Support Build Help? Scep/Foc and Staff
For the best necro support:
This is what I and other guildies run in WvW and it is awesome. Lots of support, heals, wells. You will run staff 95% of the time. I personally use DS a defensive “get-out-of-jail” card myself, but I have guildies who use it offensively .
Creator of How Stupid is IoJ video
I should have clarified that it’s a PvE build. My friends and I are power-levelling a group of five characters with specific roles in mind to try to sweep fractals with ease.
My necro will be support mainly (control and healing).
Del Onasi has a fantastic build. If you can pm him in game he would be glad to chat with you about it. He single handedly kept all my minions alive during multiple runs.
Del Onasi has a fantastic build. If you can pm him in game he would be glad to chat with you about it. He single handedly kept all my minions alive during multiple runs.
Nay of the Ether was pumping out some heals too, but thanks!
I posted my current setup in another thread:
If all I did was dungeons I’d probably rearrange the traits a bit, but having some good minions helps for solo play.
Comments on the build:
In PvE, Shaman’s gear is Vitality/Healing/Condition Damage, even though the calculator you’re using says Toughness/Healing/Condition Damage. (I like better for PvE calculations.) Toughness is better for survivability than vitality because of how much you’re healing. It might draw you some extra agro, but as a bunker character that’s probably a good thing. Apothecary’s gear is Healing/Toughness/Condition Damage, and is what I’d recommend for a condition-based support build.
I think Staff Mastery or Shrouded Removal would be more useful than Spiteful Vigor. Retaliation doesn’t do that much in PvE (it doesn’t block damage, just damages the enemy when he damages you). It can be useful, but not as useful as losing conditions or being able to spam regen faster, in my opinion.
Just my 2 cents – one of the reasons Necromancer’s are awesome is the variety of viable builds, so feel free to do your own thing if you like it more!