Supports Challenge

Supports Challenge

in Necromancer

Posted by: Chipmunko.5870


Hi … recently i browsed around prof. forums and found and interesting
topic : Best healer in game II

basicly its full healer warr which says:
“As we know, GW2 has no “real” healer.Well, I can’t accept that.
So I went to the mysts and made EVERY class, I used EVERY possible build,EVERY rune set,EVERY sigil.
Sadly 12+ hours later, and 44 charts and graphs , I came to this conclusion:
Warrior is by far the best pvp/wvw combat healer.”

“see if a guard can take 20-50+ people + pets and clones beating on him for 18-25 seconds..and NOT die.
I can.”

“As you see, no other class can do even 1% what we can.”

“So much talk from the kiddies, STILL NO VIDEOS.”

as u can see in last sentence he would like to see some vids. from other classes how u can heal or outheal warr … personaly i think its wrong to ask for proofs about other classes than warr healing in warr forum only so im gonna post this on every class forum ( xcept warrs ofc ) and hope that reasoning there will be far better when other skilled supports add their thoughs

thx vm