Drunken Alliance [DKAL]
Piken Square [EU]
Hey guys,
What would you say?
I know Human looks better in gear in general and has a better running animation, but Sylvari’s a bit different…
What do you guys think?
Sylvari ofcourse
Yeah…. doesn’t sit right with me. Sylvari are too connected with life and nature to be necromancers imho.
Yeah…. doesn’t sit right with me. Sylvari are too connected with life and nature to be necromancers imho.
If nature can bloom it is also can fade. Sylvari necromancer is spike poisonous vine
Yeah…. doesn’t sit right with me. Sylvari are too connected with life and nature to be necromancers imho.
why would sylvari be elementalists then, they could burn themselves easily with their fire attunement.
if i was you i would make a sylvari necromancer, you can make them alot more fancy looking with their cultural armor in my opinion.
(edited by Mordoc.5264)
I asked Ascii what he thought and he said Asura What do Asura look like as Necros in Necro gear etc.?
Sylvari ofcourse
Also, sorry for the double post, what gear is that? It looks great!
Sylvari ofcourse
Also, sorry for the double post, what gear is that? It looks great!
Phoenix armor from gem store + boots from HotW and start necromancer skull mask ofc
Yeah…. doesn’t sit right with me. Sylvari are too connected with life and nature to be necromancers imho.
Unless you are one of the Nightmare court, then it fits perfectly! :P
I do agree it’s a bit contradicting, looking purely from roll play perspective. I did make a sylvari necro myself and I am very happy with it. Humans to me feel a bit too boring as a necromancer. I think asura would fit well in such case. However, I think that as a sylvari you can still play with the thought of controlling life and death. Even if it feels as something dark, does it really have to be something evil? You can also see it as an unorthodox way to handle the nature’s forces without going over to the dark side. And then who would be more suitable than Sylvari when they are the closest to nature?
(edited by paleeshi.1924)
The only reason I don’t have a Syvari necro is the voice (female). It’s just kittening annoying.
However they can look great with the right gear and for Asura, the Arah armor is just amazing, they look really creepy on that.
Also Sylvari have elite with 3 seconds invulnerability and human elites are junk.
If anyone is familiar with Magic the Gathering, a Sylvari necromancer fits perfectly with the Golgari, who are all about nature and necromancy.
sylvari run awkwardly and tend to look bad in most armor (male). they are perfect, however, as the highlight of a salad dish, or to be used to start a campfire, depends on the individual i guess.
sylvari run awkwardly and tend to look bad in most armor (male). they are perfect, however, as the highlight of a salad dish, or to be used to start a campfire, depends on the individual i guess.
Haha agrees about the running thing. I tried both human and sylvari and couldn’t get over the sylvari prance :-p
Sylvari! If you don’t chose sylvari simply because of the lore behind them… Thats like not eating food because you don’t like the package it comes in
I asked Ascii what he thought and he said Asura
What do Asura look like as Necros in Necro gear etc.?
Asura master race
Sylvari. There are too many humans around and their kind of boring.
Sylvari necro isn’t lore breaking. Trahearne is a necro, there was apparently another Sylvari necro in the books and the undertaker in DR is also a Sylvari. Might not be as standard as say…a ranger but there’s nothing against them. Necro’s aren’t evil by default, there were plenty of good ones especially in GW1.
Death and disease is part of nature and since they start off in the dream without a physical body and are all connected by it I would think they would have an easier time seeing a dead body as just a body and not a person or creature anymore.
(edited by Demented Sheep.1642)
Everyone who thinks Necromancer shouldn’t be Sylvari cause of the lore probably forgot that Trahearne is a Necromancer too. And he’s not evil. Also not some other Sylvari Necromancer I remember having seen during the personal storyline.
And then there are also Necromancers of other races (Priestess Rhie for example, or Soure Doomsday) which aren’t evil at all.
So yeah, Sylvari is perfectly fine for a Necromancer. But in the end it’s your choice.
P.S.: My Necro is Sylvari as well. I like to think that he’s actually a good guy, but just happens to have a special talent with manipulating the forces of life and death. And he obviously decided to use that talent to fight evil and support people who need help.
Edit: Oh lol, that Sheep above me posted while I was typing and said similar stuff. ^^
Sylvari no question for WvW
PvP asura due to size.
I think Sylvari make excellent Necros. Death is just another part of life!
Hey guys,
What would you say?
I know Human looks better in gear in general and has a better running animation, but Sylvari’s a bit different…
What do you guys think?
I think you’re nuts.
I know Human looks better in gear in general and has a better running animation
^ that’s why.
The only reason I don’t have a Syvari necro is the voice (female). It’s just kittening annoying.
However they can look great with the right gear and for Asura, the Arah armor is just amazing, they look really creepy on that.
Did you just insult Jennifer Hale? Them’s fighting words……
Did you just insult Jennifer Hale? Them’s fighting words……
Nope, I didn’t insulted anyone but yes, the voice she made is one of the worst in the game and no, I don’t mean she did a bad acting, just the voice she chose to do is awful IMO.
sylvari run awkwardly and tend to look bad in most armor (male). they are perfect, however, as the highlight of a salad dish, or to be used to start a campfire, depends on the individual i guess.
With 2 human characters i’m actually like how sylvari run.
Did you just insult Jennifer Hale? Them’s fighting words……
Nope, I didn’t insulted anyone but yes, the voice she made is one of the worst in the game and no, I don’t mean she did a bad acting, just the voice she chose to do is awful IMO.
The best thing you could do for yourself and the rest of the GW2 community at this point is to delete all your toons, abandon or cancel your account and leave without saying a word. You are not wanted here.
Dont consider necromancy as evil. It is the ever-present cycle of life. the acknowledgement that life blooms and fades. You are not choosing to be a sylvari necromancer because you despite life and the living, you chooce this path because you are merely taking a vital role in the circle of life. As a sylvari you are bound to this world more than any other being, you know that this art comes from the land itsefl.
asura for looks (hellfire too good)
but norn if www. only escape ability your necro would get and it’s the best in game
For aesthetics sylvari. However if I could redo my necro and still retain my ranks/soulbound equipment etc. I would go with a norn, simply for the elite dash ability. It makes a great roaming skill when you need to escape.
Did you just insult Jennifer Hale? Them’s fighting words……
Nope, I didn’t insulted anyone but yes, the voice she made is one of the worst in the game and no, I don’t mean she did a bad acting, just the voice she chose to do is awful IMO.
The best thing you could do for yourself and the rest of the GW2 community at this point is to delete all your toons, abandon or cancel your account and leave without saying a word. You are not wanted here.
Wow. Just, Wow.
I don’t have an opinion on this either way, but …
If you were trying to be funny, it wasn’t.
If you are serious, please take the Fanboy-ism down from 11. He’s well within his rights to voice his opinion of the voice acting. In fact, he was very civil about it.
Back to topic:
I’ve tried both Human and Sylvari Necro’s. I rather enjoyed the level of customization for the sylvari. With proper gearing and appearance you can get a very distinct character. The animations killed it for me. The movement of the race, just didn’t fit in with my concept of the character. Delete.
The Human was too generic. The armor models looked good and well proportioned, but I again it didn’t feel right. Delete.
Although I have seen other player’s Human Necromancers that look awesome.
I ended up creating a Norn male power Necro of largest size. My favorite 80, by far.
Started a Charr Minion Master for PvE only, and loving the look and personal story.
To each, his own.
Being unique isn’t worth it imo if it means a downgrade in terms of movement and looks. Just play whatever you like best, I made and deleted my necro over a dozen times testing out the different races and genders before I settled.
(edited by renmei.3102)
Sylvari! I think the theme fits perfectly.
Did you just insult Jennifer Hale? Them’s fighting words……
Nope, I didn’t insulted anyone but yes, the voice she made is one of the worst in the game and no, I don’t mean she did a bad acting, just the voice she chose to do is awful IMO.
The best thing you could do for yourself and the rest of the GW2 community at this point is to delete all your toons, abandon or cancel your account and leave without saying a word. You are not wanted here.
While reading this, I felt like mentioning that I have no idea who Jennifer Hale is. Well, aside from that I think I’ve seen that video with the english voice actors once. (I think that means I need to delete all my characters? o.o)
Oh, and before you ask; I can’t comment on her voice-acting. I’m using a german client. ;P
Sylvari is actually the most fitting race for Necromancer.
Nature isn’t biased toward Life you know…….. it’s all about the Cycle of Life : Birth, Live, Die, Decay, Reborn.
It also has nothing to do with good or evil, people have such stagnate ways of looking at things.
If a necromancer practices… well necromancy and saves a village of people from certain death, while a Guardian is there trying to slaughter them all, who is “good” and who is “evil”?
Rather subjective, but still.
If necromancy in general were “Evil” or unaccepted, then all necromancers would be placed along with Zhaitain/Risen as the enemy.
Personally, though I think Charr makes the coolest race for Necromancer by far.
Charr or Norn! Dont go mainstream.
Having now both a human necro and a new sylvari necro (kitten you Anet and your character-slot sale for feeding my alt-aholism!) I think I can safely say that it really doesn’t matter. Play with the character creator and find some things that you like, you can always reroll in short order if there’s something glaringly off about it too you.
Necro’s get very little stability, so it makes sense to be kicked around like a footy.
Also, if rolling a male, the small legs mean you don’t show too much in your pretty manskirts.
For lore, Human (technically only race that is allowed and can use necromancy to its full potential), for looks Sylvari, if you wanna be a hipster or ALPHA MANLY Charr. Asura and Norn necros are just heresy (asura “necromancers” just being golemancers, also they are punt sized **** while Norn give necros mobility via elite skills thus heretic/good for wvwvw).
I had been pretty unhappy with my choice of Hume until (and it took months) I tried Prayer to Lyssa on a boon-duration build. It was not much use outside of a fixed dragon fight because there are other skills more effective in general but I kept punching that button and it’s quirky, you get what you get, boon lotto.
Why do I need 15 characters kitten it, I said Norn, That’s Nuff Said.
For lore, Human (technically only race that is allowed and can use necromancy to its full potential)…
I beg to differ. Ghosts of Ascalon book had a female sylvari necro as a main character. I’d say that’s fairly adherent to the lore.
Knote explained it rather well.
For lore, Human (technically only race that is allowed and can use necromancy to its full potential)…
I beg to differ. Ghosts of Ascalon book had a female sylvari necro as a main character. I’d say that’s fairly adherent to the lore.
Knote explained it rather well.
Little thing, who did the pale tree base the sylvari on? Also the poor little saladmancer in GoA wasnt very “bright in the head”~ (especially her view of death).
Fact remains, despite magic being locked to the bloodstones on Tyria instead of the gods being the source, you need to be at least half immortal or a alternate form of the sentient life (demon, dragon, spirit) to use any kind of Tyrian magic to its full potential since they can attune to the gods better (examples of it being if you contact a statue of balthazar, you get 90 times more powerful than anything except a champion of EDs or a ED itself and that just worshipping him allows Grawl to become a actual threat, use real weapons and turn into fire demon thingys).
So yes everything is canon (hell a drake could probably become a necro and a firefly a guardian or a grub a mesmer if they could understand the magic), its just using alternate sources of energy or way weaker type of magic.
I personally went Human. Of course, the “Human” in question’s the same name/person behind an Undead I’ve run in a few other games, so the RP on him’s more that he got
shunted a bit sideways, dimension-wise.
I will say, that T1 Head/T2 Armour looks hella BA.
A good argument I saw is that Sylvari are born as adults and haven’t had the same lifetime of experience to understand death naturally. Some Sylvari will be curious about their own mortality and thus learn of Necromancy.
Also Death is a part of nature, harnassing it’s power isn’t evil.
charr are hilarious looking casters, and its funny to look at a necro charr.
Necropost is strong in you, Trahearne could be proud
I only play humans, cause I literally hate all other races.
Go with human, they look awesome in robes.
Adding onto the necro. Go Charr or go home. Ash Legion Necromancer, the true way to go.
All races can look good as a necro if u design them well.
Below are some of the best necro designs of each race I had the honor to see.
Human Necros:
Sylvari Necros:
Asura Necros:
Charr Necros:
I can’t believe nobody said this, but Sylvari ’s Take Root is the best elite skill in the game for a condi necro.
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