Reaper's Touch Suggestion

Reaper's Touch Suggestion

in Necromancer

Posted by: Zoso.8279


Hello everyone! My post will be short and to the point. Reapers Touch feels a bit lack luster for me atm. I have been playing focus for a very long time and I’m fairly familiar with the weapon. Now I’m not saying lack luster because of the damage or conditions but because of the chance of success with the skill. Both Focus skills have very high chance of failing.

My suggestion would be to increase the speed of both the initial throw and each bounce just a bit or if not the initial throw then just the 4 bounces. I feel that even if you land the hit there is a pretty high chance that you might miss the other bounces not only because of speed of each bounce but also because for example say nobody in near enough to get the thing to bounce around it or they just dodge away from one of the bounces and then the skill just dies right there. Now idk if this would make the Focus OP or not but it will increase the potential of the weapon tremendously imo. Thanks for reading!

Necromancer Main

Reaper's Touch Suggestion

in Necromancer

Posted by: SaintSnow.6593


nah its a much needed change to the focus along with cast times on both focus skills that would greatly boost the focus into use as it has been significantly weak compared to dag and horn.


Reaper's Touch Suggestion

in Necromancer

Posted by: apoidea.7095


The bounce doesn’t occur if there is nothing within 600 range of the target for it to bounce on. This is working as intended (I believe) since Mesmer’s mirror blade (GS skill #2) does the same exact thing.

But I still believe Reaper’s Touch should be unblockable. Aside from that, everything is fine and I don’t find the skill lackluster at all. It hits hard, provides life force, and vuln.

Spinal shivers on the other hand…this skill could use some love. By love I mean a cast time reduction (1 second or 3/4 seconds is better than the insanely long 1.25 seconds). I’ve seen some necros say that this skill needs to be insta cast, but I disagree completely.

The skill itself is strong enough to merit a high cast time. 1.25 seconds is still cruel, however.

(edited by apoidea.7095)

Reaper's Touch Suggestion

in Necromancer

Posted by: Bacon.1835


I’d be for it converting boons into vuln

Reaper's Touch Suggestion

in Necromancer

Posted by: Zoso.8279


Yeah I was coming from the point of view that since the skill is good damage wise just not in success chances that when/if you were able to get all bounces landed it hit like a truck. Focus 5 is really strong because of the boon strip and chill effect and the damage. So the Focus is kinda like Reaper light lol. High risk high reward type weapon set taking into consideration cast time/chance of hit/etc.. The skill atm hits hard but to get all bounces off in a fight is near impossible unless its a zerg type scenario.

Necromancer Main

Reaper's Touch Suggestion

in Necromancer

Posted by: Bhawb.7408


Honestly think the skill is fine already, though I’m always for usuability improvements.

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Reaper's Touch Suggestion

in Necromancer

Posted by: Muchacho.2390


focus biggest problem is the high casttime on spinal shivers (atleast in pvp). If it was 3/4 seconds it would be so much better snd we would most likely see it more in pvp. Reapers touch is fine in my opinion.