Some changes for Necromancer.

Some changes for Necromancer.

in Necromancer

Posted by: ShadowBorn.7106


First of all it’s worth to say that i play as Necromancer since first BWE.I really like to play Necromancer as a tank/conditioning machine , but i think Necromancer needs some changes.
Spectral Wall. Does anybody use this?I don’t think that this is usefull at all.
This should be changed for an utility skill like that :
Spectral.Teleport to target area (It would be awesome if it looked like he comes from Underworld like burrowing or something), crippling/fearing nearby foes. Cast time : Imidiatelly Cooldown : 40s
(Longer time for cripple or fear with Spectral Attunement)
Breaks stun

Another change that Necromancers need is on Elite Skills.
Does a Necromancer really need 2 Transformation Elite Skills?I know they are build-based but there are better Elite Skills for a Necromancer.For example a spectral one like this:
Spectral.You become Invulnerable and you gain Quickness(Quickness on Necromancer is very important,especially for Staff or Axe).You cannot enter/Removed when you enter Death Shroud. Cast time : Imidiatelly Cooldown : 120s
Invulnerable: 3s(5s with Spectral Attunement)
Quickness: 3s(5s with Spectral Attunement)
Breaks stun

But what will happen on Plague and Lich Form?I suggest to mix these Transform Elites for a better one.
Please let me know your opinion about these changes.

Some changes for Necromancer.

in Necromancer

Posted by: Lukin.4061


You can hope and suggest things, but I have lost faith in devs, to add something new/fix everything old, because they have not really changed anything since beta weekend #2.

Ontopic: blink would make the necromancer at least on the same page as other caster classes, so +1.

Some changes for Necromancer.

in Necromancer

Posted by: Swadow.6213


I do use Spectral Wall, it is a good way to get Protection and quick Vulnerability stacks as it puts 10 everytime enemy goes through it. Only thing wrong with it is that the Etheral field is placed on top of necromancer not where the wall is and that the Protection/Vulnerability part is also a bit off from the visual point