Some help for a returning Necro (WvW mostly)

Some help for a returning Necro (WvW mostly)

in Necromancer

Posted by: Xta.7458


Hello everyone, good morning.

So i will try to make it short,

I just came back to the game after roughly 2 years out.
I have played Warrior and Guardian before, but now i really liked the Melee Necro (Reaper) concept.

So my questions are:
1. Fastest way to unlock Reaper? (i’m 80 with only 30 hero points or so) so just run in Maguuma to collect 250points or there is another way? (i REALLY hate pve/leveling)

2. WvW – assume i’m a Reaper already – i though about running with Soldier gear (i like to be tanky esp’ if i’m playing melee in some cases) what do you think about it?

3. Staff & GS and Lich form. Staff and Lich form for range fights and ofcourse GS&RS for close fights (which i like a bit more then range fights) -

4. Wells – basically because of the AOE damage in WvW.

5. No doubt GS benefits from Power, but how about Staff/Lich damage with Power (Soldier) ? Do they benefit from it aswell?

6. Any good build for a noob player for WvW ?
I though about: Reaper – Soul reaping – death magic.
I know its a bit defensive and much less damage. but dead player in WvW does 0 damage

I hope i set my questions right, any additional tip will be grateful.

Some help for a returning Necro (WvW mostly)

in Necromancer

Posted by: Reh.5986


If you have 250 proof of heroics lying around you can unlock your elite spec through scrolls via merchant.

GS is pretty slow. If you can work with that then no worries. A lot of power builds run dagger/warhorn though. It’s good life force gen and, with blood magic, gives you a nice little sustain boost on dagger aa.

If you’re zerging, something like blood, soul reaping, reaper with a couple traited wells + staff and as much offense as you’re comfortable with. Follow just behind the melee train and bomb the hell out of stuff. You will wreak havoc and tag so much loot. When other zerg breaks up and commander calls weapons free then shroud up and reap some runners.

Some help for a returning Necro (WvW mostly)

in Necromancer

Posted by: Xta.7458


Thank you for the answer.

I dont like daggers much… it feels wierd, fast weak attacks :/

Please try to refer to my other things i wrote .

and i will check for “proof of heroics” – not sure i have any.

Some help for a returning Necro (WvW mostly)

in Necromancer

Posted by: Fatalyz.7168


To help clarify, you can earn Proof of Heroics in WvW. The fastest way to unlock Reaper would probably be joining a HP train on the new maps, but you may enjoy unlocking in by playing in WvW and collecting the Proofs (which end up being the Hero Points in the new zones).

Some help for a returning Necro (WvW mostly)

in Necromancer

Posted by: Xta.7458


Thank you Fatalyz,

Will it be faster in WvW or in Magumma?
If the difference is small – i will choose wvw ofcourse
but if its a huge difference, i will have to do some pve

What do you think about the gear? Soldier will feet? Damage will be too low?

Some help for a returning Necro (WvW mostly)

in Necromancer

Posted by: Fatalyz.7168


I am not much of a wvw player. I thought about using cavilers gear, with your traitlines you mentioned, but soldier’s would work as well. It’s easy to get 100% crit chance as a reaper with no precision investment in gear.

If you can find a hero point train, I find Magumma to be pretty quick, but your mileage may vary. By quick, generally an hour or two of your time, if you just run them all. I am unable to provide a reference point for WvW, maybe someone else can? You could try unlocking one Proof in WvW (it’ll unlock a corresponding HP in the Magumma jungle), and see how the time difference could work out.

At the end of the day, I would say just unlock it playing content that you enjoy.

Hope that helps.

Some help for a returning Necro (WvW mostly)

in Necromancer

Posted by: Yannir.4132


If you find a HP train in Maguuma, that is definitely faster. It is my experience you get 5-10 proofs of heroics in WvW every 20 minutes, whereas in Maguuma you can get all of them in a few hours with the train.

Staff as a weapon doesn’t really support any specific thing(power or condi), it’s more a utility weapon. And a necessary one in WvW simply because of the range. Necros almost always run staff, regardless of if they like it or not, regardless of if they run power or condi. Personally I don’t run necro in WvW, so I don’t have an issue there.

Don’t go full soldier. Soldier (or even Sentinel) for armor maybe, then Marauder for weapons and trinkets? Don’t know exactly but I think that could work.

Yannir for males. (guard,thief,war,ele)
Sonya for females. (necro,rev,ranger,mes,engi)
All classes lvl 80.

Some help for a returning Necro (WvW mostly)

in Necromancer

Posted by: Topsilog.1824


as everyone said, go maguuma HP train. it will only take 2hrs or less to complete the reaper traitline.

as for the power build, im running full ptv for zerg frontline and ptv armor + zerker acc/weapons for roaming. though beware of heavy condi roamers for the lol.