Superior Rune of Lyssa and flesh golem
Has an internal cooldown of 60 or 70 secs, so its not like you will get the rune effect everytime.
Still it stays one of the best runes when using a minion build in my opinion as it can be taken as an extra skill. It saves me alot in combat, when i am on minion build i have no skills to remove conditions or get some decent boons, this one gives both + u get quite some precision giving u some crit as bonus. it is easy to cast ur minion before starting the batlle and more to the end of the batlle having ur minion skill ready and giving u the bonus to win the fight.
(edited by jeremy.6248)
I havnt tested the internal cooldown, but I have used the summon for buff, and then the charge close after for more buffs.
I can test the cooldown tonight.
and where did you get the cooldown information, all I can find is this from a patchnote
“Superior Rune of Lyssa: This item now applies 5 seconds of Protection and Retaliation while on a competitive PvP map. The item’s internal cooldown has been fixed to allow rune effects to occur every 10 seconds.”
dec. 14th patch notes.
If you trait for shorter minions cooldown, and your golem dies right away, you wont receives the buff after 48 sec, only after 60.
Same for charge, it seems there’s a 60 sec cooldown on the rune’s ability. Pretty easy to test, charge right after summoning, cooldown is 40 sec for charge, it won’t trigger if you charge after 40, nor 48, but it will trigger after 60.
It’s still a nice ability, our healing minion is 16 sec cooldown traited, and it also proc on each application (summoning and sacrifice, 10 sec between each) and with the elite, one of our free stomp/rez with stability if you time it right.
I normally keep my golem away until I need the stability and/or charge.
Panhauramix Guardian/Pistoleros Engineer/ Orbite Thief
Gates of Madness – Leader of Homicide Volontaire [HV]
It’s 50 second cooldown on Lyssa Runes 6 unless it’s bugged.
now we have 50, 60, and 70 sec as to what the cooldown “might” be, anyone have any kind of source for your info?
Im not saying it dosnt have a cooldown, Im just looking to what it is, and a source for that info.
I can of course, and will, test this my self after work, summon the fleshie and use the charge on diff. times and write down on what time it procs.
But it would be nice to have the official timer on it, for the wiki. ^^
Wiki has stated for the last months that the cooldown is 50 seconds, and my tests in ‘the mists’ confirm this. Unless the latest patches have changed it. I havent tried it on necromancer yet though.
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The only info I trust is info I’ve tested I play with Lyssa for 2+ months now, been testing it myself and I always have my Fleshy with me. Wiki is unfortunately not a precise source of real game value. (Just watch how many debates over Cast time/DPS and such, taken from the Wiki, while in-game value is much different.)
Golem doesn’t trigger it with 48 sec cooldown, nor by charging right after summoning, that’s for sure (and it would be OP hehe). I’ll try at the 50-51 sec mark, but from my tests in WvW/PvE, it was 60 (same as untraited elite).
If he dies too quickly after been summoned (we’re talking 1-5 sec), you won’t receive the buffs when summoning him again after a 48 sec recharge, so I doubt 50 seconds applies for the golem. Gonna test it at lunch break and bring back numbers for PvE/WvW.
Panhauramix Guardian/Pistoleros Engineer/ Orbite Thief
Gates of Madness – Leader of Homicide Volontaire [HV]
Wiki has stated for the last months that the cooldown is 50 seconds, and my tests in ‘the mists’ confirm this. Unless the latest patches have changed it. I havent tried it on necromancer yet though.
I must be blind but I cant find it on the wiki
Wiki has stated for the last months that the cooldown is 50 seconds, and my tests in ‘the mists’ confirm this. Unless the latest patches have changed it. I havent tried it on necromancer yet though.
I must be blind but I cant find it on the wiki
The wiki must have been changed lately. Until 3 weeks ago, it has been stating this since just after the start of the game. It was under the superior version, in one of the notes. ‘the 6th effect has an internal cooldown of 50 seconds’.
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Check this page without clicking on the rune. Here’s the trace of the 50 seconds. I don’t know why they removed it.
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Tested and confirmed in the mists. 50 seconds. I first resummoned it 3x at full 60 seconds cd (never used the second ability). It always worked. I then traited to 20% minion cooldown reduction. I first casted the skill again because the old cooldown didnt work. I tried then again when the new cooldown was active. (48 seconds). After the skill was not on cooldown anymore I counted 3 secs, to be certain i’m not under the 50 secs internal cd. And it works flawlessly. If you guys have it failing, it’s only the second skill. Edit, works with the second skill as well for me in the mists.
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(edited by Phoebe Ascension.8437)
Cooldown seems to be around 45-50 seconds. It definately isn’t at 40 seconds. 2 flesh golem charges on cd won’t trigger it and it also isn’t higher then 50.
Tested it the following way: get cdr trait for minions.
Summon flesh golem, get boons, swap out for lich/plague and reequip, wait for the cd and immediately resummon and you should get your boons again.
Cast time for flesh is 1,5 according to tooltip, so either casttime is around half a sec longer or the recharge is under 50 seconds.
If you want further testing, the next best thing that comes to mind would be basilisk venom without traited cdr (45s recharge). The last time i tested it(2-3 months ago) it didn’t trigger lyssa if casted 2 times in a row.
I’ve tested it in my lunch break, definitely 50 sec, on summoning and on charge. Did exactly as Bellamy suggested, switching elite to bring him on cooldown and cast it again after cooldown was down.
I’ve just gained 10 sec on something that I love, thanks Phoebe to made me test it again with more depth
Panhauramix Guardian/Pistoleros Engineer/ Orbite Thief
Gates of Madness – Leader of Homicide Volontaire [HV]
Np, was really surprised to hear that It might have been changed, cause one of my plans always has been to make a rune of lyssa build. And lately i’ve been thinking that necro is the best for it, since the 48 sec cooldown almost perfectly matches the internal cd. You can just ‘count’ 2 secs and be sure it will go off, unlike thief where you have to count 14 or 5 sec depending on traits.
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Superior Rune of Lyssa
That is not how you spell Superior Runes of the Mad King.
Why use Golem if you can use Plague (epic with Lyssa) or Lich (birds scale with new power thus Mad King does some nice damage).
Ya it seems to be around 50 seconds. Been using it the last couple of matches with my minion build and it works quite well. Probably stick with it. Most of the time I just used some type of condition runes, but this works MUCH better.
Love to try out Mad King, but sadly its not in PvP. Plus I’m not going to go drop 15g on some runes I can’t even test.
Heavens Rage
(edited by Harbinger.8637)
It has to be at worse 45 seconds. I use Basilisk Venom on my thief when I’m stuck at ranged, and I get the full buff every time.
Why use Golem if you can use Plague (epic with Lyssa) or Lich (birds scale with new power thus Mad King does some nice damage).
Problem with Lich is that the cooldown is too big, with the golem I can activate the birds every time I use the charge. Actually, I have to wait 5 seconds because the golem charge has a shorter CD than the runes.