Reaper's Protection fear is really long

Reaper's Protection fear is really long

in Necromancer

Posted by: lettucemode.3789


Hey necro pals. I’m wondering if anyone else uses the Reaper’s Protection trait and has noticed how long it lasts. It appears to be at least 2s base. I’ve been using the Master of Terror trait at the same time and it makes the Reaper’s Protection fear last a stupidly long amount of time.

If a Warrior bull rushes me I have enough time to recover from the stun and cast a spell before they recover. Same thing for Eles using Ride the Lightning + Updraft, the fear hits them before the dodge from Updraft happens so I have enough time to get up before the fear wears off. I always passed Reaper’s Protection up before but after giving it a try for a few hours in WvW I am extremely impressed with the performance of this trait. I don’t even have any extra condition duration!

Anyone else have the same experience, or have you found the trait to be useless in practice?

Sanctum of Rall
Builds: Facemelter Watch The Health Bar

(edited by lettucemode.3789)

Reaper's Protection fear is really long

in Necromancer

Posted by: Dakiaris.2798


Wanna know what fear is even longer….. Have a thief steal from you in wvw or pvp… That fear is 4 seconds without any % duration increse.

Reaper's Protection fear is really long

in Necromancer

Posted by: hackks.3687


Wanna know what fear is even longer….. Have a thief steal from you in wvw or pvp… That fear is 4 seconds without any % duration increse.

this kitten right here is overdue for a patch.

I’ve stayed at this party entirely too long

Reaper's Protection fear is really long

in Necromancer

Posted by: lettucemode.3789


Let’s all take a moment to appreciate just how quickly this thread was derailed.

And that fear is 3s base, not 4. If it lasts 4s on you then the Thief has probably put 30 points into their Power trait line, which has condition duration as its secondary stat, just like ours.

Ooo, just thought of something: the fear from Reaper’s Protection would hit him at the same time! So the trait is a decent counter to that, too. Cool.

Sanctum of Rall
Builds: Facemelter Watch The Health Bar

(edited by lettucemode.3789)

Reaper's Protection fear is really long

in Necromancer

Posted by: Softspoken.2410



Let’s all take a moment to appreciate just how quickly this thread was derailed.

It will be a moment of awkward silence, where everyone puts their hand on their face and shakes their heads in embarassment.

Way to try and derail the thread. There’s another thread entirely about fear on other professions, if you’d like to discuss that specific issue.

I’ll admit I’ve been a bit ambivalent about this trait before now because it has a long cooldown attached, but I suppose that it is a really good way to cancel a disable. The fear could interrupt a CC chain, unless they have stability. Which if you follow up with your own stunbreak, fear, and CC, could be an unexpected reversal.

I usually do PvE, but I’ll give it a shot and tell you how I feel about its duration and proc rate.

Mixing insults with your post is like pooping in a salad.
It’s pretty obvious, and nobody’s impressed.

Reaper's Protection fear is really long

in Necromancer

Posted by: Dakiaris.2798


Really it’s ok for a few situations but it’s just to situational for what it’s worth… The cooldown needs to be cut in 1/2 for it to really be effective… Once every 45-60 sec would have been best.

I’ve found this to work in some cases in pvp though but most of the time it falls flat due to most people having 2 or 3 cc abilitys + 1 removal to negate the fear…. While it serves it’s purpose the cooldown is just to long to justify using it over something else.

Reaper's Protection fear is really long

in Necromancer

Posted by: KirinDave.6451


I’ll admit I’ve been a bit ambivalent about this trait before now because it has a long cooldown attached, but I suppose that it is a really good way to cancel a disable. The fear could interrupt a CC chain, unless they have stability. Which if you follow up with your own stunbreak, fear, and CC, could be an unexpected reversal.

As someone on the receiving end of this trait in Wv3, I can tell you it is nightmarish for burst elementalists. An elementalist can blow cooldowns to basically down anyone if they choose to, but it relies on Ride The Lightning to Updraft or Earthquake to Lightning Flash, triggering a really big damage upgrade for Flame Grab (youtube has crits over 16k on that last hit). The fear ruins that and puts the openers on cooldown and has Air Attunement on a long cooldown; you can’t even run away.

My thief similarly hates that treatment, although it’s not quite so bad. Staff Necros can quickly follow it up with marks, so usually when you find someone with this trait you just run away and find an easier taerget.

So for what it’s worth, this trait makes fighting necros even harder for burst builds (and they’re already hard to fight because of DS).

Reaper's Protection fear is really long

in Necromancer

Posted by: lettucemode.3789


That is a good point Dakiaris. In sPvP you are fighting constantly so the trait wouldn’t trigger on most of the disables. I used it in WvW so I had it up at the start of every fight, and it was great at countering those “combo” builds like warriors who set up for Hundred Blades. They only had one disable that they used to initiate. I would guess that such builds are less popular in high-level sPvP.

For what I play, though, it’s been a godsend.

Sanctum of Rall
Builds: Facemelter Watch The Health Bar

(edited by lettucemode.3789)

Reaper's Protection fear is really long

in Necromancer

Posted by: NecropsY.8649


Let’s all take a moment to appreciate just how quickly this thread was derailed.

And that fear is 3s base, not 4. If it lasts 4s on you then the Thief has probably put 30 points into their Power trait line, which has condition duration as its secondary stat, just like ours.

Ooo, just thought of something: the fear from Reaper’s Protection would hit him at the same time! So the trait is a decent counter to that, too. Cool.

and what trait does a theif need to have his 4 second fear – thats right nothing nothing at all

Reaper's Protection fear is really long

in Necromancer

Posted by: Mammoth.1975


Very funny trait at clocktower.

If you’re not playing to win, don’t complain when you lose.

Reaper's Protection fear is really long

in Necromancer

Posted by: Fynd.4890


Reaper’s Protection duration of 2 seconds is offset by having the longest recharge of any fear in the game.

On-land fear effects (non-downed):

  • Necro
    1. Reaper’s Mark (Staff) — 40s Recharge — 1s Duration — AoE
    2. Doom (Death Shroud) — 20s Recharge — 1s Duration — Single Target + Direct Damage (~60 dmg)
    3. Reaper’s Protection (when disabled) — 90s Recharge — 2s Duration — AoE
    4. Corrupt Boon (when flipping Stability) — 40s Recharge — Duration of Stability, cannot exceed 5s due to Oct. 22nd Update — Single Target
  • Ranger
    1. Terrifying Howl (Wolf) — 45s Recharge — 2s Duration — AoE
  • Thief
    1. Skull Fear (Steal) — 45s Recharge — 3s Duration — AoE
  • Warrior
    1. Fear Me (Utility) — 80s Recharge — 1-3s Duration — AoE

(edited by Fynd.4890)

Reaper's Protection fear is really long

in Necromancer

Posted by: Rennoko.5731


Hope this is informative. Reaper’s Protection duration of 2 seconds is offset by having the longest recharge of any fear in the game. Condition duration does not increase fear duration, only ways to increase fear duration for a necro are:

  1. Stacking fear on top of itself ( up to the cap of 5 seconds )
  2. Rune of the Necromancer 6-piece bonus
  3. Master of Terror trait

On-land fear effects (non-downed):

  • Necro
    1. Reaper’s Mark (Staff) — 40s Recharge — 1s Duration — AoE
    2. Doom (Death Shroud) — 20s Recharge — 1s Duration — Single Target + Direct Damage (~60 dmg)
    3. Reaper’s Protection (when disabled) — 90s Recharge — 2s Duration — AoE
    4. Corrupt Boon (when flipping Stability) — 40s Recharge — Duration of Stability, cannot exceed 5s due to Oct. 22nd Update — Single Target
  • Ranger
    1. Terrifying Howl (Wolf) — 45s Recharge — 2s Duration — AoE
  • Thief
    1. Skull Fear (Steal) — 45s Recharge — 3s Duration — AoE
  • Warrior
    1. Fear Me (Utility) — 80s Recharge — 1-3s Duration — AoE

Bad information on this post. Condition duration does increase the length of fear, and is very easy to test.

Take master of terror and the fear damage trait with no condition duration food/traits, you get one tick of damage, and your DS form fear lasts 1.5 seconds. Trait for condition duration and add in some condition food at least 20% or more, and you get two ticks of damage and the full 2 seconds.

Reapers protection can last up to 4 seconds if you trait it that way it seems, though that I have not tested, as I only worked with the DS fear and the staff fear. Quite an amazing turn of events if that was the case though considering with the damage trait that is a long disable with around 3600-3900 damage or so with high condition builds. Not great in big fights, but a real game changer in one-on-one’s

Reaper's Protection fear is really long

in Necromancer

Posted by: lettucemode.3789


I don’t have a problem with the long cooldown. To me that says the trait is designed to be used once per fight. I’m pretty sure all other “X happens when you’re disabled” traits in the game are 90s too.

Sanctum of Rall
Builds: Facemelter Watch The Health Bar

Reaper's Protection fear is really long

in Necromancer

Posted by: Rennoko.5731


Just tested with 50 percent trait, 10 percent runes and 40 percent food, reapers prot lasts 4 seconds and if you trait for damage on fear, it will tick 4 times.

Reaper's Protection fear is really long

in Necromancer

Posted by: merch.1026


does that make it a 3 second fear base?
3x 1.5= 4.5second 4 ticks of terror. anyone able to test 100%+ fear duration with the terror trait see if you get 6 ticks

Reaper's Protection fear is really long

in Necromancer

Posted by: Rennoko.5731


does that make it a 3 second fear base?
3x 1.5= 4.5second 4 ticks of terror. anyone able to test 100%+ fear duration with the terror trait see if you get 6 ticks

Base fear on Reapers Protection is 2 seconds no matter how you are traited or what runes you are using. With the right combination of traits and runes and food, you can get it to last up to the max of 4 seconds.

Maximum duration that any condition can be extended to is 100% of the base duration (aside from scepter skills with Lingering Curses). There may be other exceptions with other classes, but as far as Necro is concerned that is the only case that I know of.

I can see this restriction for balancing reasons. 50% increases fear trait, 30% longer conditions from spite, 40% longer conditions from food, 20% longer conditions from runes would give reapers protection a duration of 4.8 seconds (only 4 damage ticks, but still lasting 4.8 seconds). Think about chaining that with our other fears at those increased durations and now you have someone feared for 4.8+ 2.4+2.4 = 9.6 seconds.

Also a previous poster mentioned the max duration of fear is 5 seconds, which is not entirely correct. If you corruption boon a long stability (30 seconds for example), the max it will fear now is 5 seconds, but if you reapply a fear during that time, you can extend it longer. Using the current build I have now, I have chained reapers protection into the other two fears for 8 seconds consecutive without control, each second ticking the damage.