Regeneration Necromancer Build

Regeneration Necromancer Build

in Necromancer

Posted by: Rultrath.1679


Does anyone know good builds for a healing regeneration Necro? I have been power/tough/vit but I’d like to change to clerics and so far all I have found in the way of regeneration is using superior runes of dwayna. We have one mark and one focus skill that grant regeneration, but only to our allies not to ourselves and life siphoning doesn’t scale with healing power so are there any other little tricks out there to get good regeneration?

Level 80 Necromancer main of FEAR.
All around player WvW main.
Dragonbrand Server

Regeneration Necromancer Build

in Necromancer

Posted by: Larx.3460


You can keep constant regen on everyone with that build. Just make sure to get the reduced cool down time and protection for the wells.

Regeneration Necromancer Build

in Necromancer

Posted by: Softspoken.2410


We have one mark and one focus skill that grant regeneration, but only to our allies not to ourselves

Mark of Blood and Reaper’s Touch can both apply regeneration to the caster. Mark of Blood will always do so if you’re close to the mark when it is triggered, and Reaper’s Touch can bounce to the original caster, though I think it prefers traveling the shortest distance possible between bounces, so you have to be very close to guarantee that regen.

A little boon duration could help as well, since every 20% of that gets you an extra second of regeneration from Mark of Blood. There’s a couple rune sets that give 15% for the two rune bonus. (Water, Monk.) I’m not sure how generally useful boon duration will be to your build though.

Mixing insults with your post is like pooping in a salad.
It’s pretty obvious, and nobody’s impressed.

(edited by Softspoken.2410)

Regeneration Necromancer Build

in Necromancer

Posted by: Rultrath.1679


I’m not a condition build so staff is out, and thanks for the monk stuff but if I lose my 2 dwaynas then I have to give up regen every time I heal and +90 healing. Any1 else know some tricks?

Level 80 Necromancer main of FEAR.
All around player WvW main.
Dragonbrand Server

Regeneration Necromancer Build

in Necromancer

Posted by: Cinnamonfox.4965


Necros can do regen support reliably for melee allies. Without staff you have 2 sources of regen.: focus 4 and mark of evasion. MoE has 10sec cd so using it doesn’ waste dangerous amounts of endurance, but you do need to learn to aim dodges. Yes, runes of Dwayna are another way to apply regen, but imo necro has too long heal cds for it – some classes can utilize it every 15sec, necro only 25-32 sec . I would go for regen/boon duration instead, like Softspoken suggested above.

You did say you’d want to go cleric’s armor. Before investing (i know this is kind of late reply) you should note how little scaling the +healing does for regen boon though. However , +healing seems to be more meaningful on blasting water field combo heals and other direct type heals. In the case of necromancer, you can do the scaling heals with 1. putrid mark or bone minion blast on ally’s water field (staff/utility), 2. traited exit death shroud, 3. well of blood tics.

Regeneration Necromancer Build

in Necromancer

Posted by: Kyskythyn.6471


Staff is not necessarily a condition weapon. It is a great support weapon as well. The weapon skills are a regen/bleed, slow and reduce enemy heal, transfer conditions from allies, and a cc. Keeping in mind that all four of these are AoE, staff makes for a fine support weapon. Also, the staff traits are in Death Magic, which gives more boon duration.
Well of Blood, Transfusion, and Deathly Invigoration can be very nice heals for your allies as well, especially if you stack healing power.

Miss Kysie – S/F condi bunker ele
River of Tears – S/D glass ele
Solo and small group roamer

Regeneration Necromancer Build

in Necromancer

Posted by: Panhauramix.2784


The only thing that make me back off from perma regen and lifesiphon build (apart from the bad +healing ratio), is the fact that you can’t bring your healthpool up in Deathshroud.

All your healing power is then wasted, the second you gotta use DS. And sometimes you have to use it long enough to stay alive until your next heal, because your regen doesn’t tick enough to keep you up while you’re being focused on.

If there was a way for healing power to be used, or if regen/lifesiphon affected Lifeforce, while in DS, these kind of builds would be a step in the right direction for our attrition class I guess.

80’s: Razdhül Necro/Desire Mesmer/ Ykarys War/ Yphrit Ele/
Panhauramix Guardian/Pistoleros Engineer/ Orbite Thief
Gates of Madness – Leader of Homicide Volontaire [HV]

Regeneration Necromancer Build

in Necromancer

Posted by: diadox.3076


Before investing (i know this is kind of late reply) you should note how little scaling the +healing does for regen boon though. However , +healing seems to be more meaningful on blasting water field combo heals and other direct type heals. In the case of necromancer, you can do the scaling heals with 1. putrid mark or bone minion blast on ally’s water field (staff/utility), 2. traited exit death shroud, 3. well of blood tics.

I disagree. As you can see here and here, healing power adds more healing with regeneration than it does with water field blasts unless you blast very frequently (as in once every 1.5 to 2 seconds). I’m not saying water blasts aren’t good (they most certainly are) only that their healing power scaling isn’t. To put things in perspective: a 0 healing power regeneration boon heals for 130/sec, and a 1 000 healing power regeneration heals 255/sec (125/second increase from healing power). By comparison, a 0 healing power water field blast heals for 1320, and a 1 000 healing power one heals for 1520 (200 increase from healing power).

I agree with what Cinnamonfox says about Well of Blood, though. It scales with healing power in a way that makes it so that the total healing from the aoe ticks equates to a number somewhat close an extra #6 skill, assuming high healing power.

(edited by diadox.3076)