Spvp Wellmancer
I also considered well of blood as a healing skill, but I think consume conditions is just way more powerfull, considering the conditions it removes and a lot of builds are based on condi’s since the new patch.
I made this build, tested it in tpvp and it can work.
Tho atm use runes of traveler for passive 25% speed. And magnito is right … first i used healing well, but it was lacking too much compared to consume conditions (in self survival), even traited for reduced cd and protection.
(edited by Emapudapus.1307)
You just copied down the build I posted I suppose?
I think the focus on protection and toughness is a better bonus then the 25% movement speed on travelers, you don’t need it, since you’re supposed to sit on close and if you do have to move, you’ll have your warhorn 5
You just copied down the build I posted I suppose?
Fixed :p
I use travelers cuz i use warrhown 5 for lf generating. And my build is also support, so you dont have to sit on close and you are usefull in groupfights.
(edited by Emapudapus.1307)
I will try to post my build when i get the chance, i mostly play spvp and wvw
Its crazy good in spvp.
I made a comparable build recently too. Though I would change Blood Magic III for Blood Magic II. I made a power build myself but with d/d instead of staff. When you are a wellomancer, you want the enemy to be within your well so you need a weapon with close range attack. You got youre axe/warhorn for medium range already. And you might want to change Well of Darkness for Well of Power, since you don’t have a stun breaker atm.
@HeadCrowned About well of darkness/power I switch out suffering for power sometimes. I like to switch them viewing the other team, if there aren’t ‘big condi classes’ I like to take suffering, if they do have a lot of conditions I’d rather use power. Also I do use darkness for the safe stomp. For the staff I like the condi cleansing/transfering and the big wells also I just never use the fear togheter with the wells, because that would be dumb, just use it if they for some reason, be able to get a few caps on the point. I feel like it’s a bit too difficult to always meet up that close range on the daggers, but I think the staff/double dagger doesn’t make such a big diffrence. And about the blood magic trait, that’s a good point actually, definalty right there
@Alamore, I’m looking forward to have a look on your build
@Emapudapus, you lose a lot of toughness and protection duration using the traveler runes, I also use the warhorn 5 for lf generation , but the couldown on it is short enough to roam between points in my opinion
(edited by Magnito.6187)
I havent had a chance to log on in a while
But for spvp i run
2 IV
i swap amulets and runs alot depending on what mood im in
Soldiers, clerics
Pirate, vampire, fighter runes
Utilities are WoB, WoS, WoP WoD
Last one can be swaped. Out for the other well or spectral. Grasp.
I use.flesh golem or plague form depend if i want to control target in my wells or hold a point for a while.
I tried your build and got the exact same outcome as always…. immob knockdown knockback daze daze dead =\……. even better when a warrior pops fear me and you don’t even have the wells to try help you
Wells need to tick faster or be a lot bigger to be worth it with their cooldowns. The damaging ones at least wop is probably fine
S P E E D Starr #0 Necro NA or
I Am NeXeD awful d/D ele NA
Wells are not viable. MM or Condi or Lich Zerker or gtfo
@Oxxy tocin
Necros are weak to stuns in general. Save stun break well for those situations
Ticks could be faster or longer durations, size seems fine
I eat mm necros for.breakfast. when minions actually work and attack me i drop my well and heal practicly everything back. I have.no issues against condi necros and i dont even use consume conditions.