Stats for Staff?

Stats for Staff?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Soulferin.5236


I know that the staff is mainly a utility weapon and so it really doesn’t matter what stats are on it, but I thought I might ask before I make my Ascended staff which stats I should prioritize on it. I mainly do PvE but I do a little WvW too. I chose build on wells so i run 0 20 30 20 0. I chose staff as a main weapon with a scepter + dagger as 2nd weapon set. I’ve heard that using life blasts while having staff equipped can do as much as Axe with axe mastery equipped (with zerk stats). Is this even possible?

Stats for Staff?

in Necromancer

Posted by: flow.6043


All the direct damage you do in Death Shroud scales with the weapon strength of the set you’re holding at that time, so do all damage modifiers like traits that increase damage for a certain weapon. Since the staff’s weapon strength is higher than the axe’s you need Axe Mastery to do as much damage with Shroud kills.

@ staff: what stats do you have on the rest of your gear?

Stats for Staff?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Bawi.9541



If you really wanna min/max just try out one of the stat calculators online and see which gives the best results for you. (I could actually see celestial being an option if you don’t wanna make specific staffs for specific tasks.)

I went with rabid, because it’s best in slot for conditionmancer and quite okay for wvw well builds, which is the occasions where I use the staff. ymmv

Ele / Guardian

Stats for Staff?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Soulferin.5236


@ staff: what stats do you have on the rest of your gear?

I don’t have yet, waiting for your opinion. Ofc the best is to have same stats on armor and weapons, question is which are the best? Becouse con dmg is not so good on staff i thought about soldier’s or zerk…

Stats for Staff?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Zikory.6871


For me I made my staff Zerker because its the most versatile stat combo for power builds. Though if I was to run condi builds I would probably make dire or carrion.

[KnT] – Knight Gaming – Blackgate
Zikory – Retired Thief
Zikkro – Zergling Necromancer

Stats for Staff?

in Necromancer

Posted by: SweetCream.8051


Looted Mathidles Weapon Chest so I had no choice (Dire; Cond/vit/tough), like flow said Life Blast is highest with staff or traited axe, so that’s nice for a DS build, the extra condi is nice for that extra bite in a hybrid/power build, as well as a terror/dhuumfire build, and who doesn’t love some extra tankiness(vit/tough). Also Orange/black skin looks necro-ish to me!

Stats for Staff?

in Necromancer

Posted by: flow.6043


@ staff: what stats do you have on the rest of your gear?

I don’t have yet, waiting for your opinion. Ofc the best is to have same stats on armor and weapons, question is which are the best? Becouse con dmg is not so good on staff i thought about soldier’s or zerk…

In your original post you say you’re using wells. That would indicate a power heavy build, but then you use a scepter which is a condition weapon.
Also, you said you’re playing PvE mostly but also a little bit of WvW. If you want to use the same build for both then you’ll have to find a mix of doing as much damage as possible for PvE and being durable enough to prevail in a PvP environment.

The staff can really go both ways (condition or power), although it is stronger in a condition build. However, Shroud skills and wells scale with power.
So if you want to have the staff as a main weapon I’d recommend a hybrid build.
On a well focused build: power.
If you wan’t to stick with the scepter: conditions.

Stats for Staff?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Bawi.9541


not gonna pretend im surprised this is all over the place ._.

Ele / Guardian

Stats for Staff?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Soulferin.5236


@ staff: what stats do you have on the rest of your gear?

I don’t have yet, waiting for your opinion. Ofc the best is to have same stats on armor and weapons, question is which are the best? Becouse con dmg is not so good on staff i thought about soldier’s or zerk…

In your original post you say you’re using wells. That would indicate a power heavy build, but then you use a scepter which is a condition weapon.
Also, you said you’re playing PvE mostly but also a little bit of WvW. If you want to use the same build for both then you’ll have to find a mix of doing as much damage as possible for PvE and being durable enough to prevail in a PvP environment.

The staff can really go both ways (condition or power), although it is stronger in a condition build. However, Shroud skills and wells scale with power.
So if you want to have the staff as a main weapon I’d recommend a hybrid build.
On a well focused build: power.
If you wan’t to stick with the scepter: conditions.

Tnx for explanation. So for sure i’m going to use staff + wells. If i need power to this which set will be the best then? I guess i have 3 options: Zerk, knight or soldier. Zerk to deal better dmg and rest two for more tanky option. I said focus cuz i was thinking about hybrid but if you said for wells i need power i must change my mind. What do you recommend as an armor/weapon stats and the second weapon set then?

Stats for Staff?

in Necromancer

Posted by: flow.6043


Check out Ascii’s well build for WvW.
It’s super tanky, so if you want to do PvE as well I’d take more zerker gear and maybe a dagger instead of the axe. Also, Banshee’s Wail instead of Chilling Darkness.