I roamed for about half a day on Scourge alone in WvW.
Main aim was to engage random classes in 1 vs 1 impromptu encounters.
- On a side note, Scourge seems to go down a lot faster in WvW when outnumbered or focused compared to Reaper. If I get to work the Sand Swell into my build, perhaps it wouldn’t be that bad when outnumbered.
My thoughts for WvW solo roaming only:
Stats I tried
- Marauders was too squishy and doesn’t synergize well with Scourge traits, skills and torch
- Celestial was decent against classes that doesn’t have good access to constant regen. I tried a Axe/Dagger + Dagger/Torch build. Killed a couple of daredevils and deadeyes. Failed badly against spellbreakers. Not enough damage output to out-pressure their regen.
- Trailblazers was decent all round against most classes I fought. Standard Staff + Scepter/Torch. From deadeyes to spellbreakers to first gen elites like Chronos and Daredevils. I was really happy it was strong enough to also down decent D/P Staff Daredevils even in my clumsy button smashing stage.
- Deadeyes, despite their 1500 range, was not as terrible as initially feared. I could get in range most of the fights even on a Scourge that had zero gap closers (was fighting without Sand Swell that is currently disabled). Won a few and lost to a few, but with more practice, it is a winnable fight I feel. Really glad as they were the class that I feared most when the 2nd Gen elites were revealed.
- General Opening Rotation against most melee classes involved F1 cast Sand Shade on self, F3 for barrier > F2 if enemy comes in with boons or condi.
- General Opening Rotation against most range classes involved F3 for barrier > get in range > staff marks > F1 + F2 or F4 on enemy
- Scourge has very decent condi management. We are no longer reliant on transferring the condi which good enemies used to negate. We can clear it using F2 or traited barrier. I won against a few condi Chrono Phantasms with Scourge when I would struggle in the past with Reaper. Consume conditions is no longer a must.
- Scourge has very decent boon removal, especially against melee classes. Traited F2 is immense. 2 boon removal on 4 sec CD. Works against range foes too. You need to predict movement and position your shade well, then chain F1 + F2 to remove boon and do some burning.
- Scourge struggles more against Range classes but doesn’t feel un-winnable. Deadeyes, Druids etc., feels like we can give them a good fight with proper use and placement of the Sand Shades.
- More practice needed to manage the F1-F5 skills better as the traited low CD gives Scourge a lot more defensive/offensive options.
Skills, traits, weapons:
- Torch is decent, but I wish Torch 5 was castable without having to face the enemy. Opens up a lot more possibilities that way.
- Nourishing Rot trait gives very nice LF generation and keeps it healthy against most foes.
- I took Sand Flare (healing), Trail of Anguish (stun break), and will take Sand Swell (portal) as well.
- All on very decent CDs with traited Sadistic Searing and gives your F1 a decent burning boost too.
- The Elite skill Ghastly Breech is decent against melee foes, but terribly useless against range kiting foes. I’m unsure if I will use it as a Flesh Golem seems to be a better all-round option for a Scourge.
- I tried Sand Savant and Demonic Lore. I would side with Sand Savant for now as Scourge damage potential seems decent even without Demonic Lore. Sand Savant makes it a lot easier to burst catch foes in the AoE effects.
- I used the standard condi Soul Reaping 2-2-3 and Curses 2-2-1 line.
Overall thoughts
Scourge was actually a lot more fun to play than Reaper. It was definitely harder and requires more APM given that we now have a whole new set of F1-F5 that we can use to interact at all times with our other weapon skills and utilities. But definitely more flexible and interactive. I felt a lot more in control of the Scourge’s defenses and offenses. I really like it.
The lack of gap closer was not as bad as initially feared. Having an AoE 900 Range Shade that is able to do some condi damage and activate our F2-F5 skills goes some way in making up for that. It requires good prediction and placement of the Shades against range kiting foes though and needs practice. I do wish the radius was larger, and the casting range longer. Would make it a lot easier to catch a Range kiting foe in its area of effect. Looking foward to implementing the Sand Swell into my build, which would go a long way against these range foes.
The lack of stability was also not as bad as initially feared. The low CD on our F3 barrier and our ability to trade damage even when stunned (our F2-F5 skills can be casted even when stunned) makes up for it. I even took down a decent D/P Daredevil who was utilizing headshot a few times!
The lack of shroud wasn’t felt at all TBH. The low CD F3 barrier and all the interactive F2-F5 skills really shines. I love F2 the most. It is amazing. Traited 2 boon removal, 2 condi removal. Negates blind, immobilize etc. almost on demand with its short 4 sec CD, and activates your Sand Shade to strike its foe too with some nice traited burning.
I’m impressed and excited for the new out-of-shroud interactions with the F1-F5 skills for solo-roaming in WvW. It feels like I can make do without shroud after all.
(edited by EremiteAngel.9765)