Scourge Shades Faces look weird

Scourge Shades Faces look weird

in Necromancer

Posted by: Niki.3104


I dont know why but i hate these shard faces.
The animation on the ground is very cool but a dude screaming at me annoys me.
They could look so much more abstract and sandstone like.
If they think this is the way to go they could give me at least some asura that screams at me when i play asura.

(edited by Niki.3104)

Scourge Shades Faces look weird

in Necromancer

Posted by: vicious.5683


why are so many people calling them shards instead of shades?

Scourge Shades Faces look weird

in Necromancer

Posted by: Sigmoid.7082


why are so many people calling them shards instead of shades?

IKR! The skill text is even in big white or highlighted yellow.

Scourge Shades Faces look weird

in Necromancer

Posted by: Lahmia.2193


Have you got a screenshot of one?

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Scourge Shades Faces look weird

in Necromancer

Posted by: Ravezaar.4951


They look like screaming faces in sand, I like them alot tbh.. getting a Nagash feel from them.

Underjordens Furste 80 Necro Piken-server
Servant of Dhuum

Scourge Shades Faces look weird

in Necromancer

Posted by: Treetoptrickster.4205


What really bugs me about the spec is the phantom bone effects on everything. Like, it just looks out of place for me for some sort of life force sand mage necrotic energy kinda mage to have bones floating around.