Reasons why we are not OP.
These threads never work. At this point, people are just bandwagoning on the OP train. They heard that necros are OP and so they blame that instead of the 6 times they walked into spectral wall for the reason they lost.
It’s worth a shot? If they nerf spectral wall, which they won’t, they have to nerf that Guardian bubble that i can’t remember..
I REALLY want to see a dev answer how in the kitten is terror OP when it was not changed at all in the patch. We got access to one more fear. In sotg Chap even said they are fixing the signet bug which was adding 20%+ to terror builds. And they want to nerf the damage too? Isn’t that kind of overkill for an ability that was seemingly perfectly fine for the last 10 months? Now maybe terror+duumfire is borderline OP, so why not just swap terror to a grandmaster trait? If they nerf the damage they are essentially killing a currently viable build which is the exact opposite of what they have been preaching about wanting more builds.
(edited by kailin.4905)
Fear builds will be useless next patch, as you said.
What annoys me after just re-aligning my traits, is that Wells feature in the Curses and Blood instead of just one. That’s like saying to an Elementalist; We have Meteor Shower specifics in Water and Fire…
Yeah, i just got really annoyed re-traiting.
(edited by Jansy.8463)
Im just surprised people dont consider the soul reaping builds OP
That time will come in the next patch! yaaay!