Reaper: Better=power or condition damage?
The only thing to really note about the chill-based condi builds is that in group situations it only works if you are the only source of chill in the group. If anyone else overwrites your chill, it stops damaging.
If solo, the chill condi builds are fun and worthwhile. If in a group, don’t bother with chill damage, it will just get overwritten and then you’re out damage.
PvP wisewise, both styles are beneficial to a team. The main difference is that condition reapers have better long ranged pressure. Necros just don’t have very many ranged power weapons; axe is okay but not great.
Everyone is saying how annoying it is when your chill is overwritten, but cant you just reapply your own and have it tic again? You know with the hundred sources of chill reapers have.
Everyone is saying how annoying it is when your chill is overwritten, but cant you just reapply your own and have it tic again? You know with the hundred sources of chill reapers have.
Yeah it’s not really a problem in small group situations unless you have multiple Necros for some reason and it’s not really a problem in large group (PvE) because nothing in the game is tuned that tightly to require your Chill dot to be up 100%.
going to use it for PvE and WvW. so i’m guessing by what I see here that I should use power based damage because a zerg is a lot of people. I also see merit in being able to reapply so hmmm.
going to use it for PvE and WvW. so i’m guessing by what I see here that I should use power based damage because a zerg is a lot of people. I also see merit in being able to reapply so hmmm.
Uhm so if you are wanting to use mm for wvw zergs, please dont. Not because minions are useless in that situation, but because you will not enjoy being targeted by everyone who wants to kill the mm.
I am a little suspicious to talk about this subject since everyone knows i love play condition builds.
I can’t say anything about zerk vs condi minion build, i think you’ll have to test it by yourself in some golem dummy.
But in general about condi vs zerk, zerk wins in short fights that last less than 30 seconds and conditions will win in fights that takes longer than 30 seconds, imo.
tried to get a gear response on a different thread. no responses. so here it is rephrased does a reaper chill minion bomber get more damage out of condition damage or power damage?
I haven’t done any DPS tests or anything but my perception is that power Reapers have more damage in small AoEs while in melee range while condi Reapers have more damage in bigger AoEs at further range. They’re both really good and really fun, though.
How to Condi Reaper on a budget
Everything I say is only in reference to PvE and WvW.
It depends on the content you are doing. I duo’d Molten Boss level 99 with a daredevil yesterday using a viper/sinister scepter/dagger condition build and I could not imagine how long it would have taken with a power build. Similarly, if I am soloing a dungeon or doing dungeons / low level fotm where burst damage is king then I prefer to use a power based build.
Raids also aren’t out yet, I think your best bet is to make 2 sets of gear so you can switch out whenever you want.
It depends on the content you are doing. I duo’d Molten Boss level 99 with a daredevil yesterday using a viper/sinister scepter/dagger condition build and I could not imagine how long it would have taken with a power build. Similarly, if I am soloing a dungeon or doing dungeons / low level fotm where burst damage is king then I prefer to use a power based build.
Raids also aren’t out yet, I think your best bet is to make 2 sets of gear so you can switch out whenever you want.
They’re both fine, depends on your playstyle.
Maybe I’m missing something but even if you can chill bomb and get Chill trait DoT … the damage from it is pretty crap. You get more damage from Bleed on Crit. Is chill a serious condi damage build with Reaper? I don’t see it. What are the traits that make this build happen? Reaper all mid and ??
Maybe I’m missing something but even if you can chill bomb and get Chill trait DoT … the damage from it is pretty crap. You get more damage from Bleed on Crit. Is chill a serious condi damage build with Reaper? I don’t see it. What are the traits that make this build happen? Reaper all mid and ??
It isn’t the Chill damage that makes the build. It’s the Chill damage on top of all the other conditions we can throw out. Chill is just the icing (pun intended) that pushes our condi ticks into threatening territory.
Don’t knock it ‘til you try it. I have a build in my signature for running a Condi Reaper on a budget (plug plug plug) but obviously there are plenty of other builds out there. I didn’t see the sense in running a Condi Reaper until I threw on my old set of condi armor and gave it a field test.
How to Condi Reaper on a budget
Everything I say is only in reference to PvE and WvW.
Maybe I’m missing something but even if you can chill bomb and get Chill trait DoT … the damage from it is pretty crap. You get more damage from Bleed on Crit. Is chill a serious condi damage build with Reaper? I don’t see it. What are the traits that make this build happen? Reaper all mid and ??
How do you know that exactly? I see damage ticks on chill for somewhere around 800-1200 per second depending on condition damage / buffs. Barbed precision is only 1 stack of 3 seconds of bleed which is quite marginal and there are probably better sigils you can put in a weapon set then sigil of earth.
let’s see just going to throw my opinion here. i usually run around with my partner who is a condi reaper and i’m the zerker reaper, i would say it depends on what you like to play. as in do you like to see high physical numbers eg: high gravedigger dmg or something like that, or do you prefer to go into bleeds,burns, etc and just see the numbers pop out till the mob is dead. each build has their pros and cons which i am sure many people have already placed on the internet. but still this would boil down mainly to what play style you’d like or what purpose you are building this for.
Maybe I’m missing something but even if you can chill bomb and get Chill trait DoT … the damage from it is pretty crap. You get more damage from Bleed on Crit. Is chill a serious condi damage build with Reaper? I don’t see it. What are the traits that make this build happen? Reaper all mid and ??
How do you know that exactly? I see damage ticks on chill for somewhere around 800-1200 per second depending on condition damage / buffs. Barbed precision is only 1 stack of 3 seconds of bleed which is quite marginal and there are probably better sigils you can put in a weapon set then sigil of earth.
Chill is a good chunk of damage and you get the curses line on top of it if you are really going all out for condi dps so I don’t see this as an and / or. You get 6 second bleeds (with duration) and 800-1.2ish k chills, barbed isnt more but chill is pretty nice.
My bias is towards conditions. But I’ve always been the DoT guy in any game that’ll let me be.
Maybe I’m missing something but even if you can chill bomb and get Chill trait DoT … the damage from it is pretty crap. You get more damage from Bleed on Crit. Is chill a serious condi damage build with Reaper? I don’t see it. What are the traits that make this build happen? Reaper all mid and ??
How do you know that exactly? I see damage ticks on chill for somewhere around 800-1200 per second depending on condition damage / buffs. Barbed precision is only 1 stack of 3 seconds of bleed which is quite marginal and there are probably better sigils you can put in a weapon set then sigil of earth.
What part of the reaper traits is giving 800-1200 DPS? You need 2000 Condi damage to achieve 800 DPS with deathly Chill; that’s almost the top of realistically gotten Condi damage. I don’t really know what you need to do to get another 400 damage from Dealthy chill but that’s moot anyways … that damage is pretty sad compared to the level of bleeding a dedicated bleed build can give AND it costs you a whole traitline to get it. In addition, if your not using GS, you’re loading your other traits and skills just to get access to chill.
I’m probably outvoiced here but … for the investment you need, chill damage sucks … but that of course isn’t the point of how chill works in a Reaper build anyways. Reaper is no doubt, better as a power build. As condi build, at best, it’s a mediocre one.
(edited by Obtena.7952)
Maybe I’m missing something but even if you can chill bomb and get Chill trait DoT … the damage from it is pretty crap. You get more damage from Bleed on Crit. Is chill a serious condi damage build with Reaper? I don’t see it. What are the traits that make this build happen? Reaper all mid and ??
How do you know that exactly? I see damage ticks on chill for somewhere around 800-1200 per second depending on condition damage / buffs. Barbed precision is only 1 stack of 3 seconds of bleed which is quite marginal and there are probably better sigils you can put in a weapon set then sigil of earth.
What part of the reaper traits is giving 800-1200 DPS? You need 2000 Condi damage to achieve 800 DPS with deathly Chill; that’s almost the top of realistically gotten Condi damage. I don’t really know what you need to do to get another 400 damage from Dealthy chill but that’s moot anyways … that damage is pretty sad compared to the level of bleeding a dedicated bleed build can give AND it costs you a whole traitline to get it. In addition, if your not using GS, you’re loading your other traits and skills just to get access to chill.
I’m probably outvoiced here but … for the investment you need, chill damage sucks … but that of course isn’t the point of how chill works in a Reaper build in the first place anyways. Reaper is no doubt, better as a power build. As condi build, at best, it’s a mediocre one.
I really think you’re underestimating Condi Reaper. For my sensibilities, Power Reaper is a little bit better, but Condi Reaper is much, much better than Condi Necromancer. This is partially because of the addition of Chill damage, but a big part of it is how well the traits synergy with our other condi traits, plus Reaper’s Shroud is just much better at condi application overall than Death Shroud.
How to Condi Reaper on a budget
Everything I say is only in reference to PvE and WvW.
I guess it depends what question you’re trying to answer. I won’t deny you can get more condi damage adding another condition and using traits to support it. My big issue is that the build is rather forced into service instead of something that feels more natural. I’ve looked at the ‘reaper condi’ question myself; I concluded something similar to what you’ve demonstrated and speak of. For me, there is too much ‘stuff’ dedicated to a too small part of your damage. Min/maxing, you’re right on the money; squeeze every little bit from whatever you can.
I guess it depends what question you’re trying to answer. I won’t deny you can get more condi damage adding another condition and using traits to support it. My big issue is that the build is rather forced into service instead of something that feels more natural. I’ve looked at the ‘reaper condi’ question myself; I concluded something similar to what you’ve demonstrated and speak of. For me, there is too much ‘stuff’ dedicated to a too small part of your damage. Min/maxing, you’re right on the money; squeeze every little bit from whatever you can.
But it’s just the little bit extra that we need — and the cost isn’t very high, either.
For Condi, you really only have a choice between 4 lines: Curses, Spite, Soul Reaping, and Reaper. Blood doesn’t have very much synergy and Death is all defensive. The Scepter has pretty terrible LF generation, so Soul Reaping is kinda necessary to bolster it (plus Soul Reaping is just a good traitline overall and comes with Dhuumfire to boot). Curses is the condi traitline so, tuning issues aside, let’s say it’s a shoe-in for your build.
This leaves you choosing between Spite and Reaper. Spite does give Reaper a run for it’s money: the Might and Vuln are really helpful, plus there’s some spare boon corruption tucked in here and there, but ultimately, I still think Reaper wins out. You still get some Might, but you also get more Life Force as well as the extra damage condition. All in all, I’d eyeball the two as pretty similar in efficacy here.
What really puts Reaper over the top, IMO, are the changes to Death Shroud. 1 cleaves naturally and has a much faster attack speed, making Dhuumfire much easier to apply en masse. 2 gives us the engage/disengage we really need, but the Blind can also proc chill (giving you extra damage). 3 is obviously notable for being our best source of Stability, but it also turns into an AoE double-nuke thanks to the free Chill on Fear. 4 smokes Death Shroud’s 4 for condi builds by a very wide margin, and 5 again helps apply that nice Chill damage.
Also, Chill to the Bone is a really good ult. I don’t find myself using Shouts very much as a Condi Reaper, but Chill to the Bone is a lot of damage, perfect when I don’t need the Flesh Golem to distract people.
Have you actually tried out Condi Reaper?
How to Condi Reaper on a budget
Everything I say is only in reference to PvE and WvW.
I guess it depends what question you’re trying to answer. I won’t deny you can get more condi damage adding another condition and using traits to support it. My big issue is that the build is rather forced into service instead of something that feels more natural. I’ve looked at the ‘reaper condi’ question myself; I concluded something similar to what you’ve demonstrated and speak of. For me, there is too much ‘stuff’ dedicated to a too small part of your damage. Min/maxing, you’re right on the money; squeeze every little bit from whatever you can.
But it’s just the little bit extra that we need — and the cost isn’t very high, either.
For Condi, you really only have a choice between 4 lines: Curses, Spite, Soul Reaping, and Reaper. Blood doesn’t have very much synergy and Death is all defensive. The Scepter has pretty terrible LF generation, so Soul Reaping is kinda necessary to bolster it (plus Soul Reaping is just a good traitline overall and comes with Dhuumfire to boot). Curses is the condi traitline so, tuning issues aside, let’s say it’s a shoe-in for your build.
This leaves you choosing between Spite and Reaper. Spite does give Reaper a run for it’s money: the Might and Vuln are really helpful, plus there’s some spare boon corruption tucked in here and there, but ultimately, I still think Reaper wins out. You still get some Might, but you also get more Life Force as well as the extra damage condition. All in all, I’d eyeball the two as pretty similar in efficacy here.
What really puts Reaper over the top, IMO, are the changes to Death Shroud. 1 cleaves naturally and has a much faster attack speed, making Dhuumfire much easier to apply en masse. 2 gives us the engage/disengage we really need, but the Blind can also proc chill (giving you extra damage). 3 is obviously notable for being our best source of Stability, but it also turns into an AoE double-nuke thanks to the free Chill on Fear. 4 smokes Death Shroud’s 4 for condi builds by a very wide margin, and 5 again helps apply that nice Chill damage.
Also, Chill to the Bone is a really good ult. I don’t find myself using Shouts very much as a Condi Reaper, but Chill to the Bone is a lot of damage, perfect when I don’t need the Flesh Golem to distract people.
Have you actually tried out Condi Reaper?
I’m still figuring out what I would change from my vanilla Necro build to do it. While the damage increase was noticeable for condi reaper (i’ve played almost exactly the build you are in your sig), so was the amount of attention I got from the mobs that I was attacking. For vanilla GW2, not a big deal. For HoT … a very big deal.
My condi necro uses minions, who tend to always take aggro, so Death and Blood worked well together. With Curses, it completes the build.
(edited by Obtena.7952)
What really puts Reaper over the top, IMO, are the changes to Death Shroud.
This, so hard. RS is so much better designed than DS and actually supports both damage types (if not ranged play). Plus is just more fun… I traited Reaper as soon as I got Reaper Shroud and haven’t looked back.
Also, Chill to the Bone is a really good ult. I don’t find myself using Shouts very much as a Condi Reaper, but Chill to the Bone is a lot of damage, perfect when I don’t need the Flesh Golem to distract people.
And the Stability is just mmmtastic!
reaper chill minion bomber
Pardon my ignorance – does this mean you’re wanting the build to revolve around dropping minions into a group of people/mobs and blowing them up / making death novas?
tried to get a gear response on a different thread. no responses. so here it is rephrased does a reaper chill minion bomber get more damage out of condition damage or power damage?
Power is always your largest dps contributor unless you use scepter exclusively.
Terror, Dhuumfire, Deathly Chill, a few bleeds from Curses, none of that condition damage equals direct damage unless you are swinging a scepter. Even then, utilities like minions or wells can still give significant direct damage.
(edited by Anchoku.8142)
I’m still figuring out what I would change from my vanilla Necro build to do it. While the damage increase was noticeable for condi reaper (i’ve played almost exactly the build you are in your sig), so was the amount of attention I got from the mobs that I was attacking. For vanilla GW2, not a big deal. For HoT … a very big deal.
My condi necro uses minions, who tend to always take aggro, so Death and Blood worked well together. With Curses, it completes the build.
Ah, I see.
Well, there’s just about nothing tankier in the open world than a Minionmaster Necro. You provide the enemy mobs with a target-rich environment and then slink into the background, and when they do manage to get to you you’re still pretty darn tanky.
Condi Reaper is an entirely different playstyle. You’re going in head-first and gun’s blazing, surviving with dodges and Life Force. There’s nothing strictly stopping you from packing a bunch of minion skills for the distraction factor if you find you need the extra margin of error, but I assure you the Necro can make it through the HoT maps just fine with much less tankiness and much more damage. You just have to be on your toes.
Up to you, though. It’s important to steer into your own preferences and play the game the way that’s most comfortable to you. If MM is your jam, then go with it! Just don’t go around telling everyone else that some other build is bad simply because it isn’t the one you like.
How to Condi Reaper on a budget
Everything I say is only in reference to PvE and WvW.
How much condi damage should i get for a condi reaper? In the condi build will low power affect anything ? First time building a condi build haha
Low power will affect skills which rely on power for damage.
It depends on what you want. Some people go hardcore for sinister or viper. Others swear by rabid.
How much condi damage should i get for a condi reaper?
A lot. You basically want as much as you can get.
In the condi build will low power affect anything ?
Power’s never useless but I wouldn’t spec for it on purpose if you’re going for pure condi damage. Viper and Sinister are probably the strongest prefixes right now for Condi builds, but that’s mostly because most people try to go as much damage as possible and a bit of incidental power damage is better than a lot of damage mitigation for them (and Vipe trades a bit of Condi damage for Condi duration, which is big). Sinister and Viper are also pretty expensive, though, so you can go Rabid, Carrion, or a mix with decent effectiveness. I prefer to favor Rabid builds over Carrion to help trigger on-crit procs but both prefixes have their pros and cons.
How to Condi Reaper on a budget
Everything I say is only in reference to PvE and WvW.
As long as you have most of the chill stacks it shouldn’t be a problem. So redundancy with chill isn’t a bad thing when taking a condition set up. I can permanently sustain chill on my target without a problem on both power builds and condi builds since I have dozens of chill applications on traits and skills. I’m quite fond of the condition build and favor it over power for its sustained damage and and synergistic nature with other condition users.
I guess it depends what question you’re trying to answer. I won’t deny you can get more condi damage adding another condition and using traits to support it. My big issue is that the build is rather forced into service instead of something that feels more natural. I’ve looked at the ‘reaper condi’ question myself; I concluded something similar to what you’ve demonstrated and speak of. For me, there is too much ‘stuff’ dedicated to a too small part of your damage. Min/maxing, you’re right on the money; squeeze every little bit from whatever you can.
But it’s just the little bit extra that we need — and the cost isn’t very high, either.
For Condi, you really only have a choice between 4 lines: Curses, Spite, Soul Reaping, and Reaper. Blood doesn’t have very much synergy and Death is all defensive. The Scepter has pretty terrible LF generation, so Soul Reaping is kinda necessary to bolster it (plus Soul Reaping is just a good traitline overall and comes with Dhuumfire to boot). Curses is the condi traitline so, tuning issues aside, let’s say it’s a shoe-in for your build.
This leaves you choosing between Spite and Reaper. Spite does give Reaper a run for it’s money: the Might and Vuln are really helpful, plus there’s some spare boon corruption tucked in here and there, but ultimately, I still think Reaper wins out. You still get some Might, but you also get more Life Force as well as the extra damage condition. All in all, I’d eyeball the two as pretty similar in efficacy here.
What really puts Reaper over the top, IMO, are the changes to Death Shroud. 1 cleaves naturally and has a much faster attack speed, making Dhuumfire much easier to apply en masse. 2 gives us the engage/disengage we really need, but the Blind can also proc chill (giving you extra damage). 3 is obviously notable for being our best source of Stability, but it also turns into an AoE double-nuke thanks to the free Chill on Fear. 4 smokes Death Shroud’s 4 for condi builds by a very wide margin, and 5 again helps apply that nice Chill damage.
Also, Chill to the Bone is a really good ult. I don’t find myself using Shouts very much as a Condi Reaper, but Chill to the Bone is a lot of damage, perfect when I don’t need the Flesh Golem to distract people.
Have you actually tried out Condi Reaper?
I’m seeing two condi builds. The first is a Reaper condi build and then second is a Burnmancer
On a burnmancer, my dilemma is actually between Spite and Curses, since I think Reaper Shroud is too good to give up, and that in turn essentially requires Soul Reaping for LF generation and Dhuumfire. The vulnerability that you get from Spite plus the increased might generation and Close to Death seems like a lot to give up for Barbed Precision in Curses. Lingering curses is only useful if you are applying conditions while using the scepter, so that won’t help a burnmancer.
I’d keep this distinction in mind if you are deciding between the two condition-type builds that we have.
I prefer to play condi more than power, but the encounter (discussed above already) really dictates which is better. In general, for the HoT content I’m finding condi more potent. The thing about condi is that you’ll be good in most encounters (slightly less efficient than power, but still good), and excellent in the longer ones. With power, short encounters go by very fast, but some encounters may be annoying to extremely difficult, especially if an enemy has high toughness.
I’m seeing two condi builds. The first is a Reaper condi build and then second is a Burnmancer
On a burnmancer, my dilemma is actually between Spite and Curses, since I think Reaper Shroud is too good to give up, and that in turn essentially requires Soul Reaping for LF generation and Dhuumfire. The vulnerability that you get from Spite plus the increased might generation and Close to Death seems like a lot to give up for Barbed Precision in Curses. Lingering curses is only useful if you are applying conditions while using the scepter, so that won’t help a burnmancer.
Close to Death doesn’t apply to Condition damage, so really you’re trading extra Might and Vulnerability for extra base Condition damage, Bleed procs, and a handful of other neat-o effects (like boon corruption on DS/RS2 or Terror damage, Weakening Shroud, and a free Plague Signet effect).
How to Condi Reaper on a budget
Everything I say is only in reference to PvE and WvW.
Hi. Someone said that Blood (sugar, sex) Magic doesn’t work well with condi Necro. Well, in my opinion it’s better than reaper and spite. If u run S/D there’s no need to use Locust Signet or Rune of Speed for fast movement – you have Quickening Thirst. Mark of Evasion deals also nice bleeding damage, in pvp Last Rites and Unholy Martyr/Transfussion can be useful. Eventually your teammates will enjoy vampiric aura (personally – I never notice this effect)
sorry for my english, still learning :P
And I expect nerf for elite trait lines – immoblizing druid and power reaper are just insane
(edited by pakuras.7652)
tried to get a gear response on a different thread. no responses. so here it is rephrased does a reaper chill minion bomber get more damage out of condition damage or power damage?
condi or both
Mercenary amulet+50% crit chance on shroud trait
Off topic: If you decide to have an opinion about anything that’s more than 30 days old, Anet will ban you and sacrifice a kitten in your name.
On topic: Power reaper is the only way to go due to the fact that Chilling Victory can get you to 25 might stacks extremely quickly for massive spike damage.
Hi. Someone said that Blood (sugar, sex) Magic doesn’t work well with condi Necro. Well, in my opinion it’s better than reaper and spite. If u run S/D there’s no need to use Locust Signet or Rune of Speed for fast movement – you have Quickening Thirst. Mark of Evasion deals also nice bleeding damage, in pvp Last Rites and Unholy Martyr/Transfussion can be useful. Eventually your teammates will enjoy vampiric aura (personally – I never notice this effect
Blood Magic gives very, very little to Condi builds. S/D applies damage procs quite slowly so you don’t see good benefit from Vampirism procs. Mark of Evasion is ok, but it’s not as good as either extra Might and Vuln from Spite or the extra Chill and Chill damage from Reaper, plus Reaper gives you access to shouts. If you want to give more support, Blood Magic isn’t a bad way to do it, but Vuln and Chill application are both also quite helpful to most teams. In terms of damage, though, there’s no reason to take Blood as a condi Necro.
And I expect nerf for elite trait lines – immoblizing druid and power reaper are just insane
Much as I enjoy certain Elite lines, their power level is indeed pretty out of hand right now.
How to Condi Reaper on a budget
Everything I say is only in reference to PvE and WvW.
To get back onto the actual topic, minions only scale off of the Necromancer’s Condition Damage, Condition Duration, and Boon Duration, so take what you will from that knowledge when deciding which damage form is most effective.
However, from my own personal experience using every amulet with Minion Master specs, I would probably say the most reliable of the specs is running a beefier amulet like Paladin’s with something along the lines of Soul Reaping/Reaper, Death Magic, and Blood Magic. For what it’s worth, though, Minion Master has been a Tier 3 build at best since the bunker/AoE meta came out in force, so I’d just recommend not putting the effort into playing it right now.
Hi. Someone said that Blood (sugar, sex) Magic doesn’t work well with condi Necro. Well, in my opinion it’s better than reaper and spite. If u run S/D there’s no need to use Locust Signet or Rune of Speed for fast movement – you have Quickening Thirst. Mark of Evasion deals also nice bleeding damage, in pvp Last Rites and Unholy Martyr/Transfussion can be useful. Eventually your teammates will enjoy vampiric aura (personally – I never notice this effect
Blood Magic gives very, very little to Condi builds. S/D applies damage procs quite slowly so you don’t see good benefit from Vampirism procs. Mark of Evasion is ok, but it’s not as good as either extra Might and Vuln from Spite or the extra Chill and Chill damage from Reaper, plus Reaper gives you access to shouts. If you want to give more support, Blood Magic isn’t a bad way to do it, but Vuln and Chill application are both also quite helpful to most teams. In terms of damage, though, there’s no reason to take Blood as a condi Necro.
And I expect nerf for elite trait lines – immoblizing druid and power reaper are just insane
Much as I enjoy certain Elite lines, their power level is indeed pretty out of hand right now.
Are we talking raid here or else where? Because outside raid, I don’t see any point to run death.
Curse is a must for condi. Reaper has chill, crit chance, copter. I think these two are must.
That leaves blood, spite, SR.
spite has might but it comes mostly from ds1 which condi necro doesn’t use much. That leaves spite with vuln. It sounds good on paper but vuln is on every weapon’s AA already. Chill of Death/Close to death also work worse with condi than power because of how little time foes stay <50% (oh and damage modifier).
Blood traits are more universal, always working. It is rather weak on its own but less situational.
SR, well, condi necro doesn’t use that much shroud so….
When I get sick of being ran over when trying new builds, I go back to spite/curses/reaper with wanderer amulet, signet of the insta-kill (spite signet) traited for chilling darkness and signets of suffering with on hit/crit sigils on my weapons.
Nothing like having signet of spite inflict 7 condis on its own + corrupting 2 boons + giving you might + 48s cooldown. From my experience, this kills anyone except thieves very easily. Quite hilarious, actually.
Necro vs necro is the most eye-gouging thing in this game now so to fully cheese these fights, just signet of spite them and then run. If they use their heal before you do, you win.
Surprisingly I find minions to be fun now too. You basically win every time necro vs necro because you have more condi transfer.
(edited by Zefrost.3425)
Before considering chill in your damage estimates, remember you better hope no one else is applying chill, or you can kiss that damage goodbye.
Edit: this probably isn’t as much an issue in pvp, but it will be in pve.
Blood is good for condi. Quickening thirst adds damage, mark of evasion adds damage, Vampiric adds some damage. Quickening thirst is the main reason. Not only does it boost damage by allowing more frequent enfeebling bloods. It also adds more frequent transfers which can be coupled with traited corrupt boon and BiP for some really strong damage under perfect conditions. Also helps with chill uptime and damage if you are using Reaper.
Maybe I’m missing something but even if you can chill bomb and get Chill trait DoT … the damage from it is pretty crap. You get more damage from Bleed on Crit. Is chill a serious condi damage build with Reaper? I don’t see it. What are the traits that make this build happen? Reaper all mid and ??
How do you know that exactly? I see damage ticks on chill for somewhere around 800-1200 per second depending on condition damage / buffs. Barbed precision is only 1 stack of 3 seconds of bleed which is quite marginal and there are probably better sigils you can put in a weapon set then sigil of earth.
What part of the reaper traits is giving 800-1200 DPS? You need 2000 Condi damage to achieve 800 DPS with deathly Chill; that’s almost the top of realistically gotten Condi damage. I don’t really know what you need to do to get another 400 damage from Dealthy chill but that’s moot anyways … that damage is pretty sad compared to the level of bleeding a dedicated bleed build can give AND it costs you a whole traitline to get it. In addition, if your not using GS, you’re loading your other traits and skills just to get access to chill.
I’m probably outvoiced here but … for the investment you need, chill damage sucks … but that of course isn’t the point of how chill works in a Reaper build anyways. Reaper is no doubt, better as a power build. As condi build, at best, it’s a mediocre one.
Because chillomancer builds stack might fairly well and vulnerability