I’ve seen lots of threads discussing why siphoning is bad in its current implementation, why it has dangerous scaling potential, and I’ve even seen a few Dev posts on the matter. With the new Signet of Vampirism, which is a riff on siphoning, sucking so badly comparing to its contemporaries, I figured it’s time to sit down and have a proper discussion on this topic.
The purpose of this thread is to try and identify the issues we currently have with siphoning, both in skills and traits, and figure out ways to improve them that could be implemented. Hopefully, as part of the Dev’s new CDI initiative, we’ll get some red posts, but if not, they’ll at least have this as a resource.
Currently, I think there are four things that are holding back siphoning from achieving it’s full potential (feel free to discuss any others; this is just a starting point):
1) Deathshroud: This has been beaten to death, but siphoning does not work with DS. It seems rather lame to me that our primary class mechanic interferes with our traits (among other things), but having played in the Betas, I do recall the Necro bunkers that wrecked the PvP scene. I’m not sure what can be done about this, but if nothing else, I would like to see the Signet of Vampirism passive (along with other Signet passives) be useful; right now, DS kind of wrecks the skill since you lose a lot of its benefits.
2) Base Values/Scaling: The current problem with a lot of siphoning traits is that they are balanced on the presumption that we have maximized their potential – we have five enemies, standing on three different wells that keep critting, while we drop critical marks on all five of them; or we have all minions attacking while we crit marks on 5 enemies. In these cases, you could say siphoning is really high, but the problem is that siphoning is something that naturally scales: if you are gaining lots of health by hitting lots of people, you’ll also be losing lots of health as all to your foes won’t just be passive dummies. When transferred to a 1v1 scenario, though, the numbers scale down terribly – the 30-60ish health is effectively nothing against attacks that hit for thousands.
3) Bloodthirst: I really hate this trait, because due to it’s existence, all siphoning has to be toned down in base values in order to account for a possible power-up that not everyone will take. If you don’t take Bloodthirst, you essentially kitten yourself. I would rather all base values be set to Base+Bloodthirst and have something else so that Necros aren’t forced to take this trait to maximize other ones.
4) Trait Positioning: This one may be contentious, but I feel like siphoning could easily be turned up if Vampiric weren’t a “free” obligatory trait you had to take while going down Blood Magic. I would rather have Vampiric be more powerful and moved up into Master Major than it’s current incarnation. The other issue is that siphons appear to be balanced to be utilized all together; but not every necro wants to run three Major vampiric traits (Precision, Bloodthirst & Master, or some other combination), and not every Necro wants to go that deep into Blood Magic. If we had to choose between different siphon traits, they could all be individually powered up, as you would not achieve the same critical mass.
I don’t think the above are all of the issues Siphoning currently faces, and I don’t presume to have the solutions to all of these issues. However, I feel like if we at least have one centralized place to discuss things, more good might come of it.