Roaming/WvW which buid (pow or cond) ?

Roaming/WvW which buid (pow or cond) ?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Egret.9374


Hi guys,
I’ve finished my necro today and now i can’t decide which equip to buy. I Mainly do wvw with my guild (20/25 ppl) or roaming (solo or small group) whic equip is better? I can change my trait as many time as i want, but haven’t enough money for 2 equip. So cond or pow? or maybe hybrid?
I hope in a lot of suggestion :-)

Ty very much

Roaming/WvW which buid (pow or cond) ?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Rennoko.5731


Either one is fine (Power or Conditions). They are both so-so for roaming depending on your level of awareness, dislike for being zergged, and comfort level with your roaming allies (if you have any).

Hybrid I would say is a very dangerous build to run. It gives you the squishy of the zerker build, without the burst. Hybrid works fine in larger groups, but small groups it is very difficult to pull off. As a necro people already focus you hard, which works okay with Rabid/valk/knights – not so much with rampagers.

Roaming/WvW which buid (pow or cond) ?

in Necromancer

Posted by: tattoohead.3217


I run full PVT gear and wells (sometimes i use a spectral build) in zergs it really doesn’t matter but plague form is BEAST! I have 32k HP over 3k armor and 3500 atk and i feel so OP when a thf jumps me and i just dance/laugh at him.

I am thinking of switching to a condition build i here 30/30/10/0/0 is the fotm build but i wouldn’t run that for solo roaming as you will be too squishy. If you play in a small group the condition is fun i will say.

Roaming/WvW which buid (pow or cond) ?

in Necromancer

Posted by: subcrazy.1098


I like condi, I only play 5 man u can check out the videos in my sig to see it in action.

LavaFluxx – Ele
Ankle Bitër – Necro – Paxa
Necro and Ele small man videos:Necro/Ele Videos

Roaming/WvW which buid (pow or cond) ?

in Necromancer

Posted by: tattoohead.3217


Nice videos, Im really liking condition in groups as well my normal roaming team has a condition engi and then a few power builds so epidermic shines.

Sometimes i miss the 30k+ hp and well bombing after DS #5 for some nice AoE burst oh yeah and being immortal.

Roaming/WvW which buid (pow or cond) ?

in Necromancer

Posted by: subcrazy.1098


thanks, I find wells to easy to avoid where epidemic isn’t and is up every 15sec, also i like stacking torment on ppl with it.

LavaFluxx – Ele
Ankle Bitër – Necro – Paxa
Necro and Ele small man videos:Necro/Ele Videos

Roaming/WvW which buid (pow or cond) ?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Dylninja.4216


I run a “hybrid”-ish build.
3 pieces of knights armor and 3 pieces of rabid armor. Rabid armor has sup. rune of necromancer, knights armor has the ruby orb. trinkets i run 2 PVT, 2 Carrion, and 2 Zerker. It evens out pretty good, conditions to get the below 50% and then DS burst them ^^

[PRO] The Protectorate of Fort Aspenwood
Shrouded Bomber

Roaming/WvW which buid (pow or cond) ?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Rym.1469


I’d choose some condition based build. They’re more effective both in solo roaming and small-groups fights, they have fairly more options to counterplay various builds. I’d suggest 0/30/x/x/20 build. You can spec either for pure condition, which works nicely in largers fights going on or you can choose Terror build which works pretty fine as before patch, giving you more roam ability. Also, rabid all the way with Undead runes. As for powermancer, I’ve tried tanky PVT dagger build but it’s not my playstyle, you get kited easily, have less viable options to counterplay range or semi-range specs. Well build works nice only in zergs so you don’t really want build oriented on wells only. For power, I’d suggest going 30/10/x/x/30 with current DS build, similar to Nemesis one, but modified. Berserker armor with Ruby orbs/whatever you like, offensive or deffensive (wouldn’t suggest might stacking boost because none olayer will stand there and eat your blasts one by one, your might may be dispelled). Accessory Valkyrie/Cavalier, weapons Berserker. As you see, squishy, but because you run Weakning Shroud and spectral cd reduction instead of Vital Per. you get a little more survability. It still requires decent skill/ avoiding any damage If possible and keeping up your LF (Never exhaust LF under 10%, even If you might take some damage!) but hits hard as hell and finishes off focused targets in seconds. As for utilities : WoS/WoP, Spectral Walk, Spectral Grasp/Armor/Wall, Plague

[rude]Antagonistka – Revenant, EU.
[SALT]Natchniony – Necromancer, EU.

Roaming/WvW which buid (pow or cond) ?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Xom.9264


WvW opens alot of options you can do great with power or condition builds on a necro. I lean towards condition builds but some of the most fun I have had roaming was with dagger builds, be warned good players will kite your dagger bad ones are fast easy badges its worth the trade off.

Xomox ~Human Necro/Engineer ET

Roaming/WvW which buid (pow or cond) ?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Halo.8976


Level up a ranger for roaming and go with condition necro for group fights.

Roaming/WvW which buid (pow or cond) ?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Aphix.9846


Large fights go power for sure, 0/20/20/0/30 for example with offensive gear, soldiers gear is a complete waste of stats for ranged, with good positioning and movement you should never have a problem surviving.
For roaming I like condi, but power is fine as well.

If you go condi for GvG/zergs your condis wont stick with the constant shout cleansing/fields etc and the most useful condis imo are chill/blind/cripple/immob/poison(for the secondary effect), none which do damage and power necro can offer that as well, so condi dmg is imo wasted in large fights. Burst damage is 100x better in wvw.

Roaming/WvW which buid (pow or cond) ?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Cempa.5619
