Stability will Stack Intensity not Duration

Stability will Stack Intensity not Duration

in Necromancer

Posted by: mexamese.6502


According to the update this is one of the changes to HoT,

How is that going to affect our little amount of stability we have? Does that mean we will get knocked around even more like a pinball? I am not sure of what the out come will be, but how do you think this will affect Necros? Just wanted to see if anyone thought about this issue and what it might do for necros.

Thank You

Stability will Stack Intensity not Duration

in Necromancer

Posted by: Muchacho.2390


Since we dont have much stability to begin with it may be to our advantage. But i guess time will tell.

Stability will Stack Intensity not Duration

in Necromancer

Posted by: Ragnar the Rock.3174

Ragnar the Rock.3174

They said they would look at each skill that applies stability and address how many stacks it gives.

So only time will tell.

That being said seeing as how the necro only has one source (outside elites) & it is a short duration one I doubt it will need changed much.

As for the elite skills, they will probably have a few stacks at the very least.

Stability will Stack Intensity not Duration

in Necromancer

Posted by: Roe.3679


I am hopeful that this will actually improve us overall. Maybe FITG will be more useful, and it will still be corrupt able to fear. So less stability overall (hopefully) will only help classes that lack it.

Stability will Stack Intensity not Duration

in Necromancer

Posted by: Bhawb.7408


It also means that Terror Necros might be able to just CC spike through the stability, especially in teamfights.

Its too bad they “fixed” Flesh Golem’s charge though. How hilarious would it have been to charge through an entire stack of stability with one ability.

But of Corpse – Watch us on YouTube
My PvP Minion Build

Stability will Stack Intensity not Duration

in Necromancer

Posted by: akaCryptic.2389


I will give my opinion about this change and its effects on the necro in 3 areas of the game.

PvP: It’s too early to speculate, we do not know how many stacks our elites will give. Other than that it does not seem too bad or too god. But I haven’t given much thought to this aspect yet, simply cause we have no solid numbers. We might be focused on even harder so they strip our stability obtained from our guard but that is the case for any high DPS squishy class. (On a side note I’m curious if thieves will spam pistol 4 to strip stability)

WvW: I am very worried about this. A backliner necro does not have a huge deal of CC or party support. Why you bring necros to your zerg is for well nuke/spike DPS and boon removal (with high cooldown). With this change boon removal won’t be a thing in WvW anymore as long as they don’t give ridiciluously high stacks of defiance. Elementalists will basically do everything we do, they have 3 great CC skills (realtively low CD) which will strip defiance and support party and be mobile at the same time. Necros do not shine much outside of zergs and I am very worried about us becoming inferior to elementalists.

PvE: I don’t think the stability change will make a difference here. Other classes will keep doing stuff more efficiently than us. We just have our fingers crossed for the specialisation and mighty Greatsword.

Personally I don’t like how this change sounds but you know, if Anet decided to do this after 2.5+ years, they must have a good reason behind it.

Stability will Stack Intensity not Duration

in Necromancer

Posted by: Sublimatio.6981


Skipping arah p2 inquest will be ebola, just saying…

Stability will Stack Intensity not Duration

in Necromancer

Posted by: Balekai.6083


Overall this is an advantage to Necro in the grand scheme of things. The problem with most of our CC and boon hate has been that Stability currently is easy to apply, reapply and for long periods of time by various classes. Especially when you get a whole bunch of area stability classes together. This meant some classes or group/team/zerg compositions could easily ignore all cc while others would be battered by it. Simply put stability right now is crowd control immunity until removed or until/if it ends. Now it will be a stacking intensity aegis-like boon for crowd controlling effects akin to Defiance, but with a duration (I’m guessing).

Instead of 10-20 (or never-ending) seconds of stability unless stripped, stability access may look more like 5 stacks for like 5 seconds for individuals or 10-25 stacks for 5 seconds for larger groups. This will change the following:

- A lot more counterplay with Stability since we can now wait it out or take out stacks with dummy hard cc followed by harder more potent cc. Also multi-hit cc like Spectral Wall will be a lot more important.

- Zergs, teams and groups are going to need to be a lot smarter in stability application. Using stability to skip or absorb cc from 10-20+ enemies isn’t going to do so well anymore. Those stacks will almost always be instantly destroyed in said encounters or need constant reapplication with limited results. All in all this will lessen its importance and usefulness in many encounters leaving room for more soft cc effectiveness and other “alterative” strategies to take hold. This can only be good for Necros.

- Stability won’t be such a must strip boon as it won’t be up as often I assume. The less it’s up the less we need to worry about stripping it, allowing us to focus on stripping or converting other important boons like might stacks, fury, protection, resistance etc.

Stability will Stack Intensity not Duration

in Necromancer

Posted by: Mexamese.5163


Thanks for giving me your thought on it! I mostly WvW, so for me it will probably make me a little stronger against roamers when I roam, since they will have to get accustomed to the stability change. During zerg fights i can see spectral wall becoming one of those have to have utilities, along with wells. But I think the determining factor will be how many stacks we will get from every skill that applies stability. Hopefully low amount so people can understand what it is to play Stabless like a necro! I will be one of the first to take full advantage of people not knowing how to play with less stability if that is the case! Also, do you think this will create power creep to skills with alot of CC? Will CC be a more prominent thing for PvP and WvW? (Obviously hammer trains, but will we only see hammer trains in WvW) what do you think?

Thanks!!! Love you all fellow Necros!!!!

Stability will Stack Intensity not Duration

in Necromancer

Posted by: Rym.1469


I don’t know… All of our hard CC is very precious and part of combos.

We won’t be able to just strip couple layers constantly like Headshot Thief, Mesmer or Warrior. It would be an astonishing dps and pressure lost.

If Stability now is even easier to get, because it will only block certain amount of CCs, then we’re in far worse state than now imho…

[rude]Antagonistka – Revenant, EU.
[SALT]Natchniony – Necromancer, EU.

Stability will Stack Intensity not Duration

in Necromancer

Posted by: Balekai.6083


We shouldn’t need to be constantly stripping layers of stability really. Remember the uptime of stability in general should be a lot lower.

No duration stacking combined with exhaustible cc immunity (Expansion) is a lot better for us than duration stacking + inexhaustible cc immunity (Vanilla). At most we will be dealing with 20 seconds of stability from elite skills, which is no different than before. If durations remain unchanged most stability stacks will last only 2-8 seconds averaging around 5 seconds, instead of stacking into the 15 to 25+ second ranges if not stripped.

Like Might, Bleeds and other intensity boons and conditions, many stability stacks will simply expire as new ones appear and any removal/conversion will effect all stacks at one time.

Think of it this way:

Presently in WvW a zerg of 40 people “stack” stability and it results in huge durations that can be constantly refreshed and added to during combat. Meaning no cc works in zerg vs zerg until one side starts losing to attrition, or one zerg has as much boon stripping as the other zerg has boon/stability application (very unlikely).

When the expansion changes come in that same zerg will only be able to initially stack say 25 stacks of stability for 5-8 seconds. Meaning that they have 5 seconds to engage enemies or else lose most of their stability stacks or 8 seconds to engage until they lose them all. Then they have to deal with hard cc from an opposing 40 man zerg, that strips stacks of stability like we strip boss defiance in PvE (nearly instantly).

That zerg is going to be a lot less “stable” than when stability stacked in duration. So CC is going to become a lot more viable in my opinion in WvW. For necros in PvP we should have an easier time countering classes that had high stability uptime.

The only way any of this wouldn’t be the case, is if Anet decided to vastly increase the base uptime of all stability durations by 50-100%. Then we as necros would be worse off than we are now.

Stability will Stack Intensity not Duration

in Necromancer

Posted by: Softspoken.2410


I’m actually really curious to see how they change FitG, if at all. Boosting its duration makes the 100% uptime on Stability cheese build attainable, even though the value of that stability is relatively lower. Boosting its intensity seems like the more obvious option, so that it’s a very short window that’s very difficult to punch through with CC combos.

Mixing insults with your post is like pooping in a salad.
It’s pretty obvious, and nobody’s impressed.

Stability will Stack Intensity not Duration

in Necromancer

Posted by: Tim.6450


The most interesting about this change for necromancer could be that spectral wall. By moving through the wall we could force the opponent to either not pass or give up it’s stability.


Stability will Stack Intensity not Duration

in Necromancer

Posted by: Lightsbane.9012


The most interesting about this change for necromancer could be that spectral wall. By moving through the wall we could force the opponent to either not pass or give up it’s stability.

so a reason to slot it other than loling while noobs fall of the edge in EOTM?

As quick as the Valkyries ride,
As true as Odin’s spear flies,
There is nowhere to hide.

Stability will Stack Intensity not Duration

in Necromancer

Posted by: Drarnor Kunoram.5180

Drarnor Kunoram.5180

The most interesting about this change for necromancer could be that spectral wall. By moving through the wall we could force the opponent to either not pass or give up it’s stability.

so a reason to slot it other than loling while noobs fall of the edge in EOTM?

It’s fairly good in PvP where you weave through it while you’re on point. They can’t really go around it, so they’re either forced to stop meleeing you or blow their stability while you have protection and ramping up life force.

People forget that Spectral Wall gives you 5% life force whenever an enemy tries to cross it.

Dragonbrand |Drarnor Kunoram: Charr Necro
I’m a Geeleiver

Stability will Stack Intensity not Duration

in Necromancer

Posted by: Tim.6450


People forget that Spectral Wall gives you 5% life force whenever an enemy tries to cross it.

Is this the traited or untraited variant?


Stability will Stack Intensity not Duration

in Necromancer

Posted by: Monoman.2068


As someone who uses plague form quite religiously, this may potentially hurt.

Laviere – Hybrid Wellomancer
Makonne – Hybrid Regen Ranger

Stability will Stack Intensity not Duration

in Necromancer

Posted by: Lily.1935


I’ll put my opinion in. I think the stability change will actually be a really good thing for the necromancer. We’ve often talked about wanting more stability and having easier access to it. Since its going to be seriously weakened I think its fair to say we could be given far more access to it. Well of Power generally only gives you 1 attack to keep from being stunned from. So now it might last longer, like 5 seconds so we don’t have to shoot for that short window of time. Or it can pulse allowing us a couple of stuns to help us. Foot in the grave has been pretty underwhelming and we will have to see a major change with that trait. It could become extremely good.

An interesting change is that elite skills will have to change. But how much it’ll effect them I’m not quite sure. There is definitely going to have to be a change in that area and its probably the biggest point of concern for me. Not necessarily band concern but still concerned.

Stability will Stack Intensity not Duration

in Necromancer

Posted by: Anchoku.8142


It is difficult to predict how this will affect Necromancers but I really like the idea. It goes back to a suggestion I made a long time ago to use stats to determine susceptibility to conditions, boons, and control effects. If the developers can prototype something something similar in the new content areas, they may be able to transition it backward through older content and finally get rid of Unshakable,Defiant, and stack/duration caps. It is a long stretch to get there, though.

The problem with the current game mechanics is that boons, conditions, and control effects are driven primarily by weapon, rune, sigil, utility, and trait skills, not the stats or intent of the build or that of the opponent. They try to modify duration or intensity based on stats and traits but it is a ham-fisted approach that kind of forced the current trait line design.

I hope that, eventually, the game will permit levels of duration and intensity for all effects based on stats and modifiers from the originator and victim as well as modifying the odds of the boon/condition/CC being resisted.

For example, if a Guardian used mace’s Protector’s Strike to grant protection, the intensity and duration on an ally right now is affected by boon duration and/or protection duration runes and traits for each profession but there are no modifiers on the odds of it landing or levels of effectiveness. What if a Guard’s protection could only land and stick if the Guard put stats and trait skills into giving protection and, when it does stick, it might give 25%, 50%, or 75% damage reduction based on the receiver’s job and stat allocation?

The same could be true for applying blind. What if only a Thief or a Necro had any chance of applying a blind to a PvE boss, or if blinds stacked in the number of misses as well as duration so that a Necromancer fully invested in condition damage could apply a blind that cannot be resisted and may last for two attacks instead of just one whereas that same Necro with no points in Curses may have the blind resisted.

Might-stacking would change radically because those receiving might would have to build for boons, themselves. There would be no “free” might anymore and something else would have to be sacrificed to get it. A Warrior might give 3 might to him/herself but a Necro may only receive 1 might while an Ele traited for boons may receive 4.

This type of change places a larger burden on servers for calculations and will probably need to be implemented in measured steps but also makes the builds more varied and less “chunky” in how boons, conditions, and control effects are handled by servers.

Changing stability from stacking in duration to intensity is one very tiny step but we should all be considering something else: Fear may be next on the list to change from duration to intensity.

Stability will Stack Intensity not Duration

in Necromancer

Posted by: Roe.3679


^ I really doubt fear is changed. I could see blinds being changed, but that’s about it.

Stability will Stack Intensity not Duration

in Necromancer

Posted by: Drarnor Kunoram.5180

Drarnor Kunoram.5180

People forget that Spectral Wall gives you 5% life force whenever an enemy tries to cross it.

Is this the traited or untraited variant?

All variants. I don’t know why it was never added to the tooltip.

Dragonbrand |Drarnor Kunoram: Charr Necro
I’m a Geeleiver

Stability will Stack Intensity not Duration

in Necromancer

Posted by: Papish.5806


Just like there is no mention of well of corruption giving you life force for every target hit per pulse?

Got to love all the hidden presents ANET gives us.

Stability will Stack Intensity not Duration

in Necromancer

Posted by: Papish.5806


Now that I think about it, it’s almost as if they don’t put it in the tooltip so that if we ever find a good use for those sort of effects they can give us a nice “bug fix”.

Stability will Stack Intensity not Duration

in Necromancer

Posted by: Drarnor Kunoram.5180

Drarnor Kunoram.5180

Now that I think about it, it’s almost as if they don’t put it in the tooltip so that if we ever find a good use for those sort of effects they can give us a nice “bug fix”.

Only problem with that is that I know it’s intentional.

The infamous Dhuumfire patch had it as a patch note.

I was mistaken, however. It’s 4%, not 5%.

Dragonbrand |Drarnor Kunoram: Charr Necro
I’m a Geeleiver

Stability will Stack Intensity not Duration

in Necromancer

Posted by: Bhawb.7408


Just like there is no mention of well of corruption giving you life force for every target hit per pulse?

Got to love all the hidden presents ANET gives us.

This is a bug, as far as I know. But they haven’t removed it, which is nice.

But of Corpse – Watch us on YouTube
My PvP Minion Build

Stability will Stack Intensity not Duration

in Necromancer

Posted by: mexamese.6502


Thanks Everyone for your feed back i really do appreciate it!