Staff *should* be melee

Staff *should* be melee

in Necromancer

Posted by: Surinen.9684


How incredible fantasticly great it would be if staff was a melee weapon, reaping enemies with dark scythe. Dagger seems to be the worst choice for melee. Do you think that is possible that Arenanet will change it ? Personally I feel that staff is the most unnatrictive g ameplay wise, you just mark the field, completely boring. But Melee Staff, that would be something, incarnation of death and despair ! maybe option for high dps/well I wont go into stats details and usage, I would just simply adore to see it in action instead of addition to a bad staff design

Staff *should* be melee

in Necromancer

Posted by: Sheobix.8796


You, my friend, have just won the prize for figuring out how to make our cleaving weapon. Why did nobody think of this before?

when we kite, we’re so slow that the target is always nipping our bum.. why not make it a melee cleave scythe?

you’re genius.

Staff *should* be melee

in Necromancer

Posted by: Gizmo.8623


Wow, nice.
Now imagine that almost any weapon have option to turn it to ranged or melee

Staff *should* be melee

in Necromancer

Posted by: Uskon.2519


Although, that would means losing our longest-range attacks. I’m not saying staff #1 can actually hit anything that moves, but that could be fixed.

Since “we’re so slow”, would you rather fancy the idea of someone kiting you with their 1200+ attack range when you could only reach around 900? :P

Staff *should* be melee

in Necromancer

Posted by: Dakiaris.2798


Considering that scythes are going to be in gw2 in one of the expansions prolly the elonian expansion I’m against this idea. The matter isn’t a if it’s a matter of when it’s added. The scythe was the most popular weapon so them simply skipping it just seems like a really dumb mistake on a.nets part.. Then again there’s been quiet a ew mistakes so I guess we’ll see in the future… We already have shorter range then everyone else and a laughable staff auto attack….

Honestly just change dagger to hit up to 3 targets like most other melee weapons and allow our staff no.1 to track the target we’re firing at to allow it to be a more viable ranged weapon….

Staff *should* be melee

in Necromancer

Posted by: xev.9476


With just a few traits, the necro staff is easily one of the most effective weapon bars out there. It’s amazing in WvW, great for AoE in dungeons, and makes PvE solo content a breeze. Marks are similar to traps, but their utility is sooo much greater. Long story short: the staff is the best weapon we currently have available, and, in my experience, it’s an absolute blast.

I agree that staff #1 certainly needs some tweaking, but overall the staff is an amazingly effective skill bar with myriad strategic purposes. Perhaps you should instead advocate for the addition of NEW skill bars (a scythe would be great!), instead of reworking already effective tools.

Staff *should* be melee

in Necromancer

Posted by: KirinDave.6451


Dagger seems to be the worst choice for melee.

Cultists always have wavy daggers. And the dagger is a pretty strong melee weapon mechanically.

Do you think that is possible that Arenanet will change it ? Personally I feel that staff is the most unnatrictive g ameplay wise, you just mark the field, completely boring.

Not if it involves taking the awesome marks away.

Staff *should* be melee

in Necromancer

Posted by: Battlemage.9450


I’m not against the concept of some more melee variations for Necromancer, but what you’re describing is really something that would be more suitable for a Scythe weapon than a staff…sure Necro staff attacks temporarily LOOK like a Scythe, but there’s a difference. If they ever make a scythe weapon though I’d definitely recommend this concept for it, but from a RP sense casters traditionally do not melee with staffs…even if other classes that are traditionally melee can melee with them.

Staff *should* be melee

in Necromancer

Posted by: Brujeria.7536


I think it would work. If a Mesmer can use a Greatsword as a longrange weapon we can use a staff as meele weapon. The Scythe is just a animation and not an actual weapon type.

Staff *should* be melee

in Necromancer

Posted by: grave of hearts.7830

grave of hearts.7830

Would make a good ducttape solution,but there is one problem.
Eventually the dervishes and scythes will return,and my guess is the reason necromancers are missing a 2nd two handed choice is because anet didnt want to toss a weapon out that is usable only by necromancers.
I am all in for maul though,i did finish prophecies using only that and blood skills back in gw1.

SoS Defence and Emergency commander
If you see a gear above my head……run
If you see me Offline,its totaly not a trap

Staff *should* be melee

in Necromancer

Posted by: Mysteria Valentine.6254

Mysteria Valentine.6254

My suggestion.
1. Keep staff as is. Change animation so we swing scythe rather than launching the grope projectile. Change the hand to what looks like a scythe blade. The skill speed is slow enough it would work AND give the fact the staff turns into a scythe a purpose…. and change the sound it makes. Sooo annoying. Making it melee removes our only long range weapon. Also, marks can be triggered with a second use of the ability. Lets it be used on world objects helping Staff.
2. Make dagger our ranged single target moving 1 auto to 600 range. It’s stupid having only auto 1 be melee and the rest range.
3. Make Axe melee range cleave for all attacks. Give it offhand abilities so dual axe is possible. This only makes sense to me. Have 3 be a leap/chill. Move existing 3 to 4 ability. Have 5 be a pbaoe condition transfer/Steal boon per condition transferred.

Staff *should* be melee

in Necromancer

Posted by: ZeroArmada.9426


Why is dagger the “worst” melee choice?

Staff *should* be melee

in Necromancer

Posted by: Sheobix.8796


Why is dagger the “worst” melee choice?

its.. not? its like, the best bro.

its.. not? its like, the best just doesn’t cleave, like every other dagger.

Staff *should* be melee

in Necromancer

Posted by: Softspoken.2410


Mmm. It would be pretty fun, but I think ANet is trying to keep general weapon roles constant across classes. And Staff tends to be long range AoEs with a side of support. (At least two of those three.)

Mixing insults with your post is like pooping in a salad.
It’s pretty obvious, and nobody’s impressed.

Staff *should* be melee

in Necromancer

Posted by: MingYew.8521


Personally, I like the idea of melee staff.
This is what I’m thinking, Staff #1 will attack small area in front, with scythe animation, with range of 600 and higher damage if within 300 range, and bleed foes.
Staff #2 will leap us forward 900/1200 range and whirl the scythe once and damage anyone at range of 300/600, and cripple and bleed foes.
Staff #3,4,5 will remain the same, putting marks.

It does sound a bit overpower here.

“Revenant is actual proof that devs read the necromancer forum” – Pelopidas.2140

Staff *should* be melee

in Necromancer

Posted by: Burjis.3087


They might just do that when they introduce Scythes or Pole-arms (but don’t get your hopes up).

Everlasting Sacred Path [ESP] (

Staff *should* be melee

in Necromancer

Posted by: Khristophoros.7194


If they add Scythes they’ll surely let Necros use them.

They should add Monks and let them use staff for melee.

Staff *should* be melee

in Necromancer

Posted by: ThCakeIsALie.5306


Necromancers =/= Dervish

Stop thinking GW1 man, this is GW2.

Staff *should* be melee

in Necromancer

Posted by: Sekundes.2376


even tho I like the idea of having a two-handed meele weapon – I don’t like the idea of reworking the staff to it, which is an awesome weapon as it is with its marks (except for the auto attack, it should be faster or at least do more dmg for that speed)

And I know you were joking when you said that the dagger is the worst weapon choice for meele since it’s our best and only choice =D
I would just love for it to cause some additional condition…

But combined with an Scythe, your idea of a weapon would be awesome. So rather than reworking an existing weapon, Anet should apply that to a new weapon (Scythe.)

Staff *should* be melee

in Necromancer

Posted by: Idolicious.6091


Why is dagger the “worst” melee choice?

its.. not? its like, the best bro.

its.. not? its like, the best just doesn’t cleave, like every other dagger.

Nah bro, Thieves daggers dont cleave either.

Staff *should* be melee

in Necromancer

Posted by: KrakenAZ.9367


I don’t know why some people are convinced scythes and/or dervish will make a return in an xpack. Scythe, perhaps. Dervish, almost certainly not. Too human-centric, being based upon worship of the human gods. If it did make a return, it would almost certainly not resemble what people fondly remember.