Rerolling, and this is why. [constructive thread]

Rerolling, and this is why. [constructive thread]

in Necromancer

Posted by: Venom.6189


Also rerolling Mesmer and Warrior now.

Necro’s in short:

  • Outdamaged by every other proffession
  • Outsupported by most proffessions
  • One viable build, really Anet? Play any way you want? Sure . .
  • Crap minions, that don’t do much, but takes up valuable utility slots and looks visually like you raised your little sister’s pet bunnies as undead servants. Looks pathetic. Dies in 2 hits. Great.
  • Broken class mechanics that locks out our skill bar and gives us not 5 skills – like every other skill bar replacement – but 4 mediocre skills with long cast time and sub par damage that decreases the more you use them. This mechanics also serve as a cover all excuse for the sorry state of the necromancer and keeps us from getting fixed due to the illusive “Overpowered Death Shroud build” that only developers know how to play effectively. Great.
  • The shortest duration fear in game, despite fear originally conceived as a necro only condition.

Thank you Anet for destroying the necro proffession.

(edited by Venom.6189)

Rerolling, and this is why. [constructive thread]

in Necromancer

Posted by: Player One.4932

Player One.4932

Is this thread closed?

Violator Xx

Rerolling, and this is why. [constructive thread]

in Necromancer

Posted by: Demonical.1039



Well DS was originally our Downed State for some reason they changed that into its current incarnation and thanks to that made us to way to survivable so they started slashing and nerfing the profession and now they just have no clue how to balance us, so we will be stuck like this for a pretty long time until they get a clue.

Rerolling, and this is why. [constructive thread]

in Necromancer

Posted by: Player One.4932

Player One.4932

They need to remove or reimagine death shroud. It’s a terrible mechanic AND just like Demonical says it makes necors waaaay to hard to balance. I keep saying to make death shroud an elite skill that you can choose to slot if you like. There are so many directions they could go with it then.

It’s going to be very difficult to fix necro and make it balanced

Violator Xx

Rerolling, and this is why. [constructive thread]

in Necromancer

Posted by: Shadow Lurker.4263

Shadow Lurker.4263

Personally, I love my necro to death. I have her due to the continuity of my storyline and GW1. I’ll keep her, and just work on my other toons for now. I’m not getting rid of her, but just hope that they fix the class, soon.

“Our Time Is Now”
Shadow Of Dame – lvl 80 Necromancer
Shadow Lord of Altruistic Guardian of Darkness [AGoD] – Dragonbrand

Rerolling, and this is why. [constructive thread]

in Necromancer

Posted by: zil.1692



I also played Necromancer through all the betas and am now seriously considering a new class. I have been really pleased with a lot of the changes that have been made so far, but other “balancing” changes have sort of nerfed the class back down to unusable.

I have not been running a strict condition mancer. I play mostly PvE, and have been running with a sort of hybrid Minion Master/Well and Mark build. For PVE, the aoe damage output is decent, but the single target damage is pretty laughable.

I played a bit of PvP and was pretty disappointed with all the builds I came up with. I’m a pretty good player, and am a fan of kiting and juggling and using multiple skills at the right time, but man, it really is a chore to kill anything.

Everyone has already outlined all the faults, so let me just add this.

I am a long time WoW Warlock player for all of Vanilla on through BC. What I loved about that class was the complexity of playing it well, which the Necro is supposed to share. Condition and control based classes are supposed to be tough, but the fine balance struck with the Warlock was that when it was played well (even when everyone whined about how underpowered it was) it was really pretty unstoppable.

In raids, I almost always took #1 in damage. Keep in mind, this was back when people didn’t even bother taking more than one Warlock (soulstone/summon bot.) In PvP, I rocked control and juggled enemies and sewed mayhem, DoTing everything in sight and keeping enemies off my other squishies.

In short, playing well yielded a little something something. It felt like I was playing music, almost. You could squeeze some extra juice out of the Warlock, but it took finesse, and yes, it was hard to even play it to the level that other players could achieve easily.

But when you did it, you felt it. You had an edge.

The Necro is not that class. Oh it takes finesse to play, which is why when I solo, it’s a fun and challenging class. As soon as I see another player, be it in PvE or (especially) PvP, it’s just sad. Rocking the Necro to the limit and I can’t even touch them in damage (AoE, maybe,) and if they are after me, all I can really do is hold them off most of the time. Condition damage is especially disappointing. It’s damage that almost every class in the game can just remove and it doesn’t get a bump? Our bleeds should just be absolutely TERRIFYING. People see us coming and they aught to just switch to the weapon that lets them remove debuffs automatically. It should be a concern.

When I see a Guardian, I think “OH CRAP, HE’S GOING TO KNOCK ME OVER AND TAKE MY LUNCH MONEY.” Their knockdowns with that godkittenhammer are terrifying. They see us and they think “crap… I hope I knock him down before he DS’s and makes this take longer than it has to.”

Rerolling, and this is why. [constructive thread]

in Necromancer

Posted by: Venom.6189


Exactly Zil, it takes finesse to play this class to the level where we do mediocre sustained damage over time . . while our enemies melt away our hp bar in seconds with only a rudimentary understanding of their class.

I have no idea of the fantasy build dev Jon has dreamed up where he “fears how overpowered we will become” when we finally “learn to play” . . lol

Rerolling, and this is why. [constructive thread]

in Necromancer

Posted by: Venom.6189



Well DS was originally our Downed State for some reason they changed that into its current incarnation and thanks to that made us to way to survivable so they started slashing and nerfing the profession and now they just have no clue how to balance us, so we will be stuck like this for a pretty long time until they get a clue.

Exactly, at the very least give us a fith ability in DS something with conditions.

Personally, I’d be happy if they removed it all together if it meant we’d be equal in power to the other proffessions.

Rerolling, and this is why. [constructive thread]

in Necromancer

Posted by: Mayama.1854


When I see a Guardian, I think “OH CRAP, HE’S GOING TO KNOCK ME OVER AND TAKE MY LUNCH MONEY.” Their knockdowns with that godkittenhammer are terrifying. They see us and they think “crap… I hope I knock him down before he DS’s and makes this take longer than it has to.”

Yeah I know what you mean, my main is a mesmer and when I run around in WvW I see other classes run away from me just because they see a mesmer. I dont think thats good, just my experience. I recently started to level a necro in PvP, I have very decent low level gear which means my stats are almost at exotic level but I fear everything, Ikitten my pants if I face ANY class 1v1 because he will roflstomp me if he does not suck hard. You might say it has something to do with my lack of traits etc but I was usefull with any other class i played at low level in WvW.

Rerolling, and this is why. [constructive thread]

in Necromancer

Posted by: Dalehitchy.1957


frustrating….. it seems like every MMO i play, i always seem to pick the dud class. Nothing changed in this game. I guess thats just my luck. Still, at least with most games i can still compete, even if i try really really really hard.

This has not been the same for me with the necro however. i have tried all the builds… and i just cannot compete. In sPVP as a conditionmancer I am popping up all my skills at relevant times, transferring and converting boons and conditions and what not, entering death shroud and still no luck. I am literally giving it all i have got. Rangers should be easy to fight against as they give loads of bleeds. Should be simple to transfer them back… nope… i still die!

I never played GW1, but i researched the class i wanted to play from the get go on GW2, and was instantly drawn to the necro. Throughout all the betas, and up until the yesterday, i only played the necro, i never even touched other classes. Well yesterday i rolled a guardian, looked up a build on the forums and as soon as i could started playing sPVP.

Admittedly, i just started keyboard mashing because I could not be bothered to read what the attacks do.The worst thing is…. I was face rolling everyone and getting 5x more kills then i ever did as a necro.

When i look back, i still think i was pretty skillful with my necro. With this class i had to keep an eye on my life force, conditions, cool downs, and other players boons to even come anywhere near beating someone down. With the guardian, i did not of that and still won. I must point out again….


I like the necro because it is a complicated class but there is absolutely no reward for playing one.

Rerolling, and this is why. [constructive thread]

in Necromancer

Posted by: Venom.6189


You’re right, as a necro you have to understand and utilize all these micro managing components correctly, and most people are fine with that, and even think it’s fun / challanging..

. . however, if we do all of this just to be 1/2 the strength of other proffessions that as you say can be played by “button mashing” then there is something seriously wrong.

Rerolling, and this is why. [constructive thread]

in Necromancer

Posted by: Sieg.8439


Personally, I love my necro to death. I have her due to the continuity of my storyline and GW1. I’ll keep her, and just work on my other toons for now. I’m not getting rid of her, but just hope that they fix the class, soon.

This, pretty much. I’m in an RP guild and I’ve been character crafting Siegg for over a year now. So there’s no way that I’ll just reroll him, I can’t imagine him as anything else.

On the other hand, I think I may just RP with him and play him lightly for the time being, while trying to level an alt to play with the guild for dungeon runs. Every build I try gets outshined by someone else in the party, and it just gets a little depressing.

I will say that with my MM build, my damage was pretty wicked while my minions were all up and collectively attacking my target with me. But the sad part is that in dungeons, strong AOE is everywhere and takes them out without me being able to do a thing about it. I try to run around to lead them away from red circles when I see them, but there will either just be too many red circles or they won’t follow. Without my minions, my damage became pretty terrible.

Hoopa doopa.

(edited by Sieg.8439)

Rerolling, and this is why. [constructive thread]

in Necromancer

Posted by: darkdelusions.2193


Personally, I love my necro to death. I have her due to the continuity of my storyline and GW1. I’ll keep her, and just work on my other toons for now. I’m not getting rid of her, but just hope that they fix the class, soon.

This what I am doing now… I started leveling a ranger I am hoping they fix the class soon.

Rerolling, and this is why. [constructive thread]

in Necromancer

Posted by: Koen.8703


Wow, thread got over 10K views.

Lets hope that, after fixing our traits etc, we are in a better shape.
Since I really dont think that they are going to buff this class very hard, as john thinks we are just not good enough atm.

Playing pvp necro since BWE1 – mercenary.
Representing guild [BG] – Broken Gods – Desolation (EU)

Rerolling, and this is why. [constructive thread]

in Necromancer

Posted by: Mayama.1854


When I go into WvW with my mesmer and see someone alone I think “I hope he will drop a badge”.

When I go into WvW with my necro and see someone alone I think “I hope he didnt see me”.

Rerolling, and this is why. [constructive thread]

in Necromancer

Posted by: Cope.5029


+1 for reroll.

This class is broken and our class developer has a L2P attitude about why Necros are the best and maybe most OP class in the game, and we, the gamer nation, just have yet to break the mysterious code of awsome power that is the Necromancer. This is the type of egotistical attitude that I have seen from developers in other games where no matter how many thousands of these posts are out there, it will be WE the gamers that are the problem and not the class/mechanics/skills that are in any way to blame.

If this happens to be read by anyone who actually matters I just have some things you may want to take into consideration, yes we realize how long this game has been in development, we realize all the hard work you put into it, and we realize that everything in the game cannot be 100% balanced. What you need to realize is that the people playing this game are not all 8-16 year olds, the average age of your player base is around 25-35 at this point, many are college graduates, some of us have Masters degrees.. we are not stupid. If 10 or 20 people are on your forums saying that some class or statistic is broken in your game, that it would seem reasonable to ignore. When 10,000 say it, there is probobly a real issue somewhere. A lot of the issues with the Developer to Player relationship is with trust. You see all of these posts that are nothing but non constructive rants, callouts , and overall trash talk about, “My (insert class here) cannot kill every other class/monster in the game in 2 seconds , give me super OP skills now.” And those types, although the minority are also the most vocal which can lead to a "Just more QQ " type attitude when you see a thread like this pop up. Just as when after being a gamer for over 20 years, playing all of the Betas in this game, gearing my class out with the best gear available, and spending 100s of hours testing out builds and specs, and I, as every other person who has played this class comes to the conclusion that it is not correctly balanced, and I then hear from the class developer that its user error not the game, it comes as a slap in the face.

This game has taken a new approach to the MMO in general and overall it has had many innovative and great ideas, but that alone will not carry you very far if you want a playerbase that will stay dedicated for years on end. There are many games out there that have had great ideas, but mainly due to developer arrogance and not listening to legitimate arguments have fallen by the wayside ( See Rift, Tera, and SWTOR). These games realized too late that we, the gamer, will not tolerate being completly ignored, or worse being insulted as a whole, when we try to help fix the game we enjoy playing.

This game is F2P and maybe the best F2P game out there which will always give this game some sort of success, that being said, the game is young and if you already have decided upon a hardline approach to your relationship from developer to player then you can expect a significant drop in population once the next FoTM game comes out, gamers ask very few things from the games we choose to play. Keep us interested, dont have a huge disparity between your classes, and listen to us when we come to you with an issue. In a lot of ways we are easier to take care of than most pets, but unlike pets who dont have the choice to go find a new home, we do.

We play the game, every day, for hours on end. We tweek and tweek, then we tweek some more to get everything out of our chosen classes that we can. We present our findings on a forum designed to fix said problems and all we ask is that we are heard, and what we say is taken into consideration. If we are wrong then back it up with numbers, we can understand that, what we cannot understand is a " You all just suck, L2P " coming from someone who doesnt even play the game as we do.

Rerolling, and this is why. [constructive thread]

in Necromancer

Posted by: Bananaheli.8501


I have tried so many differen build with the necro and all of them has been fishpaste, this is pve we are talking about. In pvp i have had some sucsess but usualy i just get stomped bye thives, warriors, elementalists, mesmers and guardians. i feel like i can hold my own againt engis and other necros. But i am so tierd of not being abel to fight on par with rest of the classes.

Rerolling, and this is why. [constructive thread]

in Necromancer

Posted by: Karandor.4201


A guy in my guild rolled a necro from a ranger because of what he saw me do in WvW.

We have problems (tons of bad/bugged traits and condition builds are a trap because they suck with DS) but necromancers are very powerful when played well.

Karandara, Necromancer, Fort Aspenwood

Rerolling, and this is why. [constructive thread]

in Necromancer

Posted by: The Boz.2038

The Boz.2038

Lawl, now THAT is a noob. Going from Ranger to Necro? Really?

Rerolling, and this is why. [constructive thread]

in Necromancer

Posted by: Kuldebar.1897


The Necromancer has been disappointing to me. In many ways I miss my Necro from the first Guild Wars.

My Necro feels very un-Necro like at times and Minions more of a hassle than a necessity even when “specced” for them.

Rerolling, and this is why. [constructive thread]

in Necromancer

Posted by: Venom.6189


@ Cope:

I completely agree with you, what a nice, thoughtful and well written post. +1

Rerolling, and this is why. [constructive thread]

in Necromancer

Posted by: Wickedjinx.7810


+1 thread


No matter what, I am not leaving my necro. I tried the full condionmancer spec and felt it works well when I’m sitting in the back of my wvwvw group but 1v1? HAH no way. I did take on some players 1v1+a random mob but at that point I think the players were just bad. Currently I switched my spec from conditionmancer to vampiremancer. I think the health siphoning is too low, however just running around pve stuff I seem to take on 4 mobs at the same time with little issue using dagger/dagger and scepter/dagger at 0/10/0/30/30 with full berserker’s set (exotic).

(PvE dmg, haven’t gotten to try this in wvw yet so im not sure what i’ll see on players)
I see numbers going between 200-600 white dmg (?), Not in game atm but going off memory, and 1000-2.5k crits off other attacks from skills. DS gives me anywhere between 300-700 white dmg, 1000+ for crit. I’ve seen crits up to 3.2k but at this point I can’t remember if i saw this off DS or skills. I also do not use wells, I use Consume Conditions, Corrupt boon and Epidemic.

Again, never tried these in spvp or whatnot, so these are just strictly pve numbers. I still like conditionmancer but I don’t think I’ll be going back to that. And survivability is pooey even more so without my 30 into death magic.

I’m the necro Sylvari with all the flower power and the skirt to match.

Rerolling, and this is why. [constructive thread]

in Necromancer

Posted by: Skaramush.3480


I rerolled from Necro to Ranger. Ranger is a lot more fun, and unlike MM the ranger pets are actually usefull and pretty tough.

Rerolling, and this is why. [constructive thread]

in Necromancer

Posted by: JonasV.4209


As much as I really hate to say it you can count me into the re-rolling as well. I have been playing necro since head-start (I didn’t get into any of the BWE) and would say I am at least moderately skilled at playing the profession. After hitting 80 and doing some PvP I have come to two possible conclusions. Either I don’t have the necessary multitasking skill to make this class work in PvP (I don’t think this is the case because I have my usage of DS down and have a good handle on condition spreading and wells) or that the necro in it’s current state just isn’t viable in PvP.

When I can roll a ranger, warrior, or mesmer alt and immediately hop into PvP and do better than on my lvl80 necor something is wrong. We simply don’t have the DPS to burn someone down before we get flattened even with traited DS and decent defensive stats and our control isn’t enough to buy enough time to get our conditions up. I don’t want to rant or whine, but I’ll say all of our problems have already been stated, low conditions damage, lack of control, bugged traits and abilities.

Necro just isn’t fun to play at max level and I wish I had read more of this stuff before leveling to 80 and spending all my money to max out my tradeskills, it would have saved me a lot of time. Now I’m working on my ranger, which is way more fun to play and can actually succeed in PvP when played well. The big problem with necro besides the bugs and balance issues (or possibly because of them) is that there is no reward to playing well. If I play at my absolute best I wont do as well as my fresh ranger alt, which is really disheartening.

I still like the class, it is still probably my favorite in terms of playstyle, but until necro gets rebalanced and the bugs fixed I’ll be playing my ranger where I can actually see tangible benefit to playing well in WvW and sPvP.

~ Tarnished Coast ~ Sylvari Necromancer ~

Rerolling, and this is why. [constructive thread]

in Necromancer

Posted by: Maglen.4793


I really, really, REALLY hope they don’t take the approach of a certain “other” game. By that I mean balance this class based on the best players. Here’s why.

If, say, 5% of the player base can absolutely melt faces as a necromancer 75% can play it decently and 20% can’t play it very well,

Please. Do. Not. Balance. Around. The. 5%

You’ll do nothing but discourage the other 95% of players.

Recently turned 80 Necro with only 90 hours played and already wondering why I played the class that long.

In my day we didn’t have Guild Wars 2, we had World War 2.
When you shot at the Germans, it aggro’d 5000 of their friends!

Rerolling, and this is why. [constructive thread]

in Necromancer

Posted by: Apophis.9827


43 necro rerolling warrior. So far enjoying it far more than necro.

Rerolling, and this is why. [constructive thread]

in Necromancer

Posted by: Kaden.3162


i havnt fully explored the necro profession but i rerolled from a ele to a necro for pvp and it was infinitely easier to kill and not be killed with a necro then it was with a ele.

i think theres a quite a few changes needing to be made to professions, the condition dmg i think needs work on the necro but i also think other classes need a lot more looking at first.

Rerolling, and this is why. [constructive thread]

in Necromancer

Posted by: LastDay.3524


i havnt fully explored the necro profession but i rerolled from a ele to a necro for pvp and it was infinitely easier to kill and not be killed with a necro then it was with a ele.

i think theres a quite a few changes needing to be made to professions, the condition dmg i think needs work on the necro but i also think other classes need a lot more looking at first.

I have a lv80 Necromancer, a lv10 (or so) Elementalist, lv10 (or so) Thief and a lv10 (yup or so!) Guardian.

The Elementalist is definitely hardest to start with, I agree.
You are made out of paper and your snares are in different Attunements so it really takes time getting used to.
They are just really hard to solo anything with, yet good in groups when people keep things off them.
Eles aren’t necessarily bad. Just very unforgiving to play.

Thieves are really good. (Not big surprise I hope!)
They die very fast but escaping as one isn’t that difficult and they deal unreal damage in bursts.
They might be easier to beat than people think though.
Oh so squishy and oh so little defense against ranged attacks.

Guardians feel pretty good for the most part but their Scepter just feels underwhelming and while Staff has great skills it’s attack felt bad to me.
They just kind of suck at range right now.

You know when I can see problems playing only to lv10 you know something isn’t quite right yet.

From what I’ve read Rangers kind of suck at melee, but I haven’t played one so I dunno.

Necro definitely isn’t the only Profession that needs work, that I agree on.

As for my lv80 Necro I feel that there are too many skills and traits you should never pick.
After Dagger and Axe get buffed and all the bugs get fixed Necro might already be in a pretty decent spot.
The damage might be too low though… and Life Blast could use Bleed.


(edited by LastDay.3524)

Rerolling, and this is why. [constructive thread]

in Necromancer

Posted by: AuraofMana.1279


ArenaNet really dropped the ball on the Necromancer. We told them the class was pretty crap during BWEs but it never got fixed.

If GW1 is of any indication the game will just turn into FOTM builds with constant nerfs and zero buffs.

Rerolling, and this is why. [constructive thread]

in Necromancer

Posted by: Lucubration.8361


A guy in my guild rolled a necro from a ranger because of what he saw me do in WvW.

We have problems (tons of bad/bugged traits and condition builds are a trap because they suck with DS) but necromancers are very powerful when played well.

That’s really strange, because I rerolled from a level 80 Necro to try out a level 5 Ranger and can bag just as many kills in WvW as with my Necro.

The only thing Necro has going for it that Ranger does not is the 45-second massive AoE dump you can do with wells. However, I’m even seeing that Ranger AoE is just as effective simply because it’s not as blatantly obvious as wells.

Also, in between the AoE dump, Ranger is substantially more effective than Necro. Being caught between the battle lines is a death sentence with any class, but a Ranger actually has meaningful abilities at 1200 (traited 1500) range as where a Necro has a really, really terrible staff primary that has a slower attack rate, a slower travel speed, and lower damage.

Rerolling, and this is why. [constructive thread]

in Necromancer

Posted by: Schwarzoid.2546


I finished reading the initial post, but I had to eye roll when ever I read the statement ‘conditions only viable spec’

Something tells me you have not tried out all the various hybrid/utility staves specs out there.

Rerolling, and this is why. [constructive thread]

in Necromancer

Posted by: Koen.8703


I have to agree, my opinion was completely false there.
Since atm I’m running a ’well" build.

Playing pvp necro since BWE1 – mercenary.
Representing guild [BG] – Broken Gods – Desolation (EU)

Rerolling, and this is why. [constructive thread]

in Necromancer

Posted by: Schwarzoid.2546


I have to agree, my opinion was completely false there.
Since atm I’m running a ’well" build.

I like those builds, especially when you grab ground placement on Wells then use well of darkness for that delicious aoe blind.

You just need to aim for tanky hybrid builds, but you also need to team to back you up. I just wish that there were good Necro specs that either had the escapes or survivability that other classes had.

Other classes can get the same or more burst then our Necros (lol was just hit for 18k in 2 hits by a thief) and they can vanish, sprint or teleport away.

Necros have a fear that can get dodged and crappy life steal, bleh.

Rerolling, and this is why. [constructive thread]

in Necromancer

Posted by: Aga.8641


Can people stop bringing up WvW, all WvW is sitting on castle walls spamming spells, and obvisouly classes with AoE damage will do better, and yes a condition necro spamming mark of blood does a lot of damage. This does not mean the class is balanced…

I just don’t understand why they aren’t fixing the bugs as soon as they can, rather then what they are likely doing now which is waiting to release a lot of fixes at the same time. I’m sure a group of professional developers and programmers can fix 2-3 bugs a day.

Rerolling, and this is why. [constructive thread]

in Necromancer

Posted by: Schwarzoid.2546


Can people stop bringing up WvW, all WvW is sitting on castle walls spamming spells, and obvisouly classes with AoE damage will do better, and yes a condition necro spamming mark of blood does a lot of damage. This does not mean the class is balanced…

I just don’t understand why they aren’t fixing the bugs as soon as they can, rather then what they are likely doing now which is waiting to release a lot of fixes at the same time. I’m sure a group of professional developers and programmers can fix 2-3 bugs a day.

I predict that once all the necro things do work, it will become the next round of QQ from the bad players who QQ about thieves and mesmer damage. The only reason I could thing of the delay, besides that its not top priority, is that things would need to be rebalanced. Because lets face it, necros would have many viable builds that would be borderline ridiculous in sPvP if everything worked.

Rerolling, and this is why. [constructive thread]

in Necromancer

Posted by: Invictus.1503


I re-rolled after hitting lvl 50 mainly because I’m tired of running a conditionmancer build and still being underwhelming (perhaps because conditionmancer was the last choice I would have picked). I rolled a mesmer and thief and started having fun again so although I love my necro, I’m going to play them until I have a few more viable feeling options and then return to my necromancer with full force and have fun with him again.

In short, the necromancer in his current form became very stale to me in a large part because of lack of options. I’ll return to him though, of that I’m sure.

It’s better to keep your mouth shut and appear stupid than to open it and remove all doubt.

Rerolling, and this is why. [constructive thread]

in Necromancer

Posted by: Drakent.9605


I always go for a summoning class on every MMO i have play, so necro was gona be my main class . I could only play it until lvl 16 b/c i found the class very disappointing to play pass that .

Pets are the only reason i play the class and they are just awful. They die to fast ,they dont attack the rigth target or they dont attack a target , if the pets dies during a figth where i was against 3 to 4 mobs i would barely come out alive or just die.

So i took a brake of necromancer by rolling a gurdian just for the heck of it and with the class i was able to kill 6 to 7 mobs at the same time and end up with 40% of my HP left and this is just by tank and spank not using any cd or rolling out of the way , after that i couldnt go back to necro.

I really hope they fix the necro class b/c rigth now is just to broken to play with.

Rerolling, and this is why. [constructive thread]

in Necromancer

Posted by: Enpyric.7568


After trying countless builds and playstyles and 180+ hours spent on my Necro, I’m rerolling too.

Currently, necromancer is a class you can’t play the way you want. Necro has only a few viable builds and I don’t have the choice to change my role. Once there is more versatility, I might pick it up again.

Arcine – 80 Sylvari Necromancer
A proud member of Somnium [zzZ]

Rerolling, and this is why. [constructive thread]

in Necromancer

Posted by: mangocheesecake.1487


Well i’m pretty much done with gear on my necro… (just need a staff nao) and I like the cabalist set skin way better than the fancier stuff (stripe stockings!! <3)

So I can put her on hold while I work on another char =D (guardian i guesssssss)

Right now I’m sitting at 1.7 Power (translates into 2000 atk i think?) 25k HP and 2.5K armor. But I don’t feel like I survive more (no mobility or disengage mechanisms) do more dmg, or put more condition than other classes :<

It’s still fun in a group setting, my life transfer thing heals okay (I can actually see my groupmate’s hp bar crawling up slowly =D) and I think I offer a lot in terms of support with my well of darkness + blast finisher. I could tank for a bit in PvE if needed. But other than PvE it just feels…. unfinished, because of the lack in synergy with the skills/utilities/traits.

Terrifying Kitties | SBI | Recruiting Active Players for WvW and PvE
PM Carme, Soji, Taper, or Mrsowrd in game

Rerolling, and this is why. [constructive thread]

in Necromancer

Posted by: forice.3165


Perfect. it is what i wanted to say. and everyone in gw2 say necromancer is weak.

Rerolling, and this is why. [constructive thread]

in Necromancer

Posted by: Wahaha.7938


I played Engi and Necro so far. Almost every engi skill is instant cast or < 0.5 seconds. Almost every necro skill takes 0.5 – 2 seconds to cast. These are the skills that AREN’T channeling. Just the cast time or animation time. Feels super slow and bad. Only skills that I get satisfaction from using are deathly swarm, wells and flesh golem charge, because they don’t take kitten forever to happen.

And of course I agree with OP, Engi can do everything Necro can and better. Besides some condition manipulation and tanking I gotta admit. But then again, I find it easier to survive with an Engi than Necro so idk. Engi can immobilize and then stun, and during that time do 25 stacks of vuln, long chill, poison, optional blind, some bleeds along with massive damage(12k+) all in less than 8 seconds, and only the cd on the elite skill (stun) is significantly long. Oh and all of this is aoe besides the immobilize. Even if you don’t do this combo you’re left with good damage and massive amounts of utility skills. What can Necro do? Some weak bleeds, poison, maybe chill, blind, weakness (I think weakness is pretty good actually). Maybe you’ll be able to do 5k damage in 10 seconds, with weaker conditions than the engi. Seems like necro only has Wells going for it atm, very strong and good area control. But as soon as the enemy dodges out of it that’s a long cd skill wasted.

Rerolling, and this is why. [constructive thread]

in Necromancer

Posted by: Hexd.4796


The problem with our skill delay, and the time it takes to apply a good number of conditions, is the short cooldown of condition removal skills that other professions have. I have a very hard time keeping conditions stacked long enough to do a significant amount of damage.

What are some of the rotations you are using to stack conditions? Do we need to rely on signet for the majority of these?

(edited by Hexd.4796)

Rerolling, and this is why. [constructive thread]

in Necromancer

Posted by: Player One.4932

Player One.4932

This class is okay if you find a lvl 3 player in wvw.
This class is okay if you sit in the back and spam ranged

I have rerolled a ranger and a guardian and I like them both better at lvl 9

Violator Xx

Rerolling, and this is why. [constructive thread]

in Necromancer

Posted by: SirNuX.2371


I agree that there are some bugs regarding PvP and WvW for necro. Thats why I never enter those with my necro. The Necro was my first class and will probably remain my main too, but I focus my necro on PvE mostly and I noticed that kinda works out well. Yes there are some bugs and problems with it but I dont complain about it. I already got a few alts to do WvW and/or PvP with them because as a necro I seriously fail in PvP.

Yurkov – Necromancer – 80
Roma Yurkov – Warrior – 65
[DIE] Dragons In Exile – Far Shiverpeaks

Rerolling, and this is why. [constructive thread]

in Necromancer

Posted by: ZtriDer.9573


+1, again.
Rerolled from 50 necro to Guardian. My guardian is now 40.
My survivability is way higher. I can take on way more mobs then my necro, and I am way more usefull for my group then when I was on my necro. Better heal, better boons, ok damage, super survivablity.

Im not regretting for one second that I rerolled away from that bugclass.
I will though return when they fix the class, but looking as they are working, this will not happen soon. (The most svere bugs should have been fixed in Beta. I have no clue how the pet problem got trough the beta with so many people pointing out the problem).

Lost where no man has been lost before!

Rerolling, and this is why. [constructive thread]

in Necromancer

Posted by: Devilsmack.5736


I will, in no way, reroll my Necro. Although I do have names/classes reserved already for when my main hits 80: Elementalist, Mesmer, Thief and Warrior.

Alanna Grisel (M) / Devilsmack (N)
Kildemort (W) / Killer Claws (G)
Deadly God (En) – Fort Aspenwood

Rerolling, and this is why. [constructive thread]

in Necromancer

Posted by: Onedoesnotsimply.5740


Spvp I do fine, its spvp and I’m not bad (daoc, ac, 2200+ arenas in wow, 1700 elo in LoL etc etc) not bragging just saying I’m well versed in pvp. Tpvp I get wrecked, only viable build is tanky well bunker build. I’m working to 80 in wvwvw only to get more “skill” accodring to jon. My findings:
Spvp – not bad (not bad where everyone else is amazing)
Tpvp – besides one spec and very situational teams, we are garbage
Pve – haven’t done much, can’t comment
WvWvW- this is where I think we shine in more of a support role, I will edit and post the build I’m running with and having a fun time.

+1 for rerolling (I can’t but props to everyone. I hate all the other classes imo and I’m one of 3 full time necros in our 200man guild so they won’t let me reroll one of the upsides of being 2% played profession)
+1 for keeping this thread realitvely rage free and +1 for 10k + views
My build is a random one, 15/20/0/20/15

Tl:dr. Nice thread, and anything you think your doing good, another profession standing beisde you is doing it better.

Rerolling, and this is why. [constructive thread]

in Necromancer

Posted by: Daikaze.6708


While I can’t deny that the Necro has some issues, I find it odd that people don’t really see the value of the class in WvW. In WvW I’m not much for murdering enemies, but I soak up conditions quite nicely, which keeps my allies alive. As a necromancer I can easily handle a large sum of conditions that have been placed on my allies. It’s great being able to counter all of those condition builds out there.

If anything, I just wish that I had a another 1200 range weapon on the Necromancer. It’s kind of annoying being limited to the staff if you want to maintain a comfortable distance. However, a few of the classes have this same issue. Hopefully they’re planning to add some additional range weapons for some of the classes.

Rerolling, and this is why. [constructive thread]

in Necromancer

Posted by: Moskibear.3482


I tried to reroll a while ago, while the thief felt faster and more visceral in combat, I also felt it was much more squishy and punished you way more for making mistakes. It was just not the class for me, even if I did want to play one in Betaweekend 2 and 3. With my necromancer I can AOE the crap out of multiple enemies without effort and spread death and decay, at least, during the solo questing. I do realise the necromancer has issues in pvp, but give it time. My primary concern is the lack in variety possibilities for builds such as power damage or minion master (bugged AI). Another concern is also trying to destroy objects is a huge pain, but from what I hear most condition build classes are suffering from this.

All in all, I am going to stick with it and not give up, as much as I am aware of quite some issues. I am running a 20/30/0/20/0 build currently, I was hesitant to put points into spite, but some bonus damage as well as longer condition duration helps. As for pvp, I honestly havent figured out a decent build yet, I think I may wait with that!