Shouts Are Bad
Mm mm no. your Soul is Mine might even be worse than Blood Fiend :0.
YAAW is fine, it reverses the flow of the fight, you go from being pressured to the enemy glancing blows all over and you have a ton of might to fight back with, its a solid skill.
Suffer can’t convert, since that is what NCSY does, but it does need help, as does Rise!. The rest just need adjustments.
You Are All Weaklings!
Why would we need might on a skill we use when we’re under pressure? We need something that helps us survive. The weakness is good.
- No longer grants might.
- Inflicts weakness.
- Transfer conditions on you to foes.
- Grants stability per condition transferred.Suffer!
We’re basically putting the condition transfer onto You Are All Weaklings! This shout is deemed useless (already is anyways).
- Now converts boons on foes to conditions.
- Deals high scaling physical damage based on boons on foes.
- Inflicts chill.That’s all I got.
I think “Your Soul Is Mine!” is decent, though. Maybe?
The Might is good because it synergizes well with Blighter’s boon.
4x Necromancer, 3x Mesmer, 4x Guardian, 4x Thief, 4 Revenant
Tangentially related: I would like to take this time to whine about how absolutely awful the voice acting for the female sylvari shouts is. YSiM especially honestly sounds like it was sped up a bit; it’s weirdly high-pitched and sounds unnaturally fast. I actually wondered if Hale had been replaced at first, but now I’m thinking she was just away from the franchise too long and forgot the precise accent and tenor she originally used.
I think they’d sound much nicer if she used a pitch closer to the warrior’s “Fear me!” rather than whatever shrill weirdness she brought out for the reaper. Eugh.
I say they all weak. Cant find a reason to use any of them in SPvP over wells. Sorry cant. I wanted to make it work. But damage it too weak to make up for the trade off of defense. Elite Shout is too weak to be a trade off for the transformations..
the heal shout is too weak to save anybody from focus fire but that may be a reaper bug.
The important question is why, aside from the elite shout, the cast times get longer as the actual shout gets shorter.
Gonna have to agree here. I have found that when traited the shout heal has a 12 second cd when u hit 5 targets so it can actually be up like everytime i come out of shroud. Other than that. The might doesnt stick long enough on your all weaklings. Rise only summons one horror per target this is even worse than seek and destroy shout which i never thought was possible. Suffer chill is to short. Unblockable time is to short as well. Most these shouts give u time do get off all of like 1 attack in the time of the chill/unblockable/might lasts.
Last you need to trait for shouts again to get the reduced cooldowns and give up relentless pursuit which is honestly like better than the new crappy gm reaper traits.
Gonna have to agree here. I have found that when traited the shout heal has a 12 second cd when u hit 5 targets so it can actually be up like everytime i come out of shroud. Other than that. The might doesnt stick long enough on your all weaklings. Rise only summons one horror per target this is even worse than seek and destroy shout which i never thought was possible. Suffer chill is to short. Unblockable time is to short as well. Most these shouts give u time do get off all of like 1 attack in the time of the chill/unblockable/might lasts.
Last you need to trait for shouts again to get the reduced cooldowns and give up relentless pursuit which is honestly like better than the new crappy gm reaper traits.
What the hell are you doing during the 5-9 seconds of unblockability that you can only get one attack off?
Gonna have to agree here. I have found that when traited the shout heal has a 12 second cd when u hit 5 targets so it can actually be up like everytime i come out of shroud. Other than that. The might doesnt stick long enough on your all weaklings. Rise only summons one horror per target this is even worse than seek and destroy shout which i never thought was possible. Suffer chill is to short. Unblockable time is to short as well. Most these shouts give u time do get off all of like 1 attack in the time of the chill/unblockable/might lasts.
Last you need to trait for shouts again to get the reduced cooldowns and give up relentless pursuit which is honestly like better than the new crappy gm reaper traits.What the hell are you doing during the 5-9 seconds of unblockability that you can only get one attack off?
Your obviously gonna use that time to try to land your bigger attacks like shroud 4 or 5 which your only gonna land 1 or 2 of those attacks in the unblockable time which you probably could have just landed by using the stab from shroud 3 without wasting a utitlity.
These skills would be far better if they didn’t require me to get steamrolled by 5 people to be good. They don’t realistically make those situations manageable either.
Restart WvW:
Would have been nice if more of the Shouts had a base bonus that can be further bolstered by hitting additional targets like “Nothing Can Save You!”
Like if “Your Soul is Mine!” gave a base Life Force of 5% and 3% per enemy struck and “You Are All Weaklings!” gave 5 stacks of Might as a base and 3 additional stacks per enemy struck. Augury of Death trait could use the same treatment, like a 15% base cooldown reduction and -4% for every foe struck.
Will update once Path of Fire releases.
every shout of Reaper is simply TERRIBLE. why? because we already have everything they do, so giving us the same things over and over again are pointless. Shouts should give us something we dont have – active defense, sustain, mobility.
We already have boon stripping
We already have vulnerability skills
We already have minion skills (and 5 jagged horror summoning skill)
We already have weakness application
We already have unblockable skills (wells, warhorn 4)
We already have condition transfers
We already have chill and stun (on RS 5)…………
Why not give us immortality/super speed/something like Defiant Stance/some actual UTILITY like transforming into cloud of ravens to do something cool, i dont know -.-
What? The reaper shouts are not terrible at all. NCSY offers up to nine seconds of unblockable, on top of turning boons into vuln, which means you get synergy with Decimate Defenses. YAAW is also a really solid skill, turns a fight from you being stunned to the enemy dealing significantly reduced damage while you deal much more.
All the shouts except Rise and Suffer are solid conceptually, just need balance hits.
What? The reaper shouts are not terrible at all. NCSY offers up to nine seconds of unblockable, on top of turning boons into vuln, which means you get synergy with Decimate Defenses. YAAW is also a really solid skill, turns a fight from you being stunned to the enemy dealing significantly reduced damage while you deal much more.
All the shouts except Rise and Suffer are solid conceptually, just need balance hits.
What? Wells are superior in every way. Rise and Suffer sucks. Simple as that.
Not even close.
I think Suffer! needs a casttime reduction and much of it. It kinda serves as condiremoval but it’s nearly impossible to pull of when you actually need it.
Rise! seems to be a new tool for MM specs, I’m not sure if that will be a thing but if that’s the intention it seems okay. I could bomb half of the lords health in hotm when he killed 5 of them just with them exploding.
Would have been nice if more of the Shouts had a base bonus that can be further bolstered by hitting additional targets like “Nothing Can Save You!”
Like if “Your Soul is Mine!” gave a base Life Force of 5% and 3% per enemy struck and “You Are All Weaklings!” gave 5 stacks of Might as a base and 3 additional stacks per enemy struck. Augury of Death trait could use the same treatment, like a 15% base cooldown reduction and -4% for every foe struck.
I can totally get behind this. When I think of what I don’t like about Reaper shouts, especially “Your Soul is Mine!” and “Suffer!”, it pretty much boils down to them not doing enough when you’re only hitting one or two targets, while the cast time/CD/etc for them seemed to be geared for when you’re hitting around 4-5 targets.
It’s almost like the same problem with the old Plague Signet. On paper, the potential of most Reaper shouts are so good that you have to have these drawbacks to balance it out. In practice, it makes the skills weak outside of an ideal scenario that happens too rarely to bother taking them outside of the few places you can expect to get their full use.
(edited by Foefaller.1082)
The problem with the shouts is that the non damage stuff is barely worth taking and the damage is a DPS loss vs. attacking.
Even the stunbreak shout suffers in comparison with the 30 second cooldown shouts necromancer has.
I like Rise. The other ones are kinda meh. The Elite shout takes too long to cast, but it’s effective if you don’t get interrupted. Come to think of it, they all do. Shouldn’t shouts be instant by their very nature? I think I’d put Suffer back on my bar if it was insta-cast.
The Shout “You’re All Weaklings” fits right with my Reaper, because thats exactly what i been yelling at my PC when looking at Reaper Shouts…..
I like Rise. The other ones are kinda meh. The Elite shout takes too long to cast, but it’s effective if you don’t get interrupted. Come to think of it, they all do. Shouldn’t shouts be instant by their very nature? I think I’d put Suffer back on my bar if it was insta-cast.
Necros are “special.”
I like Rise. The other ones are kinda meh. The Elite shout takes too long to cast, but it’s effective if you don’t get interrupted. Come to think of it, they all do. Shouldn’t shouts be instant by their very nature? I think I’d put Suffer back on my bar if it was insta-cast.
Necros are “special.”
Then they shouldn’t call them shouts. If they have a cast time, then they are AoE curses. Shouts shouldn’t take any longer to activate than they take to vocalize.
So you exclusivly build builds with onyl ONE type of utility skill? Uhm yeah you do relize that these and the eles skill are jsut complimentary then essential utility skills right?
“rise!” is flavor for minions masters
“Suffer!” is flavor for corruption necros
not to mention that anet is goin to refine the skills anyway
The new Rise! is actually really good for any build, don’t need to be an MM to benefit from 50% reduced damage from attacks.
The new Rise! is actually really good for any build, don’t need to be an MM to benefit from 50% reduced damage from attacks.
unless shambling horrors hp = jagged horror hp ;p remember Rise! has very long cd
Well actually Jagged Horror health is better than Bone Minion health. I just looked it up a couple hours ago.
Meh now that I looked it up again I might as well post all the numbers. This is for PvP/WvW (I guess in PvE minions get around a 71% health boost):
Blood Fiend: 2000 Armor and 13000 Base Health
Bone Minion: 2125 Armor and 5000 Base Health
Jagged Horror: 2125 Armor and 8700 Base Health
Shadow Fiend: 2125 Armor and 10700 Base Health
Flesh Golem: 2600 Armor and 13000 Base Health
Bone Fiend: 2600 Armor and 7000 Base Health
Flesh Wurm: 2470 Armor and 9000 Base Health
The tankiest minions are Flesh Golem, Bone Fiend and Flesh Wurm for overall health and armor.
The best against incoming condis are Flesh Golem, Blood Fiend, and Shadow Fiend, because of their health being almost on par with the health of some classes.
Bone Minions, Jagged Horrors, Shadow Fiend and Blood Fiend are basically glass cannon minions.
Bone Minions are the absolute worse minions for armor and health. It seems Bone Minions are designed to get to the target and BOOM by exploding them.
Jagged Horrors/Shambling Horrors should beat them out when sustained with regens/heals. Assuming they share the same stats except for damage.
They both lose 3.5% of their health per second. So it will take them 10-15 seconds to degen to a point where Bone Minion health is better without intervention.