Signet of V & Spectral ICD's need lowering

Signet of V & Spectral ICD's need lowering

in Necromancer

Posted by: Berullos.6928


I think this is what is limiting our ability to 1vX.

This should be our scaling defense vs multiple opponents. But spectral utilities were nerfed in the July patch cause some people found that you could tank for like 8-9s while having spectral popped combined with death shroud.

I honestly didnt think that was an OP mechanic but Anet felt it was. This nerf was at the time when other classes defensive mechanics were not as strong as they are now.

Signet of V was always bad once people found out it had an ICD. It needs to be lowered otherwise Consume Conditions is always a better option. Additionally the Debuff of Signet of V needs to be doubled. 5 second duration is not great team synergy wise.

The signet should be like marking that target to die. As they take additional damage through siphons for 10 seconds.

TLDR; ICD’s need to brought down to 1/4 seconds in order to better 1vX

Signet of V & Spectral ICD's need lowering

in Necromancer

Posted by: Tim.6450


The problem lies with mesmer clones/minions. Mesmer clones/minions don’t do much damage but they will trigger those procs healing you for insane amounts. ~900hp/s second would be godlike (practical situation of sov with icd of 1/4 s).


Signet of V & Spectral ICD's need lowering

in Necromancer

Posted by: Bhawb.7408


Spectral Armor ICD is fine, Spectral Walk is bad and ether needs it reverted, or it needs a significant change in some other way because as it is now it is rarely better than SA.

SoV needs to be 1s ICD with a separate ICD per person, passive damage returning would be good too. Also the active needs to have no ICD but with a max amount of stacks you can consume per person (for example one person can only consume 5 stacks-10 stacks themselves). The 5s limit is good.

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Signet of V & Spectral ICD's need lowering

in Necromancer

Posted by: Temariah.9372


I’m not a particularly good Necromancer, but I always felt that Spectral Walk was really powerful because of the “shadow return” aspect of it. It gives really good potential mobility/juking ability.

Though to stay on topic I do think that Spectral Armor’s ICD could be tweaked. I can’t say much about SoV because I haven’t dabbled. I’m too in love with condi cleanse/transfer.

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