*Shackled Diablo* Build: A PvE Hybrid Build

*Shackled Diablo* Build: A PvE Hybrid Build

in Necromancer

Posted by: themenaceofseventhdimension.2075


All right, so you may all remember me from all of my previous bad postings. But the last one has been blocked because you guyz just won’t drop my past mistakes on forum posting. I have already mentioned a thousand times about how I am sorry that you had to deal with my terrible past threads. But the very last one i got blocked because all of you had to keep bringing it up and forced me to comment back on you guyz to plz drop it. Like the title says this will be my very last thread in the Necromancer community. I have had it with people trying to diss me and i am already tired from thinking of how you guyz just won’t forget about the mistakes that i have made. I will not bump this thread too often(like every 5 hours to a day maybe) unless you guyz keep reminding me of how I misshandled my previous threads and texting nothing but doubts and unfair criticism. then I shall immediately take my builds away again and you shall never have to see them forever. It is getting very tiring for me to have to apologize for something that is already over. This is my last thread in the necromancer community and if I have to drop it then I hope you are very happy about it.

Shackled Diablo

This build’s main focus is to be able to keep up a long duration of might stacks, which will in turn boost your one target damage and also keep your condition damage at top notch. This build has a pretty good survivability for PVE dungeons and has 21,000 health with around 2500 toughness. It is able to stack 25 bleeds with 93% bleed duration, so as to not bother your allies’ bleed stacking abilities. It has wells ground targetted trait and is able to heal allies for around 6,900 health over a period of 40 seconds. It can also apply AoE blindness to mobs and has the ability to deal massive damages to hordes with Lich Form. The design of this build is to be able to perform a little bit of everything. From Allies healing, to Aoe Damage, to Aoe blindness, to Aoe condtion damge, and fast single target killing.


I have tried this build out now and I shall only like good suggestions. you can give me open feedbacks on the build, but to not take it over the top.

(edited by themenaceofseventhdimension.2075)

*Shackled Diablo* Build: A PvE Hybrid Build

in Necromancer

Posted by: themenaceofseventhdimension.2075


Hey guyz. I am only self bumping this thread right now cause I haven’t touched it in at least a week. I need your feedbacks on these builds. I want ideas on how I can improve these builds. Like I said, all i want is feedbacks, not personal opinions about this build and why you think this build sucks or this build is awesome. I dont care about those. All I want is feedbacks and nothing else. Please try to refrain from Harsh words.

*Shackled Diablo* Build: A PvE Hybrid Build

in Necromancer

Posted by: Zikory.6871


The Power Roaming build: this build is designed to use the Full advantage of the Death Shroud mechanic of the Necromancer. This build has around 2500 toughness, around 2900 power, and around 100%+ of crit damage with the 5o%crit. chance. It also has -65% condition uptime on you. It has only one source of stun break, but it can recharge DS reallly quickly. If you can take full advantage of this then you are almost invincible and perhaps a very formidable DPS dealer. SO i have made a WvW build for the Power necromancer. It is able to reach 50% of the DS in just 10sec. and reapeat that around every 20seconds. this build is good at taking camps by yourself or handling 2-3 people when necessary. Check it out.


I just wanted to point this build does not have 2500 toughness. It has 1595 toughness and 2515 armor which are quite different. Also it only has 1908 power, the 2889 is attack which is also different. I’m not debating the build I just wanted to point that out because what sparked my interest was that this build is similar to the build I run and 2500 toughness (along with 50% crit, melandru runes and 1900 power) sounded to good to be true. And it was…

EDIT: I would assume your have your numbers incorrect on your other builds as well…

[KnT] – Knight Gaming – Blackgate
Zikory – Retired Thief
Zikkro – Zergling Necromancer

*Shackled Diablo* Build: A PvE Hybrid Build

in Necromancer

Posted by: chaosgrimm.5837


So i took a look at your message history and found a post that was almost exactly the same being locked by a mod. Then I looked at the ‘shackled’ build and thought you must be trolling. Imma give it a go anyway though xD. Can’t help myself.

At any rate, a few things about the shackled build. If you dont specialize in any role, you’ll be terrible at every role (or at least selling yourself short). You say its not a con build (and its not because of ur gear choices) but you put 30 into conditions. You were selling it like a power-ish spec, but only put 10 into power. At the same time it isnt a support spec. picking gear that doesnt support your traits is bad for the same reasons not specializing traits is bad. i.e. a 14/14/14/14/14 build for example. Why should this ‘shackled’ build be used over the zerker, hybrid, or the condition cookie cutter builds?

*Shackled Diablo* Build: A PvE Hybrid Build

in Necromancer

Posted by: themenaceofseventhdimension.2075


OK chaos grimm. I understand what you are saying, but this build can go 2990 attack and 1990 condition damage. that means it is useful in all situations. This build is really really great in pve places. you dont even have to worry about overstacking bleeds on top of your allies. Like i said, the scepter alone can do 500-700 damage to an opponent add to the incredible bleed it gives you. I think the problem that all necros have in mind is that you got to be able to make 25 stacks of bleeds by yourself. This makes me think that you will denounce all other builds that dont have the potential to do 25 stacks of bleed. Just saying. All of the builds that I have posted except the Minion Master build is for WvW and PvE

*Shackled Diablo* Build: A PvE Hybrid Build

in Necromancer

Posted by: Asche.5362


Concerning your shaggy Diablo build: Allow me to pick this thing apart, for its as silly as it’s name.

1.) Skills + Weapons are a solid choice for full condition-necros. So far so good.
This is what a lot of Condi Necros run with. Especially the ones that trait into fear and burning. You know? Conditions.
If you expect to read more praise after this part, you will be very disappointed. Better log off now.

So when I switch from the Skill tab to the Equipment tab I expect to see 3 Things: Condition Damage, Precision and Toughness.
Why do I expect these? Condition Damage is a no brainer. You are using conditions, so you want them to hit hard. Otherwise you might as well throw cotton balls at Champions and see how far it gets you. Why Precision? Because “Barbed Precision” -avaiable for mere 5 Traitpoints in the Curses Tree- gives you a 66% chance to cause bleeding if you crit. And since Precision means crit, crit also means bleeding. Still with me? Good. Because when you use condition heavy weapons and condition heavy utilities, I hope you are using condition heavy gear and traits as well. Otherwise: Cotton balls. And last but not least: Toughness. You will be kiting a lot. Toughness helps with survival. Why toughness over vitality? Because you are a Necromancer, and Necromancers are MADE out of hitpoints. You got enough of those already.

2.) So, after I am done looking at the skill tab I am pleased as punch. Golly, what a fine build I say to myself. Someone deserves a pat on the back, I say to myself while I sip on Early Grey Tea. And while I am enjoying the taste of tea and a good skill combination I open the Equipment Tab. Remember what I was expecting to see? Well I didnt expect Power out of all the possibilities. And while I spit my tea at my monitor in disgust, I wonder what they have been teaching you in that 7th-whatchamacallit. The few gear pieces you’ve gotten right are under-water weaponry, Runes and a few trinkets. Sigils are okay too. So you must have been on to something. If those where the first ones you chose, you’ve been on a good path until now. So why the EFF did you take POWER in there?! Did you get bored and tried to add some color? Power is for direct damage. Whacking someone with your scepter hardly qualifies as that. 500-700 Damage from a direct hit is a joke! It’s a really really bad joke. Maybe you wish to make your WvW opponent fall off his chair laughing, so you can kill him while he calls his friends over to his house to share with them the sight of a condition necro who mistook himself for a Warrior. That might actually work. Because they will be afk, laughing for a long long time. Maybe Todd will even go get some Popcorn, while Steve organizes a Keg. Maybe they will take bets on who will gve out first? Their Hitpoints or your mouse? Maybe this amuse them long enough for your cotton ball strategy to work. One can dream. But I digress.

(More in Part 2.)

*Shackled Diablo* Build: A PvE Hybrid Build

in Necromancer

Posted by: Asche.5362


3.) At this point I am not quite certain if I even dare to look into your traits anymore.
OHGODJESUSHAVEMERCY! I clicked it. I cant unsee it! cringe

Spite. 10 Points. All of them wasted. You want to lose 3 conditions when you kill a foe? You wont kill a single one with cotton balls. Other than that why trait into condition removal at all? Consume condition cures conditions (duh). Deathly Swarm sends conditions from you to your foe. Putrid Mark does roughly the same. And the beauty of those abilities is: They are free, they are already in your build. Why you would waste 10 points on something you neither need, nor will ever be able to trigger is beyond me. Please enlighten me on this matter. Me, Todd, Steve and a case of beer cant wait for your reasoning on this.

Curses. 30 Points. There is yet hope! You’ve done something right, 30 in curses is the way to go since your build curses things. Your build also spits on everything we necros hold dear, but I digress again. Traits are a mixed bag however. They are all good choices (who knew I would get to use these words?) but you’ll want to switch em around depending on if you are doing WvWvW or PvE.
For WvWvW go with IV/IX/X. Why Specal attunement instead of lingering curse? Your foes (although they might be paralyzed with a fit of laughter) will probably have some means to cleanse conditions. They wont be able to tick through the whole way, so no need to take that trait.
A whole different matter vor PvE though: II/IX/XI. Here you want your bleeds to be as looooooong as they can. Why? Mobs are stupid, and they dont remove conditions. Most of them anyway. You should get along nicely.

Nothing in Death magic…that would have been a solid choice with you running a Staff.
No Blood magic, okay for PvE, might be worth looking into for WvW though.

Soul Reaping. 30. Just…why?
Also terrible choices of Major traits. First you neglected Spectal Mastery. If you haven’t heard yet, fear kicks like a mule. Spectal wall applies fear. Fear is good. You want your wall to be off cooldown ASAP.
Second Major Trait…Soul Marks. I understand the need for LF but why not take Master of Terror? Remember? Fear kicks like a mule. Mule good, cotton balls bad. Take it. Last but not least stability. Okay. If you intend on meleeing your (laughing) opponent, you might as well take stability. You might as well roll a Guardian, maybe that suits your needs better- even though it’s not as tacky and has less skulls on it.

So. here it is. The feedback you were looking for. Well, maybe not the feedback you were looking for, but it’s the feedback you deserve. [/batman]

P.S: Please be a troll.

(edited by Asche.5362)

*Shackled Diablo* Build: A PvE Hybrid Build

in Necromancer

Posted by: SolemnMalevolence.5248


I guess I’ll give my two cents here since I consider myself a very experienced Necro player.

I’ll just give my feedback on the builds int he order in which they’re posted, so…starting with the first.

As the above poster stated, with the weapons in the first build, it’s very clear that this is a condition build. In no way can it be power based due to the weapons. If the staff was something else—anything else, actually, except a scepter of course, it could function as a hybrid (which are very viable) but using a staff in combination with scepter/dagger means this -has- to be condition based or else it won’t be doing anything. That’s where your problem is.

First and foremost, because your weapon setup limits you to conditions, you don’t want to invest in spite. Condition duration is not that useful, and the traits from spite are even less useful. The heal proc from spite’s minor trait won’t be doing much for you, not even if you’re killing hundreds of mobs. Trust me. I haven’t noticed it doing much even in fractal 48 dredge where I’m killing that many things. All of the adept traits won’t be helping you either, especially losing 3 conditions when you kill something. With S/D and Staff, aswell as consume conditions you already have many ways to not only remove your conditions, but transfer them to enemies. In fact, as a conditionmancer, you want to avoid flat out removing your conditions if you can because you can transfer them with the dagger offhand and staff, or consume them and heal for extra if you need it.

Your traits in the curses line are fine, however, since you opted to pick terror there, you’d most likely want master of terror since you invested in soul reaping. Now…soul reaping in this build is not inherently bad, but the choices you make for traits make it bad. Also, you don’t need to invest quite that much there. 20 points would have been fine, enough for you to get master of terror and anything else of your choice, leaving you 20 points to put into death magic, which would greatly help this build since it uses a staff secondary.

Onto the gear choices…this is really all over the place. It seems like you were trying to go for some sort of hybrid setup here for a balance between power and conditions. But with your weapon setup, you cannot do this. Or rather, you cannot do it effectively (not even in the slightest) So that means you can’t really get away with wearing anything other than rabid gear (since you want to use undead runes, which are nice). Alternatively, you could switch to carrion if you wish, for the extra life force and use nightmare runes since you spec into terror. Both of these are fine. The carrion option actually synergizes with the core of what you’re trying to make this build since you invest into soul reaping, which already increases your base life force pool.

The sigils are fine here, I suppose. Condition doesn’t have much in the way for sigils so what you picked is fine. Though, I can suggest replacing the sigil of accuracy on the dagger with the new sigil of bursting. The text on it is bugged at the moment, but it offers a flat 6% increase in condition damage, which will be big after you get 25 stacks of corruption off. More useful than the extra 5% crit chance imo, which doesn’t do a whole lot for you since your crits will be weak regardless. It’ll proc extra bleeds, I suppose, but I would rather have stronger bleeds than more frequent weak ones, especially when conditions can be cleansed and when most of your weapons inflict them.

I lose my hold. I will let go.

*Shackled Diablo* Build: A PvE Hybrid Build

in Necromancer

Posted by: Dadnir.5038


Not much more to say then Asche…

1° build : just looked at your stuff and saw Cavalier stuff on scepter and dagger… why? worst choice ever… Do you really spend 10 point in spite for “spitefull removal”?

2° build : minion master + well support… why not? Staff on secondary weapon? I don’t even understand what you’ve done on your gear here… This is a total mess. Overall i dislike this build. Not that it won’t work but I’m not a fan of the traits.

3° build : From my point of view, you’re probably deadmeat if you dare to roam with this kind of build. You can’t even think to cap a supply camp with this. Maybe you can win some 1v1…

PS.: Asche he don’t use staff on the 3rd build.

No core profession should be balanced around an optional elite specialization.

*Shackled Diablo* Build: A PvE Hybrid Build

in Necromancer

Posted by: Asche.5362


I was only adressing his first build. My 1-2-3 Points are adressing utilities, gear and traits of the same. I didn’t have it in me to look at the other two.

*Shackled Diablo* Build: A PvE Hybrid Build

in Necromancer

Posted by: SolemnMalevolence.5248


Onto the next build. I decided to skip over the minion build—more on why I did that after I finish with the feedback for your power build.

Okay…first, the weapon setup. I really like it. I used to run a solely power-based necromancer for the longest time. From when I hit 80 on him back in April or so, all the way until this month. Dagger/Warhorn and Axe/Focus is the best setup for a power based necro imo, and you have that, so props to you. People tend to underestimate the warhorn, but it’s definitely powerful there. A side note, I find it’s useful to keep a staff in the inventory with this build, for fights that more or less require range. Life Blast might have 1200 range now, but death shroud only lasts so long, and building up life force with those weapons while being forced at range isn’t very fun…I’ve tried it. Best to swap to the staff over axe/focus.

Anyway, moving on. You fall short with the traits again. You seem to really like 10/30/0/0/30. For your previous build, it doesn’t work due to the weapons, but here, that’s actually fine to use. The problem is the choice with your traits. While some people might opt to use 30/10/0/0/30 for power based necros, or 30/25/0/0/15, this actually works aswell, but it’s far more defensive in nature. The trait setup you have allows you to invest into the two spectral traits, the one in curses and the one in soul reaping, making your spectral skills far more effective. This, in turn, helps you stay alive and increase life force generation rapidly. To help you stay in death shroud which is likely your focus with this build.

That being said, in spite, reaper’s might is a -must- for a build like this. You will be in death shroud often, thus, you will be using its auto attack often. You want that auto attack to be as powerful as possible, and having it grant a stack of might per use is quite powerful. I touched on curses here a bit, and I can see you use spectal attunement there already, which is good. I would also use weakening shroud here as it synergizes well. Spectral skills are defensive in nature, and you will be entering death shroud often. Having an AoE weakness upon entering DS greatly decreases incoming damage from everything around you. This not only increase your survivability, but your team’s aswell. On top of that, you can use spectal armor or walk to take advantage of the enemy’s weakness and have an easier time proccing life force gain off being hit to manage death shroud more effeciently.

Other than weakening shroud and spectal attunement, the last trait is a tossup for me. Banshee’s wail is fine, or focused rituals. This leaves your investment into soul reaping, which is good, but again…the traits are off. Spectral mastery is good. You want both spectral traits with a build like this because you’ll be using them to survive and deal damage. However, you’ll want to lose foot in the grave (which is more or less completely useless imo, outside of perhaps pvp related content…and even then, not too great) and path of midnight. Path is fine, but not here. Here, you need piercing life blasts. The vulnerability per hit also makes your life blasts scarier and increases not only your damage, but your entire team’s due to the vulnerability stacks. Your grandmaster trait should be deathly perception as having 100% crit chance in death shroud is obviously a huge power boost and you are a power based necro using this build.

Onto gear…berserker’s gear is fine here. The cavalier trinkets are not, and neither are the runes. One option is to go full zerker…which is certainly viable, but I was experimenting with a build like this before I decided to use something else when I switched from my variation fo powermancer. Since this setup is more defensive in nature than other power builds, you can easily make use of the newly released celestial gear for your armor—just your armor. Celestial also ends up giving you higher crit damage than zerker in those slots, which si something to consider. You also get toughness, vitality, and condition damage. Though you are not specced for conditions here, you do inflict them. Off crits, off tainted shackles, enfleebling shroud, etc. It is a bit of a dps boost, not much, but it’s there. Also something to think about. The toughness and vitality synergize with spectral walk and armor, further increasing their effectiveness and making you tankier without much of a power loss.

I lose my hold. I will let go.

*Shackled Diablo* Build: A PvE Hybrid Build

in Necromancer

Posted by: SolemnMalevolence.5248


Annnd, continuing from my previous post because character limits are lame.

Other than the celestial armor, I’d personally use zerker for everything else. As far as runes go, since you are defensive in nature more than other power necro builds, scholar runes would be great here. Staying above 90% wouldn’t be hard, so you’ll get the power boost more often, and they’ll make up for the slight power loss from celestial armor more than ruby orbs can or other power based armor upgrade options. Your sigils are fine. I don’t like energy too much, especially since you are tankier here. I’d personally use force instead for a massive damage increase on top of 25 stacks of bloodlust.

Oh, and quickly touching on skills for a moment. Spectral walk, armor, and well of suffering are pretty much a must here. Walk and armor are the core of the build and the reason you have the traits the way you do, as well as gear. Suffering is more or less a necessity since you do a bit less damage than other power builds, and you need something to make up for it, so that’s a nice burst aswell as vulnerability stacker to help you out more than other things would, like blood is power or signet of spite for example.

All in all, this is a much better build than the first, though it still falls short and isn’t really viable without the tweaks I made or similar ones.

Oh, right. As for why I won’t touch on minion master. Simply put, I don’t think it’s a viable build anywhere. I main necromancer and play it everywhere. I’ve tried it quite a bit…in pvp, in pve, wvw. It just doesn’t work. If you’re a good player, you might still do well with it, but you’d be -much- more effecient with other builds. It’s fun for the novelty, I guess…but that’s about it. Anyway, hope the feedback helps. Good luck, have fun.

I lose my hold. I will let go.

*Shackled Diablo* Build: A PvE Hybrid Build

in Necromancer

Posted by: themenaceofseventhdimension.2075


you know what, I ddint realize that most of you are looking for a PVE build. thought you might like some WvW potential in these builds. Since you so long for a PVE build. Ima take into account all that you have said and make some changes for it.

*Shackled Diablo* Build: A PvE Hybrid Build

in Necromancer

Posted by: Zikory.6871


you know what, I ddint realize that most of you are looking for a PVE build. thought you might like some WvW potential in these builds. Since you so long for a PVE build. Ima take into account all that you have said and make some changes for it.

All of the builds that I have posted except the Minion Master build is for WvW and PvE

You just said all the build except MM was for WvW and PvE So if they were looking for a PvE build you said these builds will work on for it….

[KnT] – Knight Gaming – Blackgate
Zikory – Retired Thief
Zikkro – Zergling Necromancer

*Shackled Diablo* Build: A PvE Hybrid Build

in Necromancer

Posted by: SolemnMalevolence.5248


The adjustments I made make those builds viable for both sections of content too. 0/30/20/0/20 is very viable for WvW and PvE. The second I haven’t tested as much outside of PvE but with how defensive it is in nature, despite being power based I wouldn’t doubt it could hold its own, especial with necro’s natural tankiness.

I lose my hold. I will let go.

*Shackled Diablo* Build: A PvE Hybrid Build

in Necromancer

Posted by: themenaceofseventhdimension.2075


Yeah thought these builds would work in Pve and WvW simultaneously, but tahts not the case. I feel now taht if I succeed in PVE, it will also succeed in WvW. So from this point on I shall like to focus all of my attention to the Shackled Diablo build and make it into an awesome PVE build, which will naturally make it into a more viable WvW build than what is now. When i say that the Shackled Diablo Build will be more viable in WvW, i dont mean solo roaming, I mean Zerging, which all Necros seem to be exceptional in WvW at the moment. So i shall delete the other builds i have up and focus on the Shackled Diablo build more. Please keep on commenting on the Shackled Diablo build.

*Shackled Diablo* Build: A PvE Hybrid Build

in Necromancer

Posted by: themenaceofseventhdimension.2075


The Updated version of this build is right at the top. This version of the Shackled Diablo focuses solely on PVE and WvW zerging. Hope you guyz like it. I only bumped this thread again to remind you guyz that I have deleted all other builds and have posted the updated version of this build.

*Shackled Diablo* Build: A PvE Hybrid Build

in Necromancer

Posted by: Dadnir.5038


Well, mister op (your name is way too long for me), I commented your build with mostly WvW in mind. In WvW, specially if you zerg and even more if you are a PuG, your commander will ask you to survive and all your builds, for me, lacked survivability.

Leave those useless piece of berserk gear and go full rabid and change lich form with plague, it will be more in line with a condition build. If you lack survivability you can keep the 2 soldiers pieces…

And then I see that you’ve totally changed your build lol… (In fact, it’s a whole different build)
Power base runes… well maybe you need might duration? In zergs might come mostly from combo or guardian staff 4.
I don’t think focus ritual is necessary and you really should use consume condition instead of well of blood, it’s a life saver. You can replace focused ritual by chilling darkness (if you really want well of darkness it will be a good option) or by weakening shroud (one of the best option of this tree in my opinion).
Centering all the death magic tree on staff may be a mistake…

You’ve got probably a whole different playstyle then me. But it may be suitable for you. I never felt the need for the trait “staff mastery”. But “Last gasp” (SR 15) is mendatory for me (so i can understand that someone really want a trait). In my opinion you’ve got things to change but good luck, maybe this build suit you.

No core profession should be balanced around an optional elite specialization.

*Shackled Diablo* Build: A PvE Hybrid Build

in Necromancer

Posted by: themenaceofseventhdimension.2075


Can anyone look at my build one more time? I want to see your opinions about it. I changed the traits only this time.

*Shackled Diablo* Build: A PvE Hybrid Build

in Necromancer

Posted by: Laar.5476


With all the traits geared towards conditions the berserker and soldier gear has pretty much no use at all, your direct damage is going to hit like a wet noodle with that little power; If you want vitality or survivability just wait for the new dire stat combination coming Tuesday. With that trait selection you’re better off just going condition damage and/or duration; it’s not a hybrid it’s just a condition spec with poor gear choices.