State of Conditionmancer?

State of Conditionmancer?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Archaeos.3420


Hey everyone,

First note – I’m not a necro main, but I severely enjoy the playstyle. I’ve just come back from a 3 month break and focusing my gold and time mostly on my thief and understanding the changes since I’ve gotten back. With that said…

Before I left off, conditionmancer was pretty heavy so my necro still has full TA condition gear. Considering I’m not trying to be the best of the best, nor am I in anything competitive with this lil’ guy – I’m just doing PvE and dungeons for fun – but I would like to at least be somewhat useful and adequate and not be carried by the group. Is this gear set and/or build salvagable or viable?

Thanks in advance. ^.^

State of Conditionmancer?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Agronach.4903


I have an alt necromancer that I bring out to play once and a while – mostly a Guardian/Warrior junkie.

That said, I’ve tried out the power based spec that Spoj recommends for PVE and it is quite good – squeezing the most you are going to get out of a necro for dungeon running. I’ve also routinely used a 6/6/0/2/0 condi spec in full Rabid gear and enjoy that for open world, some FOTM, and WvW. It’s not as refined as Spoj’s spec, but it is a bit more forgiving if you aren’t used to being zerk and is still useful for blinds, trash mobs, and vuln stacking.

So, my recommendation is play both. The necro is a lot of fun even though it isn’t uber optimal and I’ve never been turned away from a dungeon because of it. Keep in mind that I’m not running 40+ high level FOTM or extreme sped clears either.

State of Conditionmancer?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Difinitus.5614


I play a conditionmancer in all PvE content and do really well. It’s a lot easier when I am grouping with my guild because I trust that the DPS will be high enough that I don’t need to spec into Power.

I can’t tell you how many times I am the last one alive finishing off a boss in a FoTM pug because everyone (including Guardians) are glass cannons.

80 P/D Thief | 80 Zerker Guardian | 80 Conditionmancer
[LaZY] Ascendants Of The Imperium

State of Conditionmancer?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Archaeos.3420


That’s a bit more comforting, thanks guys. I’ll work on moving into zerker gear and give Spoj’s spec a try – but in the mean time at least I won’t feel as bad utilizing my current gear in the mean time and I do LOVE conditionmancer for open world PvE so keeping this gear rolling while I work on the second set to switch between sounds perfect. Thanks again.

State of Conditionmancer?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Grimreaper.5370


conditionmancer is definitely still viable, even with high condition removal they still manage to reapply condis and destroy you.

State of Conditionmancer?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Darth Llama.9217

Darth Llama.9217

I currently run 2/6/0/6/0 Condition Build and I love it.

I play it basically the same in PVE, TPvP, and WvW (mostly Zerging) and I really enjoy it. I run Scepter/Dagger and Staff in full Rabid Gear with Krait Runes.

I was going to try the Power version, but decided against it. The way I see it, if I want a power based ‘zerker’ class I’m going to go with my Guardian or Warror. That or I’ll make a Thief. I wanted to play a Necro at what I personally feel they’re best at and that was Condition Damage and AOE.

I’m not saying the Necro Power Build isn’t good.. it is really good. Just not for me. A guy in my Guild runs the power build and is also very successful. One thing I like about the Necro class is that it seems to have more viable builds then other classes. The Condition, Power and Minion Master builds are all viable ways to go.

There are 10 types of people in this world. Those that understand Binary, and those who don’t.