State of Power Reaper
" i love plaing power necros"
That right there should tell it all. They are still viable, just not flavour of the month but still very good.
I know your post is about pve but I really wish power reaper was better in PvP too. It is such a fun bruiser build but with the state of boons missing out on corruption power really hurts. The nerf to Blighter’s Boon hurt power reaper really badly and it has never really recovered.
I know your post is about pve but I really wish power reaper was better in PvP too. It is such a fun bruiser build but with the state of boons missing out on corruption power really hurts. The nerf to Blighter’s Boon hurt power reaper really badly and it has never really recovered.
I’m going to have to disagree with you on this…
In PvP and zerging the change was indeed a nerf, but for WvW roaming and other small scale fights you can become a tank with zerker gear just because of this trait. Dumpling food, strength sigil etc. all factor into a 200 heal every time they proc
really? ………no
GS needs some work. Currently Power necro is about the same level as Guardian, which is to say that they can work but no one is super excited when they get one in a raid.
GS auto needs to get a buff along with GS 3. Perhaps some group utility in Wells would be nice.
Currently they are just so far behind the other utility-light classes (Thief & Ele).
If they buffed GS AA, and increased the pull range and reliability I would be great with power necro. As it is though the WvW meta doesn’t make GS Reaper feel very valuable.
The last patch looks like it helps condi builds but it actually helps some power builds, too.
Most of Necromancer’s conditions are soft cc and Necromancer can hardly do anything without applying conditions, either.
Even without Curses or scepter, you can corrupt boons with daggers and Corrupt Boon has such a short cool down you can use it frequently if you can spare a utility slot.
Running a power build is still good and now there is more variety in skills with the dagger and CB updates.
I play Power Reaper hours every day and still refuse to go Condi (have bin there ofc) and the fact is if the players are equaly skilled a Condi should ALWAYS beat a Power, just by pure pressure. The Condi weapons are also stronger wich just adds to it, I actually think that the answer to level the two builds out is in the Weapons…
and thats why the Buff to Scepter just baffles me.
(but the slaughter of Mesmer, the buff to Thief dmg rather then utilites and the lack of fixes for Warrior just speaks volume of Anets failing balnce team atm)
Servant of Dhuum
State of Power Reaper and many possible Power marauder/zerk builds is that Thief is back and as usual, kills other power builds. Power build is good if it can do something and fight a Thief.
EDIT: Oh, this is about PvE. Well, I guess it works on VG. Power Necro doesn’t have it’s niche (we apply vulnerability, hehe…) and from what I’ve seen still consists mostly of spamming AA and then GS #2. Which isn’t particulary interesting gameplay that would make people play it for fun.
[SALT]Natchniony – Necromancer, EU.
(edited by Rym.1469)