then they need to be, looking at alpha and lupi.
4- Used to die in under 11 seconds on a 30 second cooldown, was completely fail, now you can have more then 2 up at a time.
5- still can barely hit a moving target
6- its bleed damage is still weak
7- forced on a necro who doesn’t use minions to have them if they want one of our best traits.
8- it looks like a fetus for heaves sake, bring back gw1 design.

edit: 9- still can be used to rally off of while under vengeance or illusion of life from mesmer, did read some place mist form can rally off the JH but could not find proof of this unlike vengeance and illusion of life still giving out rally.

(edited by gamefreak.5673)

Reanimator: Why don't you like it?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Drarnor Kunoram.5180

Drarnor Kunoram.5180

@gamefreak: keeping you in combat was fixed a couple patches ago, so 2 is no longer an issue. This coming patch, they are fixing Lupicus and Alpha to not target pets or NPC’s, so again, that will no longer be an issue.

Dragonbrand |Drarnor Kunoram: Charr Necro
I’m a Geeleiver

Reanimator: Why don't you like it?

in Necromancer

Posted by: gamefreak.5673


@gamefreak: keeping you in combat was fixed a couple patches ago, so 2 is no longer an issue. This coming patch, they are fixing Lupicus and Alpha to not target pets or NPC’s, so again, that will no longer be an issue.

Having to deal with it for months upon months will not make me hate it less once it is fixed.

Also i forgot to add, still allows for warrior vengeance and mesmer illusion of life to get rallies off it. They did fix other rally forms from it so i kinda forgot about rallies.

Reanimator: Why don't you like it?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Drarnor Kunoram.5180

Drarnor Kunoram.5180

Oh, I’m not saying it’s anywhere close to perfect (or even really acceptable), just saying two of the issues people mention are no longer issues.

Dragonbrand |Drarnor Kunoram: Charr Necro
I’m a Geeleiver

Reanimator: Why don't you like it?

in Necromancer

Posted by: BondageBill.4021


Oh, I’m not saying it’s anywhere close to perfect (or even really acceptable), just saying two of the issues people mention are no longer issues.

The issue about boss mechanics still remains an issue though. Sure they are fixing Lupicious and Alpha, but they have since added more PvE encounters where having this pet active can be detrimental (e.g. Jade Maw).

Until the content designers demonstrate that they can develop new content without causing the JH to hinder your team, this will continue to be an issue for Necros.

“We don’t need to make mandatory gear treadmills” -Colin Johanson

Reanimator: Why don't you like it?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Drarnor Kunoram.5180

Drarnor Kunoram.5180

Jade Maw targetting the horror is not a detriment to your team, unlike the ones that are getting fixed. You may not like it, but it in no way hurts your team.

Dragonbrand |Drarnor Kunoram: Charr Necro
I’m a Geeleiver

Reanimator: Why don't you like it?

in Necromancer

Posted by: gamefreak.5673


The only issue with maw hitting the minion is it takes longer to complete. He doesnt get more powerful with a buff (lupi) or create more aoes based on players and pets (alpha and other boss’s), or attacks adds in boss fights (ta tree for example) so maw one isnt a issue as much as other fights are.

Reanimator: Why don't you like it?

in Necromancer

Posted by: ngel.9847


Hearing your toon spew some tearful line every time the rat pops and dies becomes annoying after a couple of hours. And personally i cant stand that bleeding ticks – when i was doing 8 damage per tick, watching suddenly a -128 pop near me on the screen was dread, panic F1 and keyboard mash time. One can only hope we can skip it at some point.

Reanimator: Why don't you like it?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Overkillengine.6084


Because it sucks.

And it will always suck; unless the hamstrung AI most mobs are stuck with are revamped into something more reactive and lifelike, and the very mechanics of the ability and the spawned minion itself are revised.

Add in that it also foists aspects of a particular play style (minion master) that some will hate with a rabid passion no matter what (see also: Ranger and complaints about being stuck with a pet.) and you have a wonderful recipe for the steaming pile of discontent this ability generates.

Reanimator: Why don't you like it?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Avigrus.2871


So just took down an Elementalist with my Necro 1 on 1 (which is surprise enough), got him to within a sliver of death and he revives of this stupid pet and kills me …. this just frustrates me beyond belief.

Why can’t they just remove it…. so many things in this game are starting to annoy the absolute kitten out of me. The community asked for it to be remove and they just made it stick around even longer like some sort of cruel punishment for choosing this class.

80 Necro (5), 80 Guard (4), 80 Mesmer (3)
80 Ranger (3), 80 Warrior (3), 80 Thief (3)
80 Ele (2), 80 Engi (3), 80 Rev (2)

Reanimator: Why don't you like it?

in Necromancer

Posted by: gamefreak.5673


So just took down an Elementalist with my Necro 1 on 1 (which is surprise enough), got him to within a sliver of death and he revives of this stupid pet and kills me …. this just frustrates me beyond belief.

Why can’t they just remove it…. so many things in this game are starting to annoy the absolute kitten out of me. The community asked for it to be remove and they just made it stick around even longer like some sort of cruel punishment for choosing this class.

So, he used mist form and ran over the horror and he got rally, or did he actually kill the kill pet in the normal downstate because i just want to be clear if it was mist form rally like how vengeance and illusion of life work or not. or just a normal kill which has not happened in a really long time.