Reaper's Charge: increase in range

Reaper's Charge: increase in range

in Necromancer

Posted by: Zenith.7301


600 range at the speed it travels feels quite frankly like I’m not covering much ground.

Ele gets ride the lightning to 1200 range, ranger swoop is 1100 range, warrior Greatsword Rush is 1200 range.

900 range on death’s charge wouldn’t be too much to ask for.

Reaper's Charge: increase in range

in Necromancer

Posted by: Sigmoid.7082


Both ride the lightning and rush take 2s to travel 1200 units so its 600 units a second same as charge. The skills “firey GS” type would also have to be changed to just damage on the final blast.

I feel its fine as it is it just needs to not rubber band when you land.

Reaper's Charge: increase in range

in Necromancer

Posted by: Bhawb.7408


None of these are on such a short CD, nor do they have the effects of Death’s Charge, and I find it funny you mention Swoop when the ability has crazy delay. DC is fine, just make the overall animation smoother so that it immediately flows into the leap on cast and flows back into normal movement at the end, instead of the harsher starting/stopping we have now.

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Reaper's Charge: increase in range

in Necromancer

Posted by: ronpierce.2760


I tend to agree. Mostly, I feel it needs to go a bit further, 900ish, and it needs to be faster, and done over like 3/4 second instead of 1 second, and react better when reaching the target so you can actually land the blind more often/quicker. The skill has lots of clunkiness issues that need to be worked out, as well as being more reliable. Shroud not having much base-line chill outside of a very slow, easy to avoid RS5, it gets kited fairly easily.

Of course having it work properly when you reach a target might fix most of my pains with it.

High Warlord Sikari (80 Reaper) / Lord Siekron (80 DH)
Warlord Sikari (80 Scrapper)

Reaper's Charge: increase in range

in Necromancer

Posted by: gavyne.6847


If they keep animation and landing pause as-is, then they should extend to 900 range. Otherwise if they smooth out the animation and landing pause, then I’m ok with 600 range.

Something’s not working right when this “charge” goes at the same speed as someone running along side of you. Test it yourself, run next to someone in a straight line, use Death’s Charge, and you’ll land exactly right next to the same person. That’s not much of a charge when you “leap” as fast as someone running on foot. I first noticed this when I was wanting to catch up to my raid as I was falling a bit behind. Used Death’s Charge on every refresh and I simply wasn’t catching up or gaining at all. So I tested it with someone running straight and was surprised at the result.

So either smooth out animation and landing pause so we actually get a bit of distance gain with this charge. Or extend it to 900 range so we actually do end up gaining maybe 200 range upon landing.

Reaper's Charge: increase in range

in Necromancer

Posted by: Zenith.7301


None of these are on such a short CD, nor do they have the effects of Death’s Charge, and I find it funny you mention Swoop when the ability has crazy delay. DC is fine, just make the overall animation smoother so that it immediately flows into the leap on cast and flows back into normal movement at the end, instead of the harsher starting/stopping we have now.

Swoop has no crazy delay, I main a ranger and I don’t know what you’re aiming to portray, but outside a greatsword rushing warrior or thief, the ranger with greatsword+double monarch’s leap is one of the most mobile classes in the game. You can escape virtually anything since swoop also evades while it’s activating.

Reaper's Charge: increase in range

in Necromancer

Posted by: Mac.7249


death’s charge is bugged as kitten right now. all reset my guy (with nothing targeted) would leap backwards, left, fight, diagonal, and 14% of the time forward with awkward stutter-step movement… whatever “fix” was made needs to be unmade asap, the skill was perfect until the target-able “FIX” -stop it, nobody was going off cliffs or bridges until this ‘fix’ fix fixity fix fix fix broken

TC Necromonger

Reaper's Charge: increase in range

in Necromancer

Posted by: ronpierce.2760


death’s charge is bugged as kitten right now. all reset my guy (with nothing targeted) would leap backwards, left, fight, diagonal, and 14% of the time forward with awkward stutter-step movement… whatever “fix” was made needs to be unmade asap, the skill was perfect until the target-able “FIX” -stop it, nobody was going off cliffs or bridges until this ‘fix’ fix fixity fix fix fix broken

No, it’s buggy, but no way in hell would I prefer the prior to the current. It just needs to be more responsive, fixed a bit and a sorter cast time (3/4) and it’d be great.

High Warlord Sikari (80 Reaper) / Lord Siekron (80 DH)
Warlord Sikari (80 Scrapper)