(edited by RedSpectrum.1975)
Scythes for necromancers :D
I would rather have spear work on land. It’s already in game, they just need to make it available on land with land abilities.
A made a thread on the thief forums about how, in my opinion, scythes should be introduced and given to two classes: Thief and Necromancer Scythes For Thieves
. Thief mainly because a scythe is a ninja weapon in various media but ultimately, the necromancer should wield this fantastic weapon
So before I go on, this is indeed a melee two-hander, I also speculate that if introduces, it will be the fastest of the two handed melee weapons, and it can cleave up to three targets. I please urge you to read the thief version first as, like with daggers, the scythe moves are similar to an extent I also tried to give you guys mobility
Constructive Criticism is welcome to avoid amazing OPness
Dark Swipe300 (1/3)
Range: 130
Swing your scythe in a horizontal motion, becomes Dark Harvest.Dark Harvest 315 (1/3)
Range: 130
Do a quick 360 degree spin with your scythe, slicing across your foe’s middle, becomes Soul Reap.Soul Reap 430 (1/2)
Range: 130
Life force gain: 100%>-2% LF, 50%>-4%LF, 25%>- 6%LF
Finish with a downward slash on your opponent, steal life force as your foe gets weaker.#2 Red Rain 345 (x5) 2 1/2(Duration)
Cooldown: 7s
Bleeding: 5 stacks (6s)-1900dmg
Blind: 2 seconds
Range: 130
Blind your foe, then follow up with a flurry of slashes, bleeding your foe with each successful hit. Roots.#3 Blood Loss 410 (1/4)
Cooldown: 17 seconds
Daze: 2s
Range: 130
A extremely quick slash with your scythe to major arteries, causing massive blood loss and fatigue(daze).#4Become the Dark 390
Cooldown: 35 seconds: no target hit
25 seconds: target hit
Immobilize: 2 seconds
Torment: 2 stacks (3s): 225 is still, 450 if moving
Range: 1000
Melt into the ground, becoming a swift shadow and moving toward your foe, inflicting immobilize and torment.#5 Fear the Reaper 450 (3)
Cooldown: 45 seconds
Fear: 3 seconds if Life Force is above 50%
Chill: 5 seconds if Life Force is below 50%
Radius: 240
Combo Finisher: Blast
Do ritualistic movements with your scythe, ending in a 360 degree spin. Cause AOE Fear if LF is above 50%, AOE Chill if LF is 50% or lower.
i love this idea, but i’d prefer it to be a power weapon. absolutely love the last skill suggestion and i don’t think it’s overpowered at all. just look at warrior’s fear me.
As true as Odin’s spear flies,
There is nowhere to hide.
i love this idea, but i’d prefer it to be a power weapon. absolutely love the last skill suggestion and i don’t think it’s overpowered at all. just look at warrior’s fear me.
Thank you for the feedback Yeah my goal was to make it a power based weapon but as for the numbers I was a little unsure :S and for the skill Blood Loss, even though it says it in the description, it does in fact NOT cause bleeding. the idea was that they’ve lost so much that they are dizzy. but I you have any suggestive tweaks Ill by happy to edit them
i love this idea, but i’d prefer it to be a power weapon. absolutely love the last skill suggestion and i don’t think it’s overpowered at all. just look at warrior’s fear me.
Thank you for the feedback
Yeah my goal was to make it a power based weapon but as for the numbers I was a little unsure :S and for the skill Blood Loss, even though it says it in the description, it does in fact NOT cause bleeding. the idea was that they’ve lost so much that they are dizzy. but I you have any suggestive tweaks Ill by happy to edit them
no i was referring to red rain
As true as Odin’s spear flies,
There is nowhere to hide.
i love this idea, but i’d prefer it to be a power weapon. absolutely love the last skill suggestion and i don’t think it’s overpowered at all. just look at warrior’s fear me.
Thank you for the feedback
Yeah my goal was to make it a power based weapon but as for the numbers I was a little unsure :S and for the skill Blood Loss, even though it says it in the description, it does in fact NOT cause bleeding. the idea was that they’ve lost so much that they are dizzy. but I you have any suggestive tweaks Ill by happy to edit them
no i was referring to red rain
Ah I see what you mean. A skill focused on one build is rather sub-par, perhaps I can tweak the dmg, afterall compared to HB it is rather weak :p
My kingdom for a Scythe! I don’t mean if it will be a power or condi weapon (oh well i would prefer a cleave weapon btw). I love your suggestion about skills except for the #5, 3 second aoe fear on a terrormancer with 100% fear duration it would be just LOL.
My kingdom for a Scythe! I don’t mean if it will be a power or condi weapon (oh well i would prefer a cleave weapon btw). I love your suggestion about skills except for the #5, 3 second aoe fear on a terrormancer with 100% fear duration it would be just LOL.
Haha, yeah I just realized this, seeing as how Reaper Protection as it stands procs the longest fear :p idk if this would synergize with a fear build though, would definitely be interesting to see if it could, IF WE COULD HAVE A SCYTHE