So ArenaNet when do you guys going to give some Necro love?
in Necromancer
Posted by: Enzo Kensei.9850
in Necromancer
Posted by: Enzo Kensei.9850
So ArenaNet when does the love come?
Im pretty much settle down my profession and its going to be the necro ( after inumerous tests on other profs), since my profession in GW1 was the Ritualist, i thougt well…ill go to the almost same genre of spirits/minions/necromancy and the all Underworld ideal.
Im still waiting for the future Ritualist profession, or the rework on a new char with Ritualist aspects, when Cantha will be availble in future expansions ( keeping my hopes on ). But as you can see a large portion of the Necromancers are disappointed with our current profession…MM build is not very viable in every aspect, i guess, and the traits are pretty messed up too..
Necromancer forum are full of stressed out Necros hoping for a ANet response…soooo when does the love come ArenaNet?
p.s: It would be awesome if you guys can gives us a info/status update or future improvements in the necro section ;D
I hope they start balancing more seriously soon. The DPS difference is grating, especially on champions as a condition build.
in Necromancer
Posted by: Konrad Curze.5130
the last time they announced they were going to give necros some love, they completly nerfed the hell out of the scepter and made necros even more weak if possible.
for ANet “love” means “prison love”.
so far the only thing we have received was uncalled nerf after uncalled nerf. I rather they ignore us…things arent looking bright now, but everytime ANet does something for necros, it is a net loss for us.
I think they just hate the class and plan on deleting it soon
I think they just hate the class and plan on deleting it soon
Well that escalated quickly…
Inb4 red post pretty pleasee
I think they just hate the class and plan on deleting it soon
Well that escalated quickly…
Inb4 red post pretty pleasee
A red post would actually be nice, so we would know that something will happen. We have no feedback if the Necro will stay that way or not. If it stays a tank/support class i’ll change profession. I really want to kill something once in a while. Being annoying as hell is nice for some time but some more viable options would be nice.
in Necromancer
Posted by: Nekrothaft.6390
Sometimes it’s a nice challenge to actually manage to tag mobs in an event by having to cast two wells, 2 abilities from the staff and #4 in Deathshroud form while others can just spam 1 button….. sometimes… most of the times it’s frustrating :<
in Necromancer
Posted by: Konrad Curze.5130
I think they just hate the class and plan on deleting it soon
Well that escalated quickly…
Inb4 red post pretty pleasee
dont try to read too much into it, internet irony is a valid form of protest =)
I have no issues with class being “weak” but GW2 necro is so bland and boring to play I have rerolled already.
I hope they start balancing more seriously soon. The DPS difference is grating, especially on champions as a condition build.
Another person who thinks all classes should do the same dps…… this isnt like any other mmo please stop expecting the same crap you get everywhere else
Well maybe they shouldn’t do the same dmg. but as of now we’re not even in the same ballpark as the rest of the proffessions. I don’t think that was intended.
in Necromancer
Posted by: Enzo Kensei.9850
I think we all see the necro as a condition/ minion master guy, not some rampage guy that destroys everything in its path. Necromancer in Gw2 would be cool to have more related weapon skills that involve summoning minions to attack the target and spamming conditions while maintain the high hp pool. Think as 3 skills in the 5 of the weapon skills involve sending minions to attack the target and then disappeard, while the other 2 skill could be the same as we have, the condition dmg..i think that woul be better than the current minions that we have…
I think it would be an awesome update on the necro, what do you guys think?
If you get a reply I will eat my face. I don’t think they have any real clue how to fix this class or they like it the way it is. Either way, we’re porked.
in Necromancer
Posted by: Devilsmack.5736
Sometimes it’s a nice challenge to actually manage to tag mobs in an event by having to cast two wells, 2 abilities from the staff and #4 in Deathshroud form while others can just spam 1 button
….. sometimes… most of the times it’s frustrating :<
I agree. In order to deal with a mob crowd I need to do (at least) this:
1. Cast Scepter 2 and 5
2. Switch to my Staff and cast from 2 to 5 in quick succession
3. Cast Well of Suffering and/or Corrosive Poison Cloud
4. Cast Epidemic just in case some mob/s did not get the whole enchilada
5. Cast Consume Conditions and/or switch to DS and cast 4 to finish things off
Too many skills at once to kill a few mobs around my lv or 1 or 2 above if you ask me.
On the other hand, for regular 1vs1 killing Scepter 1 in auto and then Dagger 4 for a quick Blind and then Scepter 3 for spike damage.
in Necromancer
Posted by: cerulean moth.2743
Man I love the suggestions to have attacks look like summoning minions attacking for you. What a cool idea, and perfectly in-line with a necro.
That said, I’m really happy with how the necromancer plays. It’s lower damage, but when all the big hitters are dead on the ground and I’m still up causing trouble in the dungeon, it’s a good feeling.
and then Scepter 3 for spike damage.
And what do you spike with that 300-500 dmg?
Atm casting FoC rather than just autoattacking is a dps lost, which is kind of ridiculous for a single target damage ability.
in Necromancer
Posted by: MechAssault.7802
Anet i hope you reading this…i been waiting so long to wreck havoc on my precious Necro…but the minions are useless and just makes every necro play towards a the same build..mostly condition and some power like myself..can we please get a health regen on all our minions and iono?? maybe tweak thier a.i. just a little..they’re lil demon dudes of meat from hell ..can they act like it? i would have all my minions and spawn and the most useless ones rush first while my elite minion is in the back trying to figure out whats happening or asking himself “where am i?” please anet do something about this.
Do you guys feel the Necro Love raining? IT’s all over the place!
in Necromancer
Posted by: RashanDale.3609
So, theres a new balance update and the necro is the only class that didnt receive anything?
What. The. kitten???
Simply fixing the bugged traits that dont do what theyre supposed to do or updating incorrect trait-descriptions would have been a good start. And an easy one too. That doesnt require any actual balancing…
in Necromancer
Posted by: Konrad Curze.5130
So, theres a new balance update and the necro is the only class that didnt receive anything?
I suppose ANet has realized the current of the state of the necro is so unreal, that they will be making a patch around it alone.
in Necromancer
Posted by: Overkillengine.6084
So, theres a new balance update and the necro is the only class that didnt receive anything?
I suppose ANet has realized the current of the state of the necro is so unreal, that they will be making a patch around it alone.
I can only hope. Getting tired of playing a conditionmancer/well build, not exactly the fast way to level, but the other options are borked enough I don’t want to bother.
I have to agree. At first, I was so excited when I heard the news about a new patch. Then, when I scrolled down, every class was there except the Necromancer. That just made me sad.
The last hope I have is that the changes for the necro are so huge and quantitatively SO many that they’re gonna wait for a bigger patch being able to change all the issues. But this is hard to believe since we are waiting for the real “love” that was promised here for months (when the game was not even released…)
Yeah, seeing that patch note with EVERY class but Necro kinda made me sad. Worst part was the ranger update to pet AI and control while we can’t even depend on our minions to attack when we want them to.
in Necromancer
Posted by: Enzo Kensei.9850
Lol, yeah its very sad that no necro love update in this patch…let’s just wait and see, with all the commotion in the Necro section someone is going to see and say to them and then BAM Necro time. I think that they know that we are very upset with the necro and i also think that they already in the works and gather some ideias for upgrading us.
Let’s wait and see!
BTW cerulean moth thanks for liking my suggestion for the necro ;D
I think we all see the necro as a condition/ minion master guy, not some rampage guy that destroys everything in its path. Necromancer in Gw2 would be cool to have more related weapon skills that involve summoning minions to attack the target and spamming conditions while maintain the high hp pool. Think as 3 skills in the 5 of the weapon skills involve sending minions to attack the target and then disappeard, while the other 2 skill could be the same as we have, the condition dmg..i think that woul be better than the current minions that we have…
I think it would be an awesome update on the necro, what do you guys think?
That could actually work, you mean like the witch doctor in diablo? (zombie bears, haha!) I still hope we could get real minions if we spec for it though (minion master) !
I’m kinda dissapointed with AN attitude. Most of us is really trying to politely point out the wrong things about a class we love and want to play despite the odds, and instead of getting at least a hint of understandig and “it’s ok guys, we’re on it” attitude, we got a long awaited red post but written in a hurt-prima ballerina, drama queen sort of way. This kinda puts me off. (this is regarding the recently locked shout-out thread to AN)
When you dump hundreds of hours into a character, learning the weapons, skills, and mechanics, expecting to be at parity with everyone else, it is obviously frustrating to sit around waiting for an overhaul. If you can’t stomach complaining, I recommend not reading this forum (or any class forum, actually).
I agree Zao, I was a bit taken aback by their attitude as well. I expected more from Anet ..
Yeah, we got what we wanted! I feel much more confident right now.
We did? Did they post something?
IMO there is no way Anet guys just ignore us as a class. I think the dead silence in the current patch means that a huge overhaul is on the way for us necros. Although a red post about it would make the wait so much easier.
in Necromancer
Posted by: cerulean moth.2743
There is a red post now. It’s stickied in the Necro Bugs thread.
IMO its not only bugs that affect us… =(
this isnt like any other mmo please stop expecting the same crap you get everywhere else
This line is truly the Godwin of GW2. “Shut up, GW2 is different and you just don’t understand what it is, but I do”
Sorry to say this, but it isn’t. GW2 places different wrappers around core functions but once you move from the naming conventions and means you’re more or less in the same boat. Sure you’re not talking to quest givers but you do “do once” quests nevertheless. Sure, you get Karma, but you’re doing repeating dynamic quests and zone events nevertheless. And, sure, everyone can DE stuff or harvest a node, but you’re farming and crafting nevertheless.
And in all this, there’s a combat mechanic. GW2’s mechanic is that of avoidance and damage with minor replenishments. That breaks the trifecta but it does not break, end, or change, the idea that professions essentially contribute their unique brand of whatever to solo play, PvP, and group play. Since every profession is control, buff, debuff, and DPS, every profession should be able to arrive at the same greater sum of all its elements.
Right now the Necromancer has lower DPS, is on the lower end of control, good on buff and debuff, and not very good in avoidance and management. Mobs that do not telegraph moves as clearly are a much greater challenge on a Necromancer than, say, a Guardian. If the ability to eat hits or control foes is lower, DPS should be higher to compensate for that. Basically every profession should have an equal plunder ratio – more “hardened” ones might take longer to kill a mob but the weaker defenses are the higher DPS, control, or buff/debuff, should be. It’s a net-sum game.
I think we all see the necro as a condition/ minion master guy, not some rampage guy that destroys everything in its path. Necromancer in Gw2 would be cool to have more related weapon skills that involve summoning minions to attack the target and spamming conditions while maintain the high hp pool. Think as 3 skills in the 5 of the weapon skills involve sending minions to attack the target and then disappeard, while the other 2 skill could be the same as we have, the condition dmg..i think that woul be better than the current minions that we have…
I think it would be an awesome update on the necro, what do you guys think?
I think you are onto something here Enzo. Although I would find it a little limiting to only have Minions as temporary spells. Necromancer as a Minion Master would feel bland to me. I would enjoy a Necromancer who has more active control over his Minions than he has now, i.e. actively send them out to attack a target. I currently accomplish that with Staff 1, but that only works neatly, if I place myself right and am the only one in the fight. I loose all control over Minions in more massive combat, because placing and using skills to indirectly control Minions is out of the question. I think one way to deal with this could be creating a set of F2-4 skills that will allow sending Minions to attack a certain target on top of their AI.
in Necromancer
Posted by: GodAtHand.5124
I can’t believe they forgot about us in the patch. We need probably the most help here and we didn’t get anything…
I like the proactive stance the red post take. They come here to delete any request of the red posts =) And say nothing =)
Geez Alexii…is that all you do is complain? First you complain about not getting heard and now you’re complaining about getting heard…make up your mind.
Geez BCDragon , reread the post =) U made urself look kinda silly =)
LOL no I didn’t…you’re complaining about everything…maybe its you that needs to reread your posts.
1)I am not complaining about everything , just the kinda sub par broken necro.
2) Complaining about getting heard ? Who heard me ( besides you which is useless ) Reds delete posts here asking the reds for reply , so they dont reply , just delete. Was it so difficult for you to reread the post ?
1)I am not complaining about everything , just the kinda sub par broken necro.
2) Complaining about getting heard ? Who heard me ( besides you which is useless ) Reds delete posts here asking the reds for reply , so they dont reply , just delete. Was it so difficult for you to reread the post ?
And is it so difficult for you not to complain? You got what you wanted so let it go.
How did i get what i wanted ? Where ?
My , o my… I am starting to think you are just not very bright…
I love necro. Necro is broken at the moment both by bugs and by some choices anet devs made. You have no problem with the state necro is in at the moment. Probable u are a solo PVE player. But it seems a lot of player do have that problem. That makes us the majority , and u a minority that complains about us. So let it go and go grind some solo mobs.
Then if you love the necro, you REALLY REALLY need to learn to reword things because everything you post sounds like a complaint….and btw not a lot of players do have these issues. I would like to know where in the hell you’re getting that from and its all the PVP people that are complaining. Well guess what, GW2 doesn’t revolve around PVP players and you guys need to realize that.
Neither does it revolve around you. If you are happy with everything – thats good. No need for you to complain in the topics started by the ppl that do have an issue with the current state of the class. As for where i get my info – LOL. You are posting in my source =)) Take a good look through the necro subfolder =)
But you guys are the ones complaining the most. Either deal with it or play something else until they fix it.
How about no. We are dealing with it AND complaining. =) And there is nothing you can do to stop us =)
So go ahead. U can continue to complain about us complaining =)
Well there is but I won’t go there as I want to keep this somewhat civil.
Let me say it again. There is nothing you can do to stop anyone from complaining on the internet. About anything. =)
And let me say it again, there is but like I said, I want to keep this somewhat civil. Now I am done arguing with you. Move along.
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