Some advice on beating Guardians please

Some advice on beating Guardians please

in Necromancer

Posted by: Captain Epicfail.8730

Captain Epicfail.8730

Hi all,

I’m doing sPvP a fair bit, and Guardians are basically the bane of my existance.

Aside from the fact seemingly half of every team is made up of them, they seem to have absolutely absurd combinations of tank and gank, being rather difficult to damage in the first place and then instahealing to at or near full. (While still being able to dish out quite a lot of pain.)

I’m running a scepter/dagger condition build with staff secondary, and a flesh golem as backup DPS. Corrupt Boon has been one of my best friends but is a temporary respite as they seem to pop boons like crazy.

Is the answer to just not be a condition necro*, or indeed not to be a necro at all?
Can anyone give me some pointers on techniques that work for them?


*I do consider this a last resort. I don’t want to have to learn a whole new playstyle when I finally got otherwise good results from this one, if I can avoid it.

Some advice on beating Guardians please

in Necromancer

Posted by: Merlin Dyfed Avalon.5046

Merlin Dyfed Avalon.5046

-Woc + putrid.
-#4 Dagger with chill trait
-#5 Focus [maybe try it out]
-Corrupt boon (but hardly use it anymore since so many dodges invuls/sigs happening and find the skill to be more sucky everyday because nothing sticks ^^)
-Retal/Weakening in DS
-Wait for their “pop” of boons.
-Wait for their spin to win with retal/leech

-Wait for their bursts to blind+chill+woc+putrid+DS
Make them miss their first burst attack-then make them move slower and since they are melee you can then proceed to chip away at their hp trough counters. WoC + putrid. Wop+putrid.

maybe try plague signet instead of corrupt boon to stack more conditions then they can cleanse immediatly.

Thing is these suggestions don’t all work with the condi builds since you have to eat damage to be effective.

54 infractions and counting because a moderator doesn’t understand a joke when he/she sees it.

Some advice on beating Guardians please

in Necromancer

Posted by: Captain Epicfail.8730

Captain Epicfail.8730


You are awesome. Thanks for your input, you’ve given me a lot to try out. I’m glad that at least a couple of those I have already, so I’m evidently on the right track, but so many more I hadn’t thought of.

Much appreciated!

Some advice on beating Guardians please

in Necromancer

Posted by: Merlin Dyfed Avalon.5046

Merlin Dyfed Avalon.5046

Most welcome,

I basicly go hotjoin when i don’t know what to do and bring stacks of runes/sigils etc to swap around and see what happens

54 infractions and counting because a moderator doesn’t understand a joke when he/she sees it.

Some advice on beating Guardians please

in Necromancer

Posted by: Balekai.6083


What Merlin said.

On a Well build, it’s hard to lose to a Guardian if you use WoD when they go for damage spikes or try to CC with Hammer, then WoC when they proc their boons. Same goes for Warriors, but against certain builds the fight will be a lot closer than against a Guardian.

Some advice on beating Guardians please

in Necromancer

Posted by: Monkeymonger.9235


Do you have problems with dps-meditation or teamfight-shout guardians? Or whats the playstyle/weapons of the ones that kill you?

Both require different approaches from both the guardian and necro. Contrary to your opinion guardians have a rather limited amount of condition removals (that depend heavily on the spec).