Sigil of Demon Summoning for minion masters

Sigil of Demon Summoning for minion masters

in Necromancer

Posted by: Alasea.4931


Facts about the summond minion:

last for 60s
Armor = 2621
Health = 19’500
0% critical strike chance
Attacks every 4s with 1512 damag against 1836 armored foes
+25% movement speed

Because of this facts above, its realy clear that it is more usefull for many minion masters then any other sigil of this type. Don’t forget, that none minion benefits from the player states like power, toughness…

This minion is far as strong as the summond fleshgolem (elite).

Everyone who played in the past with sigil for stacking states (+10 power, +10 condition…) on a minion master shoud try out this sigil.

Sigil of Demon Summoning for minion masters

in Necromancer

Posted by: Bhawb.7408


I’ll try this out next time I’m playing, since I use stacking sigils a lot on my MM build; its so easy to have entire games without deaths as an MM (unless your team is losing badly).

But of Corpse – Watch us on YouTube
My PvP Minion Build

Sigil of Demon Summoning for minion masters

in Necromancer

Posted by: Alasea.4931


I’ll try this out next time I’m playing, since I use stacking sigils a lot on my MM build; its so easy to have entire games without deaths as an MM (unless your team is losing badly).


Thats exactly what i mean, its so easy and to have one more minion as good as fleshgolem sounds realy nice, isnt it?^^

Sigil of Demon Summoning for minion masters

in Necromancer

Posted by: Nay of the Ether.8913

Nay of the Ether.8913

well, I’ve always personally thought this sigil to be garbage, moreso in pvp because charged sigils are usually a no-no. Maybe possibly in a gimmicky wvw build it would work. In pve though I could see it being fairly decent, especially if you’re killing at a high rate to keep it charged up, you can easily cycle through, what is it, 26?, enemies. I will still give it a go though, I’m always open to new ideas, but my personal take on chargeable sigils is they are crap for a necro but I like to be proven wrong because it means I have yet another build to add to my toolbelt lol.
~Surrender fiend and you will get an easy death
~I could promise you the same…but it would be a lie…

Sigil of Demon Summoning for minion masters

in Necromancer

Posted by: Nay of the Ether.8913

Nay of the Ether.8913

One last note, if you really want to test this for pve, don’t just test it in Orr, those mobs, while improved, are still easily tricked and burned down if you know them well enough, do it in southsun cove and forstgorge, both offer unforgiving mechanics. If it can be viable in both of those (which I will be testing rigorously in the coming weeks) then it definitely gets my seal of approval (and no I won’t be doing stupid pulls in southsun….spent far too many days there as a necro, I know how to properly engage there now. It’s a unique beast for us. But once you learn it, even the vets are cake).
~Surrender fiend and you will get an easy death
~I could promise you the same…but it would be a lie…

Sigil of Demon Summoning for minion masters

in Necromancer

Posted by: Brujeria.7536


Its not really useful for Minionmasters. you need to kill 26 mobs for it to spawn, it then stays for only 60 seconds, thats maybe 2 or 3 smaller fights against thrashmobs. Then it has an internal cooldown before it can be summoned again. You then have to kill 26 mobs again. The uptime seems to be really terrible.

Only worthwhile if they remove the internal cooldown OR make it permanent until killed

Edit: I just tested it, after the fleshreaver dies all charges are removed. I killed random mobs after the reaver died, no new charges where generated, i did this for exactly 11 minutes, removing the sigilweapon after 5 minutes and equip it again, with NO additional charges generated. So either the summonin is limited to one time before getting downed, it has a internal cooldown of more then 11 minutes, or it is simply bugged. Either way its really not worth it

(edited by Brujeria.7536)

Sigil of Demon Summoning for minion masters

in Necromancer

Posted by: Mad Queen Malafide.7512

Mad Queen Malafide.7512

Its a rubbish sigil right now, due to the (bugged?) internal cooldown, the short duration the fleshreaver is up, the high requirement of charges, and the weakness of the fleshreaver itself (it often dies at the very first battle).

“Madness is just another way to view reality”

Sigil of Demon Summoning for minion masters

in Necromancer

Posted by: Nay of the Ether.8913

Nay of the Ether.8913

Oh wow wasn’t aware of the ridiculously long cd…I figured it was like the stupid rock dog cd on the runes where the duration nearly covers the cd unless it’s killed early. thank you for that insight, I definitely won’t be wasting my time on this one. Anything heavier than general pve would not be worth is, and in general pve you can have every single minion die and still faceroll 95% of all the content. maybe they need to rethink this sigil, at least on the cd part if nothing else.
~Surrender fiend and you will get an easy death
~I could promise you the same…but it would be a lie…

Sigil of Demon Summoning for minion masters

in Necromancer

Posted by: lorndarken.3702


demon summoning summons the coolest looking pet in the entire game , and would be nice if it lasted with you till it died . but in it’s current format

26 kills to summon , lasting only 60 seconds , once summoned you gain no demon again ,

the sigil is a piece of crap .

here is what they need to do with it .

like with the superior rune of the ogre to summon a rock dog based on getting hit you have a % chance for it to summon , treat the sigil of summoning the demon much like the same way as the rock dog . if they did that then i would get it in a heart beat . until then , arena net doing something about this sigil id put as much hope on them doing that as much as id put hope on arena net doing something that would restore my faith in wvw of guild wars 2

the chances are not likely !!!

Sigil of Demon Summoning for minion masters

in Necromancer

Posted by: Bhawb.7408


well, I’ve always personally thought this sigil to be garbage, moreso in pvp because charged sigils are usually a no-no. Maybe possibly in a gimmicky wvw build it would work. In pve though I could see it being fairly decent, especially if you’re killing at a high rate to keep it charged up, you can easily cycle through, what is it, 26?, enemies. I will still give it a go though, I’m always open to new ideas, but my personal take on chargeable sigils is they are crap for a necro but I like to be proven wrong because it means I have yet another build to add to my toolbelt lol.

I run charging sigils all the time in PvP; it depends on what kind of build you are running. If you are playing a glassy condition/power build, then yeah you wouldn’t run a stacking sigil because you’ll get downed all the time. But especially in minion builds, it isn’t uncommon to go entire games without getting downed. I’ve found myself with 25 stacks in tournaments pretty often. Btw, you only need to kill 6 people in PvP to get it, in PvP you get 5 stacks per kill.

But of Corpse – Watch us on YouTube
My PvP Minion Build

Sigil of Demon Summoning for minion masters

in Necromancer

Posted by: Nay of the Ether.8913

Nay of the Ether.8913

Its not really useful for Minionmasters. you need to kill 26 mobs for it to spawn, it then stays for only 60 seconds, thats maybe 2 or 3 smaller fights against thrashmobs. Then it has an internal cooldown before it can be summoned again. You then have to kill 26 mobs again. The uptime seems to be really terrible.

Only worthwhile if they remove the internal cooldown OR make it permanent until killed

Edit: I just tested it, after the fleshreaver dies all charges are removed. I killed random mobs after the reaver died, no new charges where generated, i did this for exactly 11 minutes, removing the sigilweapon after 5 minutes and equip it again, with NO additional charges generated. So either the summonin is limited to one time before getting downed, it has a internal cooldown of more then 11 minutes, or it is simply bugged. Either way its really not worth it

That right there makes it worthless
~Surrender fiend and you will get an easy death
~I could promise you the same…but it would be a lie…