Stop discussing Minion AI/pathing .....
Until they figure out how to fix them, they need to balance around the bugs. If minions are 50% less effective due to pathing / poor AI then beef their abilities and/or damage up by 50% (or whatever fitting amount) to offset the screwy programming.
If they try to figure it out………..
because the developers long know about the broken Minions, probaly since beta and they just ignore it since then. they sincerly saw all the complaints here on the forums. they sincerly have the broken Pets on their Agenda, but probaly not before Spring 2013.. if ever. i beth not one Anet developer plays a Necromancer, well why should he ?
its pointless to further discuss if or why and when a Minion attacks or not or how bad the pathing is. they, the devs have better things to do. Warriors could use a few more buffs, guardians arent good enough yet…
play another class, one without pets or minions and enjoy the game..
The developers here are aware but do not care……
What we should stop discussing is this. No one at ANET plays necromancer? Yeah and I bet none of them play Human either.
They are aware of the problems and they do care. But people like you alienate them, making them out to be apathetic people who hate a certain class. We have bugs, all professions do, but you are suggesting we give up and stop trying to help them fix our class. That’s right, us discussing how to fix Necros can give them ideas and solutions.
What we need less of is that kind of blind pessimism. You don’t want to play Minions? Then don’t, that’s fine. You don’t want to talk about either? Then don’t make threads about it. Necromancers are fun to play and I’ll be playing mine till they fix all the bugs and then some.
Posted in the topic titled Let’s debug minion AI
This is a great thread. Keep it up and we will use it t help figure out all of the issues.
Need I say more?
I have actually stopped using necro minions altogether. It’s not even because they’re broken, just other things are more beneficial than the minions.
Flesh golem elite is a good minion to use i use it in all my builds O.o that knockdown is hilarious xD Used that crap on a thief earlier and well bombed him to death lolol was funny
Yeah indeed, what about situations in which the Golem stands and watch you die? Or worst, it stucks into an invisible terrain obstacle and doesn’t hit the target.. or even he can miss the target by the moment it doesn’t follow correctly it..
Yeah indeed an Elite works as a powerful tide changer, yeah, but what if it has high chances to not working properly?
In pvp matters the sure way to do something.
Just take the whole minion system from gw1 and put it here
Maybe we don’t want to just go play something else? Maybe the only reason some people even got GW2 is to play pet classes? If a game’s pet classes suck I don’t stick around long, I’m giving anet some time to fix things because I think this game can be really special if/when they get the kinks and bugs out, but I just don’t enjoy playing non pet classes, thats a deal breaker. Luckily there’s no subscription so I can play other stuff until they make minions and ranger pets more viable (hopefully).