(edited by Kam.4092)
Scourge PvE weapon set thoughts.
Probably scepter warhorn to double down on the cripple. Really liking the scourge, its going to be a good 2v2 on node kind of class. Drop a shade on a point, your teammate is in it to contest and you can remotely affect the fight. If they over extend to focus on you, you can kite them relatively well while still having a shade to affect the point.
The shade skills sound really interesting
Probably scepter warhorn to double down on the cripple. Really liking the scourge, its going to be a good 2v2 on node kind of class. Drop a shade on a point, your teammate is in it to contest and you can remotely affect the fight. If they over extend to focus on you, you can kite them relatively well while still having a shade to affect the point.
The shade skills sound really interesting
This thread was made about PvE
What area of pve are you talking about? Because a lot of people keep saying dagger mainhand, but in general pve (roaming maps, doing meta events etc) life force generation is almost never a problem.
What area of pve are you talking about? Because a lot of people keep saying dagger mainhand, but in general pve (roaming maps, doing meta events etc) life force generation is almost never a problem.
Raids and Fractals