Suggestion: Corrosive Poison Cloud animation

Suggestion: Corrosive Poison Cloud animation

in Necromancer

Posted by: LinhZeri.6412


Loving the upcoming changes to the skill it reminds me of StarCraft: Brood Wars Defiler’s Dark Swarm ability! definitely a great way to give the skill a much needed extra utility to stop projectiles as well as weaken melee attacks when they get inside it.
With that said.. the visual animation is very lacking and looks like a well which is a tad off putting. Perhaps with this incoming change… they can give the cloud a make over in visual art by using a similar or the same animation that Pot of Hylek Poison consumable item has. This way you can see inside and also know when it is active in a clear visual way… and of course would look real cool. Maybe Anet had this planned for a new visual animation but I thought id put it out there just in case if it wasn’t planned.

Suggestion: Corrosive Poison Cloud animation

in Necromancer

Posted by: Wondrouswall.7169


Not a bad idea. It is supposed to be a poison cloud, and currently it’s more like a poison pond. I’d also suggest the casting animation altered from the 2 handed summon to a one-handed swipe, similar to laying down a Mark on Staff (2-4) since the current animation on a ½s cast looks odd.

Will update once Path of Fire releases.

Suggestion: Corrosive Poison Cloud animation

in Necromancer

Posted by: Nox Lucis.8341

Nox Lucis.8341

The animation and effects are practically nonexistent. It looks very much like a well that is missing a few graphics, to the point that it is hard to see except for the combo-field ring. The whole thing seems low tech and placeholder-like. They would be better off just recycling the particle effect from the marsh drakes.

Suggestion: Corrosive Poison Cloud animation

in Necromancer

Posted by: LinhZeri.6412


guess this didn’t happen xD. still hoping for future though. So odd that a cloud is at your feet and it’s destroying projectiles?… It should have at least Engineer’s poison shell on mortar animation so you can at least see that it’s there.

Suggestion: Corrosive Poison Cloud animation

in Necromancer

Posted by: Nokaru.7831


I never thought I would have to say this, but I feel that this skill is not loud enough to convey how powerful it is now. Compared other anti-projectile abilities (Feedback, Shield of the Avenger, etc.) Corrosive Poison Cloud is just too subtle especially if there are other area of effect spells cast on top of it.

Suggestion: Corrosive Poison Cloud animation

in Necromancer

Posted by: Forviassi.3514


Indeed, the skill’s visual effect could have the poison cloud domes around the mordrem recaptured forts in Silverwastes. This would convey the skill much more better.

Suggestion: Corrosive Poison Cloud animation

in Necromancer

Posted by: Son of Urza.1692

Son of Urza.1692

I had to pull out CPC to check this, not having used the skill much in the past, but it really is incredibly subdued. The effects are barely taller than a well (and lack the large ground decals of wells), and are rather translucent to boot. It seems plausible that having a strong visual indicator of “no projectiles here” is important; all the other projectile block/projectile reflect skills are pretty distinctive, generally creating a very visible dome or wall. The animation from the Mortar Kit Poison Gas round or the Marsh Drake poison breath certainly fits the skill description (a choking cloud of poisonous gas), although it might be bad form to have it looking similar to the mortar-kit field – I know Anet has made a point of wanting things to be visually distinctive in the past. The effect Forviassi mentioned (or something similar) might be good all around.

Also, I just imagined my Necromancer lurking half-concealed inside the poison cloud he summoned, and the mental image was excellent. Please implement this.

(edited by Son of Urza.1692)

Suggestion: Corrosive Poison Cloud animation

in Necromancer

Posted by: TriggerSad.2597


Indeed, the skill’s visual effect could have the poison cloud domes around the mordrem recaptured forts in Silverwastes. This would convey the skill much more better.

Oooo! I like this! I’d love to see the skill get a poison bubble cloud effect similar to that! :o

IGN: Despada
Guild: I Can Outtweet A Centaur [TWIT]

Suggestion: Corrosive Poison Cloud animation

in Necromancer

Posted by: Electro.4173


An actual cloud effect would be nice, though I have a feeling the reason why such an effect doesn’t exist and they instead went with the more subdued “ground fog” version is because it was deemed too obscuring.

Still, something worth looking into sprucing up a bit I think. If not a full-on cloud, perhaps at least a “rolling poison mist” effect sort of like what Engineer’s Healing Turret gets, but slightly more apparent.

Suggestion: Corrosive Poison Cloud animation

in Necromancer

Posted by: Riot Inducer.8964

Riot Inducer.8964

Indeed, the skill’s visual effect could have the poison cloud domes around the mordrem recaptured forts in Silverwastes. This would convey the skill much more better.

This actually sounds like the perfect graphic to use for the new CPC, very clearly a big poison AoE but has clear boundries and doesn’t completely obscure visuals like other poison cloud effects (marsh drake breath comes to mind).