Shower thought; Unique buff

Shower thought; Unique buff

in Necromancer

Posted by: SpellOfIniquity.1780


For now, let’s just call this buff “Undeath.” When Undeath is affecting someone, they slowly revive allies in a radius around them. If someone reaches the defeated state while they are under the effects of Undeath, they will revive a nearby downed ally.

This buff functions differently for the Necromancer, however. While a Necromancer is under the effects of Undeath, nearby downed foes drain health from other nearby foes.

A few things to note:

  • This buff is similar to Alacrity in the sense that it is not a boon. It cannot be extended or removed but it can be shared.
  • The buff does not get stronger if multiple Necromancers are bouncing the buff between each other.
  • The rate at which downed players are revived by this buff is half that of manually reviving someone. Multiple players stacking near a downed player with the Undeath buff will increase the rate at which the downed player is revived but only up to a maximum of 5 players to prevent insta-reviving.

Just an experimental thought I had and wanted to share.

Necromancer, Ranger, Warrior, Engineer
Champion: Phantom, Hunter, Legionnaire, Genius
WvW rank: Diamond Colonel | Maguuma

Shower thought; Unique buff

in Necromancer

Posted by: Anchoku.8142


This sounds like a good old idea, though there are some aspects I am not clear on. Thanks for sharing it.

Shower thought; Unique buff

in Necromancer

Posted by: Zintrothen.1056


Interesting idea that could be part of an upcoming elite spec. It would definitely need to be carefully designed so not to be too OP.

I think something that revives a nearby ally when another one is defeated might be too powerful because it effectively punishes the enemy team for playing well. But overall, I like this idea.

Shower thought; Unique buff

in Necromancer

Posted by: Dadnir.5038


I dislike the idea. Not the unique “buff” thingy but what it does. We got that on blood magic and it’s already proven that it is crapy support. So, I’ll say it : “No more crapy support on necromancer!” Give us something that is usefull for everyone to move on not something that is here to carry player that lack the reflex necessary to survive a slightly dangerous situation.

The whole “reviving” thing is barely useful in any situation. I will say that we got more than enough of that with what we got atm. I’m pretty sure all of us are aware that the reviving skills are among the least used skills in this game. It’s not that player don’t revive each other but it’s a waste to take those skills.

Well, that’s my opinion. Beside, being the nurse that pamper fallen players does not really fit with my idea of the “necromancer”. Being taken into a party because they need this buff… I’d hate it. It would be like entering a party of very bad player that are aware of this fact…

No core profession should be balanced around an optional elite specialization.

Shower thought; Unique buff

in Necromancer

Posted by: Reknarok.7582


if it were balanced well itd be useless due to the immense cleave damage that can be put out in pvp, if you were to make this not useful taking heavy cleave into consideration, itd become op

no thanks, sorry