So much for playing a Reaper on day one.
Pfft, all you really need is the greatsword and reaper shroud.
Assuming 60 points if all you have, the traits missing really aren’t that big of a deal. The adept tier is meh, both master and grandmaster tier truly shines in group settings instead of soloing.
Just run around as MM reaper, replace one of your minions with rise! once you get it and cleave everything to death.
.If people actually read into things before jumping to conclusions.. you would know that
A) Yes it’s 400
B) If you’ve done everything by HoT you should be on 214
c) The Skill points in MJ are worth 10 points each (Tyria ones are still worth 1)
D) that means you only need 18-20 skill points
E) There are 4 maps – about 5 each map min.
F) Currently we can unlock half of the whole trait line… This doesn’t however mean we can’t get all the traits at the start..we don’t know the numbers yet… 214 could get us all of the traits but the rest is for skins.
G) You need to have unlocked all previous traits before hand.
H) In MJ it IS possible to unlock everything inc elites alone.. the ones in Tyria just give you head start.
RIP City of Heroes
Thanks for the game plan
shhhhkitten I only have 3 unspent points right now…. That’s what I get for rolling a brand new Necro and leveling with tomes. I wanna play in the Halloween stuff though…
focus on Dungeons, Fractals and Raiding.
400 includes armor, weapon, rune, and sigil.
You only need ~170 for the traits according to the datamining.
You should be able to get all the traits right at 12:01am if you have all the tyria masteries unlocked.
I’ve got 140 left so I should be close to ok.
I have 180 HP atm, not a PvE player at all but hope that covers the Traits,Skills aso the consmetic skins I can get further down the line it dosent bother me as much.
Servant of Dhuum
You can play reaper from day 1 in PvP
I hate PVP, I’m a PVE Care Bear through and through.
As I was looking forward to playing a Reaper this Friday and finding out I will only have a partial unlock, will half a Reaper even be playable? With that said are there any builds that will leave me tanky enough to sleep walk through enough Hero Challenges so that I can play the expansion how I actually want to play it, as a Reaper?
le epic “play how i want” meme
Protect him at all costs.
400 includes armor, weapon, rune, and sigil.
You only need ~170 for the traits according to the datamining.
You should be able to get all the traits right at 12:01am if you have all the tyria masteries unlocked.
200 hero points spend and you still have traits skills to do.
PvP master race, I get to play Reaper all I want from day 1. Only annoyance will be mastery farming for the skins.
I’m more hyped to take the Reaper into the Halloween Labyrinth than to do any of the main HoT content.
I have the 214 hero points, and if that can buy me
The Greatsword
the minor traits
One minor, one major, and one grandmaster trait (I don’t care which ones)
Then I’ll be playing the Reaper day one.
And I think this is probably going to happen too.