Reaper's Might + Blighter's Boon

Reaper's Might + Blighter's Boon

in Necromancer

Posted by: scarydogie.3024



Does the might you get from using an autoattack in reaper shroud heal you with blighters boon? Or does it not work since you cant be healed while in shroud?


Reaper's Might + Blighter's Boon

in Necromancer

Posted by: Drarnor Kunoram.5180

Drarnor Kunoram.5180


Thank you

Think about what your asking for a moment. If blighters boon did not heal you while you were in shroud, why would the tooltip explicitly make a case for healing you while in shroud, it would simply state “while not in reapers shroud, gain life force when you gain a boon”.

True, however I’ve been gone for almost 2 months and wasn’t entirely sure of the state healing and death shroud were in. Do any other heals work while in shroud, other than unholy martyr?

Unholy Martyr doesn’t heal at all. You’re thinking of Unholy Sanctuary.

Here is a complete list of things that will currently heal you in Shroud:

1. Unholy Sanctuary
2. Vampiric
3. Vampiric Presence
4. Vampiric Rituals
5. Signet of Vampirism active
6. Blighter’s Boon

Blood Bond’s Lesser Signet of Vampirism should, but last anyone checked, it was bugged and did not work.

Dragonbrand |Drarnor Kunoram: Charr Necro
I’m a Geeleiver

Reaper's Might + Blighter's Boon

in Necromancer

Posted by: Muchacho.2390


It works. The heal actually only works in Shroud. If you are not in shroud you get Lifeforce.

Reaper's Might + Blighter's Boon

in Necromancer

Posted by: Onerios.4962


Think about what your asking for a moment. If blighters boon did not heal you while you were in shroud, why would the tooltip explicitly make a case for healing you while in shroud, it would simply state “while not in reapers shroud, gain life force when you gain a boon”.

Reaper's Might + Blighter's Boon

in Necromancer

Posted by: scarydogie.3024


Thank you

Think about what your asking for a moment. If blighters boon did not heal you while you were in shroud, why would the tooltip explicitly make a case for healing you while in shroud, it would simply state “while not in reapers shroud, gain life force when you gain a boon”.

True, however I’ve been gone for almost 2 months and wasn’t entirely sure of the state healing and death shroud were in. Do any other heals work while in shroud, other than unholy martyr?


Reaper's Might + Blighter's Boon

in Necromancer

Posted by: OlliX.1705


Thank you

Think about what your asking for a moment. If blighters boon did not heal you while you were in shroud, why would the tooltip explicitly make a case for healing you while in shroud, it would simply state “while not in reapers shroud, gain life force when you gain a boon”.

True, however I’ve been gone for almost 2 months and wasn’t entirely sure of the state healing and death shroud were in. Do any other heals work while in shroud, other than unholy martyr?

All siphons from the Blood Magic trait line works through Shroud.

[qT] Necro main.

Reaper's Might + Blighter's Boon

in Necromancer

Posted by: Muchacho.2390


Thank you

Think about what your asking for a moment. If blighters boon did not heal you while you were in shroud, why would the tooltip explicitly make a case for healing you while in shroud, it would simply state “while not in reapers shroud, gain life force when you gain a boon”.

True, however I’ve been gone for almost 2 months and wasn’t entirely sure of the state healing and death shroud were in. Do any other heals work while in shroud, other than unholy martyr?

All siphons from the Blood Magic trait line works through Shroud.

Blood bond is bugged though and doesnt work through shroud unlike the SoV active. It some time since i tested it, so it could be fixed but since i didnt see it on any patchnotes i doubt it.

Reaper's Might + Blighter's Boon

in Necromancer

Posted by: Kronos.2560


Auto attack (Reaper’s Might and Siphoned Power) as well as allies boon’s applied to you heal you while in shroud. Tested it during the last betas.