Suggestions on making us less PvE viable
Signet of Death: Finish up to 3 downed allies for LF generation
DS(4) Life Transfer now drains all allies (up to 5 of course) to replenish your own health pool.
Putrid Mark
“We are changing the tooltip to clear up the confusion for this skill. It is a 3 condition transfer from self to allies when they trigger it. None of the other issues are bugs.
Hope this clears things up. This skill has undergone major balance renovations.
It will no longer cleanse teammates and it will always give a full cooldown when interrupted because its (sic) one of the best skills in the game."
All mobs are now immune to bleeding and poison.
The Order of Dii[Dii]-SBI→Kaineng→TC→JQ
Necro Encyclopedia-
Well of Booty: 1750 base damage, 6 pulses 450 damage. Allies donate all item drop rewards from enemies that die by the last pulse.
Euphoric Signet: Passive – Steal one boon every 8 seconds from the nearest ally. Active – steal all boons from allies within 900 range.
Rejamminat’r: On kill, proc’s dying rodent noises at 2x volume for all players within 2000.
Reaper’s Mark – Increased the cooldown and reduced the duration of the fear. We feel this skill was too strong because it has great range, is AoE, is instant, AND CC’s! It is probably the second best spell in the whole game. (mark of blood is the best obviously).
Well of Blood – We feel this is pretty much the best heal in the entire game. The potential healing of a full cleric Necro with this spell and his whole party standing in the well for the full duration is just bonkers. Reduced total healing by 25% and now only affects the Necro.
All weakness-applying skills now apply weakness to allies in a 900 range, while stripping them of every offensive boon and applying it to the Necro.
- ICD of 300 seconds, each boon stolen has a base duration of 2 seconds, applied weakness lasts on allies for 30 seconds.
Signet of Vampirism – Passive: Leech 5% hp from all allies each second.
Active: Teleport to the closest ally and defeat them. Gain 666 hp.
Spectral Walk – Become intangible and glitch through the ground. Press it a second time to crash the game client for all allies.
Deathshroud – Press f1 to get locked out of ALL of your skills.
Plague – Gain 30 seconds of fear and plague your enemies with buffs (Protection 2 seconds, might 6 seconds, stability 4 seconds).
Locust Swarm:
Gain swiftness and summon a swarm of locusts that cripple nearby foes. After the skill has completed, the locust visual effect does not go away and the sound continues
Reviving downed allies takes away HP instead of restoring it. This feature is Necro exclusive.
Bleeding stack cap has been reduced to 3
As necromancer staff marks are some of the most powerful skills in the game, we have decided that there needs to be more risk for the reward recieved. Moving forward, necromancer marks will have friendly fire and effect both enemies and allies. We will continue to have a 5 player cap however allies take priority over enemies.
We feel the necromancers are too powerful in pve right now. We have seen many cases where a necro is able to solo FoTM level 70 in less than 5 minutes. We feel the biggest reason is the communication between fellow necromancers. They always talk and share their secrets and builds. Because of the average necromancer’s wisdom and superior game playing abilities, it is very hard for the balance team to balance the necromancers.
To prevent further communications between necromancers, we decided to remove the necromancer forums starting next January. From here on, any post with the words “necromancers”, “Necro” or “Nec” will be banned and the violator banned from the game forever. This ban applies to any Anet forum moderators.
We hope this will make it easier to balance the necromancer profession. We hope you enjoy the game!
(this forum moderator has been banned for saying the word “necromancer”.)
(the second forum moderator was also banned for saying the you know what word.)
The Order of Dii[Dii]-SBI→Kaineng→TC→JQ
Necro Encyclopedia-
Dagger does too much damage. We don’t know how to balance it, so we removed it from the necromancer set of available weapons. Both primary and off-hand.
All is Vain[/u]
This new deathshroud skill allows you to choose bleedout and sacrifice one of your downed allies to the god of Dhuum, this ally will die instantly, allowing the god of Dhuum to take over your body and rain death and despair on anything in a 1000~radius for 60 seconds
I hope Anet make a necromancer skill with this name. Its a must!
To prevent further communications between necromancers, we decided to remove the necromancer forums…
Actually, as conditions get trimmed from Necromancer and every other profession has them, anyway, I think the chances the whole profession is removed increases – not just the forums.
I really hate these threads. I always fear that arena net will take them seriously and actually DO some of the suggestions.
Actually, as conditions get trimmed from Necromancer and every other profession has them, anyway, I think the chances the whole profession is removed increases – not just the forums.
I would be for that solution at this point. The class has no direction to it and death shroud is impossible to balance as it will either be too strong in duels or too weak in group encounters. It’s a poorly designed class overall and its total collapse was to be expected.
I rolled a necromancer buying into the advertised minion master shtick but now mesmers have taken that role over entirely with phantasms. So what do we have left as a class? Our increasingly waning condition pressure, I suppose. Leeching hasn’t ever been viable and if you really want to heal while hitting things you should just roll a guardian since they do it so much better.
All is Vain[/u]
This new deathshroud skill allows you to choose bleedout and sacrifice one of your downed allies to the god of Dhuum, this ally will die instantly, allowing the god of Dhuum to take over your body and rain death and despair on anything in a 1000~radius for 60 seconds
Inb4: this would actually make us more viable in pve
Death Sacrifice:
Upon death, you are instantly healed for one half of your total hit points and three conditions are removed from you. Nearest three allies die.
Signet of Vampirism – Passive: Leech 5% hp from all allies each second.
If an ally dies while under the effects of Signet of Vampirism two masterless bone minions are summoned. Any enemies attacked by these bone minions will target the nearest player.
Patch update: Masterless bone minions health increased by 500% and will now only hit an enemy once before moving onto the next. They now also attack yellow named creatures
(edited by Paul.4081)
All is Vain[/u]
This new deathshroud skill allows you to choose, bleedout and sacrifice one of your allies to the god of Dhuum, this ally will die instantly, allowing the god of Dhuum to take over your body and rain death and despair on anything in a 1000~radius for 60 seconds
Inb4: this would actually make us more viable in pve
(Shhht.. it’s a silent buff)