Starting a Necromancer

Starting a Necromancer

in Necromancer

Posted by: ScottTheWanderer.4716


I’ve always wanted to be one, they seem like they’re really fun. I just wanted to know if you guys had some tips on being a necromancer because they seem really complex and hard to play to their full potential.

So what is the best weapon set for leveling in your opinion? I’ll try all of them and decide for myself, I just want some input. What are good beginning traits, skills, etc? Anything you feel that I should know! It would be greatly appreciated!


Wippo – Asura Elementalist
House of the Steel Dragon – Darkhaven

Starting a Necromancer

in Necromancer

Posted by: tattoohead.3217


Well I at as a condition Necro, it just feels right (even dungeon running in pve)

My advice for leveling is GO POWER lol if you want to play around with conditions for a bit fine w/e. but untill you are decked out geared and traits/runes are in there propper place it’s weak.

I would recommend leveling a with minions (at least golem) and d/warhorn for swiftness. Just my 2c but I have been playing Necro sense beta.

Starting a Necromancer

in Necromancer

Posted by: Bhawb.7408


I’ve always wanted to be one, they seem like they’re really fun. I just wanted to know if you guys had some tips on being a necromancer because they seem really complex and hard to play to their full potential.

So what is the best weapon set for leveling in your opinion? I’ll try all of them and decide for myself, I just want some input. What are good beginning traits, skills, etc? Anything you feel that I should know! It would be greatly appreciated!


Use minions to level, along with staff. It makes it very very easy.

But of Corpse – Watch us on YouTube
My PvP Minion Build

Starting a Necromancer

in Necromancer

Posted by: Morbridae.8607


imho, while you level up, you should use your minions, and trait accordingly to give them more power, more life, and lich life (specially this one. So, read the Blood Magic tree). I normally use power-related weapons, such as axe or dagger, to help them. And the ever-useful, long-ranged, staff.

Around lvl 60 or so, you should start thinking about respec your traits into a full powermancer, a conditionmancer, or an hybrid, according your playstyle and personal tastes.

PS: I feel that I had C&P that message one-too-many times. XD

Morbridae (Norn Necromancer)
@ Sorrow’s Furnace (VE)

Starting a Necromancer

in Necromancer

Posted by: Morbridae.8607


Another C&P:

From zero to almost hero (I mean, from lvl 1 to lvl 60 or something like that), I had found the minion master (why not minionmancer?) build to be the best for PvE (well, not really the build, since you still have very little traits to spec, but the play-style).

Minions are a huge advantage on dps and tanking, and also taking away the aggro from you, even with their current limitations and problems. You can even spec yourself with another build, and still your minions will help you a lot. AND they are getting a good buff on this patch.

When you reach something around lvl 60, you already will have enough traits to respec into something else. You can keep the minion master build, but you will find that the minions are not so helpful against big bosses or another players, so if you start going to dungs, fracts, PvP or WvW, your build will not shine at its best.

If you switch to any powermancer build (the tanky one, or the glass cannon, or even a vampiric build) you will do some good direct damage. Normally you will use Axe/* or Dagger/* (what is * depends on you and your build. The most used ones are Dagger/Warhorn, Dagger/Focus, or Axe/Focus. I use Dagger/Dagger), and the wells, and the DS will be another attack form.

If you switch to any condimancer build (all-conditions, or focused on only one, as the terrormancer) you will be using arguably the most necro-ish build, and the one better suited for PvP. With conditions, Scepter/Dagger is the most used weapon set. The drawback of this builds is the condition-level cap that makes some condition-based chars redundant.

For last, but not the less, you have an hybrid build. The hybrid mixes the best of the power- and condition-based builds, all in only one build. With it you will do roughly 65% of the damage the powermancer does, and 65% of the conditions the conditionmancer does (thx Nemesis for the %). So, you are good on both aspects of the necro, and you are best suited for any enemy, but you don’t outrun the specialist builds.

(imo, the staff is an all-around weapon that you can use on any build. Is not mandatory, but very useful).

I had found the conditionmancer too slow to kill the mobs unless very specific situations, and with the minionmancer on dungs I normally are alone after the first big AoE, so I prefer to use a powermancer and hit directly my enemies, but that is just my opinion.

Morbridae (Norn Necromancer)
@ Sorrow’s Furnace (VE)

Starting a Necromancer

in Necromancer

Posted by: ScottTheWanderer.4716


Okay I’ll start off using dagger/dagger and minions and I’ll have a staff in my alt. Then I’ll probably do a glass canon powermancer just because I love dealing a lot of damage. I’ll experiment with all the builds individually and choose one that I like the most. Thanks for the options, I’ll definitely look into them.

Wippo – Asura Elementalist
House of the Steel Dragon – Darkhaven