Reaper Issues and Suggestions
I’ll try to be direct:
• Death’s Charge (death shroud #2) s should not inflict poison, it should inflict AOE blind. The poison doesn’t make any sense. If you are charging into a group of enemies, you want to AOE blind them.
• Spin2win death shroud skill #4.
This skill is the only death shroud skill that is useless for condition builds. This should, at the very least , evade for the duration.• Greatsword skill #4 should pulse AOE blind for the duration of the skill.
Some of the traits are bad too but I forget what they are until the stream is over…
About Death’s charge, I think you’re right, it shouldn’t inflict poison. I do think Death"s charge should instead be our 1vX unique defense necromancer skill that would dodge all incoming attacks.
Infusing Terror – Duration: 8>10 (thus total 10 stacks of stab over duration), Fear Duration: 2>1 1/4
Gravedigger – Recharge: 8>7, Recharge reduced on low health: 100%>75% (not to be a chain whirl machine), allow movement during cast (seems like you cant with current version of it)
Death Spiral – Hit count: 6>5, Number of targets: 3>5
Nightfall – Cast time: 1/4>3/4, Interval: 1>3 (field duration of 9)
Shouts seem all mostly terrible but the elite which is clearly still deep in development, but probably good and just not my taste.
You can move with Grave Digger. It was confirmed.
The stability is VERY fine at 8 for a 20 second CD. I’d rather keep the fear the same time so I can stab stomp and shatter it for secured stomps/rezzes.
Night fall needs to remain low cast time because of it’s lock-in animation, it self-roots.
Oh ok, ignore the GD part then.
For Stab thats the point, guaranteed fear for stomp is dankingly strong for 20s cd in pvp, thus lower+ making up for cutting a second/two from it depending on setup with 2 more stacks of stability seems fair.
Nightfall well making it easier to interrupt seems ok for the potential power of chain whirls in it and the point presence it gives.
- Cast times aren’t THAT bad.
euh, 3 out of 6 shouts have a cast time longer or equal to consume conditions.
On a cosmetic point, Robert mentioned they aren’t wedded to using the little minions (totally spacing on their name, sorry) for the Rise ability. I saw someone in another thread comment that it would be cool if it made shadows instead.
How about a bunch of little Liadri’s? The effect fits right in.
A lot of good, but also a fair few worrying points.
The pulsing blind on GS and pulsing stab in RS is will do wonders in pvp (reliable stomps will be much more accessible).
It struck me as odd however, that while GS has chill on auto (to keep people in melee range), RS only has it on a long CD skill. They even went so far as to replace the chill on the 2n skill with poison.
If you would want chill on any skill surely it would be the movement skill?
Also reaper seems exceedingly vulnerable to ranged attacks. With our only mobility being RS 2 (600 range) and no way to block/reflect/absorb projectiles, trying to get into melee range with say, a SB ranger is going to be extremely painful.
Spec grasp is easily dodged, especially at range, RS 2 and GS 5 are both only 600 range, eh.
Also for all the stuff about having chill everywhere to stop people from escaping, literally all it takes is 1 shadowstep/blink/etc, which all ten to hae range of 900 or more, and a reaper can’t do squat.
Finally, they really took the whole ‘long cast time’ thing way to far. Longg cast times just makes it clunky to use and easy to avoid – why are they even shouts if they have a cast time? At the very least the stun break one should be instant cast.
Edit: Also with regards to the elite. Why would I use a 2m CD, 2s cast time skill that stuns and chills, when I could just use lich, and just kill everything for 20 seconds?
It struck me as odd however, that while GS has chill on auto (to keep people in melee range), RS only has it on a long CD skill. They even went so far as to replace the chill on the 2n skill with poison.
Keep in mind that with the fear give chill minor RS 3 will give chill aoe around you.
The shouts ARE supportive, THEY ARE TO DISABLE THE ENEMIES FROM HARMING YOUR ALLIES. Really why is this necromancer forum filled with kittens
The shouts ARE supportive, THEY ARE TO DISABLE THE ENEMIES FROM HARMING YOUR ALLIES. Really why is this necromancer forum filled with kittens
Say that again after they announce that chill will finally affect all enemies including bosses (like, it doesn’t work properly on eg. Teragriefs in Silver Wastes…). And even then bosses coded as “objects” are immune to conditions all together.
I swear I’m the only person that thinks “Disabling your enemies to keep them from harming your allies” is called Control, not Support.
It’s pretty obvious, and nobody’s impressed.
1)Didnt he say somthing about getting unblocable attacks for 10 sec with 1 of the shouts? that sounds very strong.
2) with the trait that reduce CD on shouts the CD are very good in group fights, even the elite is like 80 sec CD.
-No blast finisher
-No alternative way to spend the Life Force
-Heal that still will be outclassed by Consume Conditions. Hard.
-No stun breaker on shouts
-No alternative way to spend the Life Force
-No projectile defense, focus defense
-Still soaks the damage, now reduced by 15% if you manage to keep Chill on all attackers
-No alternative way to spend the Life Force
-No really interesting traits
-No direct boon support to allies, not even with might.
-Long cast times.
-No new Conditions on the Condition-based profession. No slow, no tauntTrue enough. I hope it doesn’t ship this way, but hoping for good things always ends is disappointment so I’m just gonna be bitter about it instead. It’s cute to see newbies gush over unviable kittenty builds they try to theorycraft though.
Yup. For pvp everything spoiled it unviablemand garbage. Traits linked tomconditions are trash. People aoe cleanse for days so reduced damage from chilled foes and similar traits are trash for pvp.
the shouts are somehow even worse than ranger shouts. Trash effects and for some reason huge cast times. Like really oong cast times and cds. Totally useless. Have fun running the same 4 or 5 utilities for another 3 years necros
Necromancer/Casual Warrior
[Team] Best WvW guild of all time. EASILY.
I feel like some of you aren’t trying very hard. :S
Warlord Sikari (80 Scrapper)
Couldnt find the suggestions thread so bumping this.
Deaths Charge should remove immobilize, chilled and cripple You can have the Relentless pursuit do something else.
These arent part of reaper but no point making a seperate thread for this:
-Plague should take reduced damage and duration from condis, it is the embodiment of conditions doesnt really make sense it dies to it.
-Lich form should be immune to immobilize, chill and cripple and a chase skill perhaps something similar to what Giganticus Lupi has. Its Auto attack should also chill on hit