Rise Up! (A Necrotic Revolution)

Rise Up! (A Necrotic Revolution)

in Necromancer

Posted by: tattoohead.3217


I have been reading a lot of posts that are complaining about the upcoming changes to the Necromancer class or should I say lack of upcoming changes. Overall it does feel like there is a lack of vision and honestly a lack of effort put forth from the development team at Anet when it comes to Necromancers.

An idea was put forth to simply have a ton of people stop playing the class and role something else, forcing the development team to change necros (I assume in some minds that means give us buffs.)

I say no way, we love our class, KEEP PLAYING! My idea is more of a social experiment if you love your necromancer but your frustrated with the current state of the class then I challenge you to become apart of the Rise Up movement (lol) I feel silly saying this but honestly we could make an impact if we unite the community and cry out on every level possible.

Rise Up! (A Necrotic Revolution)

in Necromancer

Posted by: tattoohead.3217


The idea is fairly simple, get a large group of Necromancer’s together and we all flood Anet with

-Social Media Post on there facebook and twitter feeds calling for change
-Forum Posts Create hundreds of posts calling for change
-In Game Protest Gather necros on your server and group up in city’s all over tyria to call for action
-YouTube Create a video and post it where the devs will see it

And any other ideas you come up with, it sounds kind of silly honestly but we could really make a change if its done right.

Here is what im asking of you… for now DO NOTHING! just send me a msg on the forum or post here with a simple “im in” if we get enough interest by the end of the month ill putt up a website where we can discuss what to do. If all of this could happen in one day all at once Anet would have no choice but to do SOMETHING.

Rise Up! (A Necrotic Revolution)

in Necromancer

Posted by: flow.6043


and we all flood Anet with…

This is just asking for a ban.

Necros aren’t in bad shape atm, and if you look at every class subforum you’ll always find people who feel that their class is the one most neglected by Anet.

Also, once you have something more concrete than “lack of vision and effort”, just write it in the professions balance forum. That’s probably the best way to get your oppinion heard.

Rise Up! (A Necrotic Revolution)

in Necromancer

Posted by: NeXeD.3042


I’m all for necros banding together and whatnot but I honestly don’t think anything we do is going to make the devs do anything different with our class. We will get buffed we will get nerfed its the same as any other mmo, I enjoy playing my necro more than any other class I’ve tried in this game and I will play my necro as long as this game is active. All I ask is they fix certain bugs going on with our main class mechanic because our one advantage is completely kittened right now. We should not be locked out of our skills for 2 seconds after ds and we should not be taking real damage to our hp in ds I know some people have said that that is rare but I kittening disagree I take damage to my hp all the time in ds and its driving me nuts, give us back our ds damage buffer so we can take those huge hits or give us a way to stay on our feet 3 seconds of stability is not enough.

Attention Moderators I am not
S P E E D Starr #0 Necro NA or
I Am NeXeD awful d/D ele NA

Rise Up! (A Necrotic Revolution)

in Necromancer

Posted by: tattoohead.3217


and we all flood Anet with…

This is just asking for a ban.

Necros aren’t in bad shape atm, and if you look at every class subforum you’ll always find people who feel that their class is the one most neglected by Anet.

Also, once you have something more concrete than “lack of vision and effort”, just write it in the professions balance forum. That’s probably the best way to get your opinion heard.

Just to be clear, I am not pulling for any “Buffs” if you read other posts by me largely I defend the devs and agree that Necromancer is in an “ok” state strength wise. (ehh..)

We lack exactly what i said we lack “Vision and Concept” for instance the last patch saw minor improvements to life steal and the next will see a nerf… do they want us to have life steal or not? Also the devs state that Necromancer is an attrition class and its clear that we are not, most effective builds revolve around burst. Then there is the whole condition’s in PvE balance that has never even been commented on as far as I know.

And as I stated, this is a Social Experiment I just want to see what the community does… if you dont want to take part, then dont.

Rise Up! (A Necrotic Revolution)

in Necromancer

Posted by: knbBlackTemplar.3059


Rise from the shadows
Make a fist of the pain
Rise from your grief
Before it grows into your bane

Climb from the prison
That you’ve built in your soul
When the night has arisen
Then your legend will be whole

80’s: Sylvari Necromancer (Main). Human: Thief, Warrior (PvP Main), Engineer. Charr Guardian

Rise Up! (A Necrotic Revolution)

in Necromancer

Posted by: Rym.1469


OP, you kind of remind me Snowball from “Animal Farm”

[rude]Antagonistka – Revenant, EU.
[SALT]Natchniony – Necromancer, EU.
Streams: http://www.twitch.tv/rym144

Rise Up! (A Necrotic Revolution)

in Necromancer

Posted by: tattoohead.3217


Rise Up! (A Necrotic Revolution)

in Necromancer

Posted by: Rym.1469


^ haha Hope you and your followers won’t run from moderators

[rude]Antagonistka – Revenant, EU.
[SALT]Natchniony – Necromancer, EU.
Streams: http://www.twitch.tv/rym144

Rise Up! (A Necrotic Revolution)

in Necromancer

Posted by: Lightsbane.9012


and we all flood Anet with…

This is just asking for a ban.

Necros aren’t in bad shape atm, and if you look at every class subforum you’ll always find people who feel that their class is the one most neglected by Anet.

Also, once you have something more concrete than “lack of vision and effort”, just write it in the professions balance forum. That’s probably the best way to get your oppinion heard.

sure, other classes perceived they’re the most neglected when they aren’t. but other classes aren’t necromancer. when you’re the last motherkitten in the zerg to get away and still die somehow, then you can say you’re class is ‘neglected’
warrior: not neglected
guardian: nope
elementalist: mostly nope
mesmer: absolutely nope
engineer: kinda nope…kinda
thief: kitten no not neglected
necro: hi i’ma starfish
ranger: could use more attention

that’s the advantage of playing every class. you know which ones are absolutely broken (thief, warrior, ele) and which ones get shafted nearly every patch (engineer, necro, ranger) to anyone that doesn’t think ele is broken i ask them to refer to the fact that something like diamond skin exists at all. thief and warrior i don’t need to explain really. after main-ing necromancer for nearly 7 months now, i understand that arenanet wants to be the attrition fighter, when in reality it’s thief that’s the attrition fighter. thief can punish you for doing nearly anything, whereas necro only has condition pressure and fear that’s just really harassment almost 90% of the time. it’s kind of ironic; the dark arts practitioners are bullseyes where the thieves, who meld with the shadows(that the dark arts created) have the most access to teleports in the game. we get a wurm. that takes a second and a half to summon. lowering the cast time on flesh wurm would be such an immense buff to necro in the wvw spectrum i can’t even imagine what it would do for me. i know i’d die probably 80% less.

As quick as the Valkyries ride,
As true as Odin’s spear flies,
There is nowhere to hide.

Rise Up! (A Necrotic Revolution)

in Necromancer

Posted by: Bhawb.7408


We’re not any more neglected than anyone else. You can’t look at power/popularity/“viability” as a sign of who is getting the most attention.

I am perfectly happy with where the Necro is currently, compared to the other classes. Yes I wish we were more balanced, yes there is still a ton of work that needs to be done, but the same is true of pretty much everyone.

Honestly, I think the biggest thing this game needs right now is not more balance. We need an expansion. It has been 17 months (ish) since the game was released. Since then, PvP has gotten a few maps, WvW basically hasn’t gotten diddly squat, and PvE has gotten a “lot” of content, but very little that is truly hardcore.

At this point in GW1, we had seen the release of both full expansions, plus EotN was on its way. This essentially tripled the amount of PvE available, doubled the number of skills, added TONS of PvP content, and was just overall a massive addition.

I would be perfectly happy if they barely touched balance (except to fix extreme cases), and instead put all that time into making new PvP modes/maps, making real hardcore content in PvE, gave me something actually fun to grind for (can’t be a necessary grind though), and started releasing a bunch of new skills. Even if they had this game perfectly balanced, I still would find it just as difficult to play as I do now, simply because there really isn’t anything to do that I didn’t do 15 months ago.

But of Corpse – Watch us on YouTube
My PvP Minion Build

(edited by Bhawb.7408)

Rise Up! (A Necrotic Revolution)

in Necromancer

Posted by: borrok.9267


I’d be happy with an expansion, despite what usually happens when they release something new. I can see warriors getting op skills, and necros getting more vamp signets, which seem to devs to be op and get nerfed. Probably a few new sets to farm for that turn out looking like the wurm pieces(lol). Oh well, try to have fun where you can while waiting on bigger and better things.

Teef master race

Rise Up! (A Necrotic Revolution)

in Necromancer

Posted by: tattoohead.3217


My best friend worked on the development/testing team for Bethesda and the general MMO rule is: When you have a balance patch every class should be changed. The reason is simply so that everyone feels equal. The issue with this is that not all classes are created equal so sometimes a class is “fine” and receives “changes” that do nothing. (Like buffing life stealing by .025%)

When this happens too often it creates problems in the class, Necromancers may balance alright when compared with the overall game but they are a joke when compared to other classes.

The idea of uniting the community is just to say loudly “HEY!” the development team knows the issues with the current state of necromancer better than anyone, there not dumb. Necromancer is simply not a priority and we need to try and fix that.

Rise Up! (A Necrotic Revolution)

in Necromancer

Posted by: borrok.9267


^ Your last paragraph didn’t make much sense to me, but I agree with what you were getting at prior. I wish the dev team did know the issues with necro with relevance to other classes though…

Teef master race

Rise Up! (A Necrotic Revolution)

in Necromancer

Posted by: Bweaty.9187


I got banned on social media for saying there server/web server was offline.
I’ve had threads removed for trying to explane why friends I bought this game don’t/won’t play it.
I’ve heard NCSoft is suing people on UTube for GW2 vids. (Not confirmed and there’s been lots of UTube crazy copywrite stuff of late)

Just a warning. I’m in for anything that could get my loved necro back to ‘fun to play’.

Rise Up! (A Necrotic Revolution)

in Necromancer

Posted by: Luke.4562


Top Exaggerated thread.
It’s obvious that ANET team doesn’t seem to have the right ideas about Necromancer, but is it a public attitude or the reality? We know for sure they are really slow on developing and they should have given precedence to the balance since Beta.
There’s no need to make social and media tantrum to get something you can’t have (about a game? Really?).

Just adapt to it or move on something else, after all this game isn’t your life.

ALPHA, BETA, several months, … 1 Year later…“When it’s ready”[cit.]

(edited by Luke.4562)

Rise Up! (A Necrotic Revolution)

in Necromancer

Posted by: Winneh.2064


Quit balancing, start bugfixing tbh.
That would actually solve a lot.