(edited by Dakiaris.2798)
Signte of spite suggestion
Passive, while it should probably be condition damage, should stay the way it is. I say this because, not only do I not trust the coding at ANet, all other class signets that are comparable to this one use the formula of 10+Level.
CD of this specific signet is far too long for what it does, however, so I agree the CD should be lowered.
Necromancers are not only condition damage nor are they only direct damage… The 100 direct damage would fit both because to apply conditions you have to direct damage them and to deal damage in general you have to hit them….
This change would be for power based necros and condition necros… To apply a condition you have to hit the target and 90 condition damage would only be like 6-7 condition damage…. The direct 100 would actually give the condition user more damage over time….. It’s sustain…
Also this would allow condition necromancers the ability to KILL THE DREADED BAR STOOL OF DOOM!!! that usually takes them 5+ minutes to actually kill.
It would be too strong. Imagine everyhit of lifesiphon or locust swarm deals 100 true damage. Balance the numbers and it would be nice. and for the active part just increase bleeding and invul. stacks to 5, add a 1 second fear, and reduce CD.
I don’t see how it would be to strong for any weapon… Yea the aoe skills would be stronger but honestly necromancer aoe is lackluster vs other classes when it comes to direct damage aoe. Life siphon is a single target dagger skill with 300 range so I don’t see it as a issue since the damage is meh as it is.. Life transfer is a death shroud ability so signets don’t apply to it same goes for plague.
I don’t see it being a issue with locust swarm either due to it only hitting melee range…. If you look at numbers of every single class you would know we are behind by a decent bit especially on direct damage… This signet change wouldn’t be game breaking in the least unless it procced on conditions as well. Necromancer melee damage is much MUCH lower then other classes melee damage if you actually look at the numbers so all this could do is help.
And in case I wasn’t clear it wouldn’t proc on anything except the direct damage portion of attacks… meaning things like vampiric or conditions wouldn’t trigger it only the physical hits…. Rapid attacks would gain huge benefits from this but it wouldn’t be enough to be considered overpowered because most rapid attack skills are quiet a bit lower the other class equivalent skills in terms of scaling.
(edited by Dakiaris.2798)
You’re asking for MORE condition stuff and can’t see why I’m suggesting this… The damage would be flat meaning usable for all specs and would be even more beneficial for condition necros due to the changes I’m suggesting….. Condition mancers can’t fight burrows/doors/bar stools so idk why you would rather have more condition damage when you could get some damage… The direct damage necros would get a little damage boost which they do need at the moment.. I don’t need to provide any numbers because anyone who has more then 1 character will all tell you necromancers damage is quiet a bit lower then the other classes.
I have 3 fully geared characters and no matter how I build my warrior or engineer the damage is always more then my necro… My necro only keeps up with other necro damage… The only thing I have on other classes is I can usually avoid getting 1 shot because DS…
The only thing here that is poorly thought out is your response calling me a kitten necro when you know nothing about me or how I play… Talking down to me will just get you banned.
I don’t see how it would be to strong for any weapon… Yea the aoe skills would be stronger but honestly necromancer aoe is lackluster vs other classes when it comes to direct damage aoe. Life siphon is a single target dagger skill with 300 range so I don’t see it as a issue since the damage is meh as it is.. Life transfer is a death shroud ability so signets don’t apply to it same goes for plague.
I don’t see it being a issue with locust swarm either due to it only hitting melee range…. If you look at numbers of every single class you would know we are behind by a decent bit especially on direct damage… This signet change wouldn’t be game breaking in the least unless it procced on conditions as well. Necromancer melee damage is much MUCH lower then other classes melee damage if you actually look at the numbers so all this could do is help.
Axe #2 hits 8 times. Dagger #2 Hits 9 Times. Dagger Autoattack is a quick chain for 4 Hits. That adds up pretty fast. Wells Hit 5 Times, up to 5 Targets. A signet should not increase the damage of some skills by more then 25% percent. This would even double the DPS by Locust swarm. A signet on no class has such a potent passive effect. In the best case its OP, in the worst cases its UP, based on the weapon.
That just cant be balanced right. And also basicly its the same thing as +90 Power, only with a fixed amount for every hit.
Ok when something is suggested the numbers are never good 100 was a kitten example idk why it is that you guys are taking it literal…. The point is it should have a direct damage on hit boost… Vampiric and the life steal on crit both proc that’s 25 per hit… goes up to 37 with traits so 50-75 wouldn’t be unresonable…. The fact it can’t be influenced no matter what should be taken into account to you act like vulnerability would affect it… Our direct damage aoe sucks outside of wells so idk why you’re pointing out other things…….
Damage is supposed add up power for us scales HORRIBLY 90 power is only like 5-10 damage on most weps and like 50 damage to wells…. So why would this change be bad exactly ?
Ok when something is suggested the numbers are never good 100 was a kitten example idk why it is that you guys are taking it literal…. The point is it should have a direct damage on hit boost… Vampiric and the life steal on crit both proc that’s 25 per hit… goes up to 37 with traits so 50-75 wouldn’t be unresonable…. The fact it can’t be influenced no matter what should be taken into account to you act like vulnerability would affect it… Our direct damage aoe sucks outside of wells so idk why you’re pointing out other things…….
Damage is supposed add up power for us scales HORRIBLY 90 power is only like 5-10 damage on most weps and like 50 damage to wells…. So why would this change be bad exactly ?
You have to compare that to the other signets in the game. They all get attribute damage increases. Why should the necro get something different? And our skills scale bad, i agree on that, but instead of adding a signet that increases every hit by X damage we need to get the individual skills right. Such a signet would be a must have for the current meta and i think nobody wants the necro to be a signet kitten like a warrior.
All of the classes don’t have to be the exact same cookie cutter signets… They could easily change up each signet passive to do something different.. Generic +x power or +x condition damage isn’t going to make me wanna use it… +x direct damage would make me wanna use it as would +x% endurance regen…. It wouldn’t be hard to balance it for the necro to do +x damage on sigent so what it’s different from the other classes…. That shouldn’t be a issue as all the classes arnt supposed to be 100% the same… Do you see a necromancer with stealth like a thief ? Hell look the thief has a signet that heals by 100 on each attack and they attack faster then a necro.
We need more uniqueness as a class anyway because at the moment we are lacking due to lack of uniqueness….. They should just bring back hexes from gw1 or something because as it stands there’s not much in the form of build variety or class uniqueness.