Spectral Walk changes and overall mobility

Spectral Walk changes and overall mobility

in Necromancer

Posted by: quBit.6437



WHY did they have to take away the ONE last thing from us that made necro mobility unique?

This game used to have such a unique big focus on movement but it seems to be all gone now:
- Swiftness/cripple/chill dont affect leaps anymore.
- You can’t use blinks (flesh wurm too) without ‘valid path’ anymore.
- You can’t use spectral walk mid air anymore,…

These mechanics were FUN but instead of balancing around them, they just remove them entirely. After nearly 3 years of playing with those fun mechanics, i seriously take it as an insolence to everyone who played and loved the game for what it was. It just isn’t that anymore, and it’s so so wrong!

Those mechanics barely affected competitive PvP if even at all, but it’s the dead for WvW roaming as we knew it!
Yet they leave in mechanics that are truly OP for WvW roaming but do not affect competitive PvP at all, like perplexity runes, dire gear and condi duration foods.

Please think about it, seriously!

Spectral Walk changes and overall mobility

in Necromancer

Posted by: nekretaal.6485


We’ll (don’t laugh I am being serious) have to take the weakness trait to reduce enemy mobility. This will not stop leaps, but it will reduce enemy dodges and it’s the best we’ve got now.

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Spectral Walk changes and overall mobility

in Necromancer

Posted by: Bhawb.7408


Because it was used to break intended use of maps. Fun? Sure, but it was used to overcome an intended mechanic of the game, just like leaps + swiftness could break out of maps.

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Spectral Walk changes and overall mobility

in Necromancer

Posted by: quBit.6437


Because it was used to break intended use of maps. Fun? Sure, but it was used to overcome an intended mechanic of the game, just like leaps + swiftness could break out of maps.

If that’s the whole reasoning behind it, i definitely think they should fix the map instead of drasticly changing the way some movement skills work after having us get used to them for nearly 3 years.
It’s just the lazy way to go about the issue =/
On top of that i don’t even see what’s so bad about a few people breaking out of PvE maps every now and then. Hurts noone.