Scared of scepter buff consequences
The scepter auto boon corruption is minimal. Dont worry
It will attract QQ justified or not. It will create stupid situations due to its rng nature (revenant gets feared every 4 seconds, which then cause chill), which will create angry posts. I only hope that they just revert that change and don’t start messing somewhere else.
It will attract QQ justified or not. It will create stupid situations due to its rng nature (revenant gets feared every 4 seconds, which then cause chill), which will create angry posts. I only hope that they just revert that change and don’t start messing somewhere else.
Really if ventari would get a couple of buffs, I don’t think we’d be much of a problem for revs. That legend has the potential to be incredibly powerful as a healer and support but the tablet requiring energy to move, along with the cast time to move it makes Ventari so clunky.
just how often do you go through a whole auto attack chain on scepter? how often are you going to be on scepter? the other skills on your bar are far more powerful than the auto attack.
“Revenant is actual proof that devs read the necromancer forum” – Pelopidas.2140
I’m worried about knee jerk reactions too. I personally don’t see a problem with it, I think it will help scepter out a lot, but I see the potential for far too much “QQ ZOMG NERF NAOW NECRO TOO OP” and we see repercussion nerfs on things that have nothing to do with scepter. Think I’m wrong? Look back at the history of the Dhuumfire era
Well enemy doesn’t have to use boons. If boons get corrupted it’s because of their lack of skill and necro condi output is pure joke compared other condi classes.
Seafarer’s Rest EotM grinch
Is this an upcoming change? Where can I read about it?
I’m pretty sure it will push scepter in the realm of OP… and if that results in nerfs it’s gonna be stupid as hell.
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Nerf a condition every 1.5 sec if you insist to use the auto attack, without casting any other skill…
It’s good only if you’re a entire team of necros and focus a single target XD
Seriously, it isn’t a so big buff. The mesmer have a boon removal on the 3° sword AA. have you ever seen a mesmer insist in the AA to remove your boons?
It is not a big buff. I would prefer to apply some good condition with 3rd aa. And corrupt boon change is considered as a buff but it is a nerf actually.
Yes but a Mesmer is a few things which a necro isn’t…
1) squishy – if you go in and wack your sword to remove boons… all it takes is a random stray AoE spell and you get rekt
2) Melee. Necro does it from range.
3) Boon corrupt - doesn’t just remove, but turns it into a condition
4) You do spend some time auto attacking since you can. With a corrupt, you’ll spend a lot of time auto attacking simply because it will wreck your target…
I like the change but I would haaatteee for a nerf to happen because of it. But then again.. depends on the nerf. A bleed duration reduction, for example… would be ok.
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just how often do you go through a whole auto attack chain on scepter? how often are you going to be on scepter? the other skills on your bar are far more powerful than the auto attack.
It will surely get ragers atention no matter how insignificant it will be in the end.And heralds are the least boyz to cry about CC,despite the tiny chance you will get off 3rd chain which would corupt stabil before any other boon,they can simply stunbreak it whole and go back to yolo mode.Not even mentioning that they got spamable resistance,if they bothered to use it.
just how often do you go through a whole auto attack chain on scepter? how often are you going to be on scepter? the other skills on your bar are far more powerful than the auto attack.
Pretty much. In a 1v1 staff and shroud had all the burst condis you’d need to win. I think scepter will only be used for killing bunkers faster when outnumbered.. That is.. If there will still be any bunkers left.
Taking a break from GW2 to play various
Nintendo games..
Yeah, scepter buff will barely be noticed by us, but that doesn’t mean ignorant players won’t hesitate flock to the forums to QQ about how OP the Necro is now. Already see people in chat and on the forums talking about how OP Necro will be with its insane scepter buffs. Makes me cringe. I enjoy us being in a good spot, but it’s never good when a class gets too much attention.
You are severely underestimating boon corrupts peeps!
I’m hoping it’s not as good as I think it will be…. but if it is… *que dramatic music *
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I don’t think the change will be broken – you have to realise how many boons some of these classes can spew out every few seconds and how rarely someone will complete an auto-attack chain on Scepter given the strength of our other skills. However in saying that, i think Scepter is already in a good place and probably doesn’t need this buff.
Would prefer they focussed on other areas that actually need improvement, like improving Axe, reducing the cast time on Focus 5, Improving Staff 1. Improving Greatsword so it can be used on other players.
80 Ranger (3), 80 Warrior (3), 80 Thief (3)
80 Ele (2), 80 Engi (3), 80 Rev (2)
You are severely underestimating boon corrupts peeps!
I’m hoping it’s not as good as I think it will be…. but if it is… *que dramatic music *
I agree. Boon corruption on scepter will seriously counter builds with constant boon generation or those that use boons as counters, themselves.
Also, Corrupt Boon (I think it was) will get a much shorter cool down for more on-demand responsiveness, though the number of boons corrupted will be less.
The change coming Tuesday will give Necromancer a lot more boon hate capability. It is not merely boon stripping, which boon-spam professions can ignore, but corruption to some potentially suicidal conditions.
Taken together, the change to scepter and CB seems to imply Arenanet wants to take the boon punch-bowl away and force more active strategy into their use.
Honestly as someone who plays a necro & other classes I have to admit that having a boon corruption on the auto attack is stupid.
It would be much more balanced to have the scepter #2 corrupt 2 or possibly even 3 boons when it hits.
That way its AOE but can be dodged and its not spammable.
You are severely underestimating boon corrupts peeps!
I’m hoping it’s not as good as I think it will be…. but if it is… *que dramatic music *I agree. Boon corruption on scepter will seriously counter builds with constant boon generation or those that use boons as counters, themselves.
Also, Corrupt Boon (I think it was) will get a much shorter cool down for more on-demand responsiveness, though the number of boons corrupted will be less.
The change coming Tuesday will give Necromancer a lot more boon hate capability. It is not merely boon stripping, which boon-spam professions can ignore, but corruption to some potentially suicidal conditions.
Taken together, the change to scepter and CB seems to imply Arenanet wants to take the boon punch-bowl away and force more active strategy into their use.
If you’d actually know Necro you’d know that corrupt boons is a corruption skill ans therefore has a self condi attached. Basically if someone spams CB they perma poison themself. So op, right?!
For crying out loud guys, your arguments are so onesided and misinformed it hurts. Wait for the 26th. See if it is actually op. THEN you can think about nerfs. Nerfing stuff before even trying them is plain stupid. It just ends up being underpowered – Just look at LoL which had several champs which were “so op” on PBE, got nerfed and hey, would you know that, actually came out up on release…
You guys are not designers. None of us is. Stop crying as you don’t even remotely have the bigger picture here.
It will surely get ragers atention no matter how insignificant it will be in the end.And heralds are the least boyz to cry about CC,despite the tiny chance you will get off 3rd chain which would corupt stabil before any other boon,they can simply stunbreak it whole and go back to yolo mode.Not even mentioning that they got spamable resistance,if they bothered to use it.
If you are playing against a herald stability is the boon that you are most likely to strip first. And only shiro has a almost on demand stun break (it still costs a third of your total energy).
Herald of Ventari
It will attract QQ justified or not. It will create stupid situations due to its rng nature (revenant gets feared every 4 seconds, which then cause chill), which will create angry posts. I only hope that they just revert that change and don’t start messing somewhere else.
Really if ventari would get a couple of buffs, I don’t think we’d be much of a problem for revs. That legend has the potential to be incredibly powerful as a healer and support but the tablet requiring energy to move, along with the cast time to move it makes Ventari so clunky.
I’m somewhat opposed to buffing ventaris condi resistance. Currently only reapers have the condi pressure required to be a threat to ventari (and that only in team fights since in 1v1 it’s possible to kite) . If they carelessly buff ventaris condi resistance we risk getting a cele tempest 2.0 (and I do not wish for the nerfs following that).
Herald of Ventari
I agree. Boon corruption on scepter will seriously counter builds with constant boon generation or those that use boons as counters, themselves.
Also, Corrupt Boon (I think it was) will get a much shorter cool down for more on-demand responsiveness, though the number of boons corrupted will be less.
The change coming Tuesday will give Necromancer a lot more boon hate capability. It is not merely boon stripping, which boon-spam professions can ignore, but corruption to some potentially suicidal conditions.
Taken together, the change to scepter and CB seems to imply Arenanet wants to take the boon punch-bowl away and force more active strategy into their use.
If you’d actually know Necro you’d know that corrupt boons is a corruption skill ans therefore has a self condi attached. Basically if someone spams CB they perma poison themself. So op, right?!
You guys are not designers. None of us is. Stop crying as you don’t even remotely have the bigger picture here.
It would be more like 40% uptime of poison (base is 6 secs of poison while the cooldown of the skill is 15 secs)… unless you use condi duration amulets+runes, which brings it to up to 9 secs or so. 6 – 9 secs is still a lot and I don’t know how that’s gonna play out in terms of self-damage. When I use the current version of corrupt boon, I rarely notice the self-damage, but it will become a lot more noticeable since it’ll be on a 15 sec cooldown and a necro doesn’t really wanna waste its condi transfers… so it might be a slow suicide. I’m hoping they reduce the poison duration to like… 3 secs, maybe 4. Reduced cooldown, reduced poison – seems fair.
Although… if we compare the two boon corrupts (40 sec cooldown vs 15 sec cooldown)… the current version will corrupt 5 boons every 40 secs. The new version would corrupt 9 boons in 45 secs. In about the same amount of time, it corrupts almost twice as many boons – a lot less bursty but a lot more boons corrupted over the course of a battle. Now add in the scepter change. With the new scepter on top of that, it will be a whole lot of boons being converted into a condi…. easily 5+ boons corrupted on a target every 15 secs. In a team fight that’s really not a huge issue imo because there’s SOOOOO many AoE boons just being thrown around everywhere. Tempests, Revenants, Druids, Scrappers all have permanent boons and even Necros can stack up a ton of might easily. But on the other hand.. if you think about it.. 5+ boons corrupted every 15 secs is pretty deadly.
Before I used Path of Corruption in WvW, fights against Tempests, Druids and Scrappers (and even Dragonhunters) were an uphill battle because they slowly stacked might and got stronger and stronger the more the fight went on. Not to mention they had like 100 other boons while I just had my little swiftness and might -_- With one simple change (taking Path of Corruption) those professions became a piece of cake… and that was with just 2 boon corrupts – no more might, no more regen, no more vigor. Now you’ll be able to achieve the exact same thing but from range with scepter which to me seems pretty kitten strong. We’ll have to wait and see how it’ll play out. There’s a ton of condi removal and boons in the game anyway :P
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(edited by MethaneGas.8357)
A quick note, corruption skills have self inflicted conditions for a reason. You are supposed to either consume them for your heal, or transfer them to your enemy. Who really uses corruption skills and just lets the conditions tick away at their health? So let’s stop using that as a downside, as it is pretty invalid.
With that said, there is still nothing OP about it, although I’m sure people will perceive it that way still.
Builds we’re supposed to counter will constantly whine about it on the forums, so yes I’m uneasy with this change because we’ll always have a target on our backs. Not to mention this pretty much makes scepter the meta, and pushes necros/reapers further into condi territory. And here I was hanging onto whatever there is left for power this current meta, because I really hate the condi gameplay where your primary objective is to stack condi’s until your opponents run out of cooldowns to cleanse them. Zzzzz
Our dagger, axe, GS, and staff really could use a boost & tweaks but devs boost scepter instead. GG
Na most people are going to be crying about teefs to even notice necromancers. Teefs already counter necros now, just wait till they get dmg boosts in sustain on the 26th.
Its really not that big of a deal. It helps the scepter a bit but it won’t be OP or anything like that.
Now if only they could fix the necromancer’s actual worst weapon, the axe.
Who really uses corruption skills and just lets the conditions tick away at their health? So let’s stop using that as a downside, as it is pretty invalid.
It’s a downside because it’s never worth doing that. It’s better to save the transfer or cleanse for when you need it, not waste it on the corruption.
Who really uses corruption skills and just lets the conditions tick away at their health? So let’s stop using that as a downside, as it is pretty invalid.
It’s a downside because it’s never worth doing that. It’s better to save the transfer or cleanse for when you need it, not waste it on the corruption.
With proper timing you can accomplish both though. You have condies you need to cleanse? Perfect time to use a corruption followed by condi transfer. Corruptions require more skill to use properly, but can have a higher pay-off. Having those kind of risk/reward skills may not appeal to everyone, but that’s just how the skills are meant to work. So if you see those self-applieds condies as a downside, then you’re using your corruption skills wrong.
Who really uses corruption skills and just lets the conditions tick away at their health? So let’s stop using that as a downside, as it is pretty invalid.
It’s a downside because it’s never worth doing that. It’s better to save the transfer or cleanse for when you need it, not waste it on the corruption.
Need to watch the clocks on condition transfers. Once Plague Sending kicks off, then you have staff, OH dagger, or Plague Signet. I never use a corruption build without a backup for Plague Sending but the idea is to not spam corruption utilities when you cannot consume or transfer and there are plenty of opportunities to do that.
you not gonna hit twice that chain in new meta dont worry.. can you stay alive now with bunker meta? of course not they putting a target on your head and you going to die in 3sec by bunkers. Tell me please how you gonna be survive with new burst meta. thieves warriors shatters reves they all gonna eat necros
(edited by Darkside.7182)
Where are you all reading about this upcoming change?
Where are you all reading about this upcoming change?
Tbh there r more times in competitive play where ur gimping urself with waiting out till 3rd AA chains as u often have other more useful skills in ur rotations, not to mention if ur getting trained it wont in most cases save u.
I used to be a power ranger, now not sure anymore