Terror 2nd tick
You need +100% duration on fear to get the 2nd tick.
In your current set-up, you just need to have Rare Veggie Pizza (+40% condition duration) to accomplish this. Otherwise you will also need some runes to increase your total fear/condition duration to +100%.
Marked Souls
You need +100% duration on fear to get the 2nd tick.
In your current set-up, you just need to have Rare Veggie Pizza (+40% condition duration) to accomplish this. Otherwise you will also need some runes to increase your total fear/condition duration to +100%.
Not correct.
Test it yourself before you post about how it “should” work.
I gave up on trying to figure it out, quite frankly, because I got tired of squinting to see the bigger damage number amid the smaller damage numbers flopping all over my screen.
I do know that the conditions on target to effect the way fear interacts with that extra second tick. If you just fear, and no conditions are on the target, you will never get that second tick without 100% duration.
If you have conditions on the target (and in my experience a few and several stacks of bleeding) you seem to get the extra tick around 70-80% duration. Even as low as 60 in some casese I tested.
Why does this happen? I haven’t the slightest idea, but it isn’t repeatable in any consitent fashion. You don’t ALWAYS get the second tick at 70% duration, like you do at 100%, but you get it very often with conditions on the target.
The extra damage actually ticks up after the fear has worn off. I presume it has something to do with the mathematical check of conditions and the fear damage occuring before the end of the 2 second time frame. IE the game checks the targets conditions at like 1.7 or 1.8 seconds (sees conditions) then flags the fear debuff to apply the adjusted higher damage, and it then occurs even though the debuff has worn off.
Safe to say it is a bug right now. It certainly shouldn’t give a second tick with 100%.
To my understanding, the 2nd fear tick has something to do with when the fear is applied in relation to when normal bleed ticks fire off. While having higher condition/fear duration helps with this, the fear has to fall at a certain time to encompass two ticks of bleeding (since bleeding is 1 tick per 1 second). Sometimes the 2nd fear tick still fires off even if the fear applied falls slightly short of the 2nd tick of bleed.
All Condition damage (except confusion) does damage at the same time in the same interval.
I have 60% fear duration and this more than enough to see the tick 2nd tick almost always.
Hope this helps.
Why I believe that makes perfect since….. I feel silly now for not realizing it.
Taking this in a time-line would be as follows:
0 second = you apply a 6 second bleed
0.2 seconds = bleed is already on target and waiting to tick damage.
0.4 seconds = same
0.6 seconds = same
0.8 seconds = you now apply fear, bleed still waiting to tick damage.
1 second = bleed damage ticks, and now fear damage ticks with that bleed damage.
1.2 seconds = fear is on target, bleed is on target, waiting to tick again
1.4 seconds = same
1.6 seconds = same
1.8 seconds = same
2 seconds = both fear and bleed tick their damage
That scenario would only require an extra 30% or so on fear duration to pull that off.
It all seems so deceptive because of the way the game displays bleed damage. A mob will show numbers constantly exploding out of him while he has 10 bleeds on, but in reality it is just a big chunk of damage dealt every 1 second, with the other 0.99 seconds doing no damage at all.
Thanks for this information, I have been trying to get my head around this for weeks.
EDIT: The other cool thing about this, assuming you do not time your fears in relation to your bleed damage, your condition duration will translate to a % chance for getting the extra fear damage. IE at 80% condition duration, if fear is applied at a random time on a target that is already bleeding/poisoned/burning, there is an 80% chance you landed it at a time where it will tick twice.
(edited by Rennoko.5731)
You need +100% duration on fear to get the 2nd tick.
In your current set-up, you just need to have Rare Veggie Pizza (+40% condition duration) to accomplish this. Otherwise you will also need some runes to increase your total fear/condition duration to +100%.
Not correct.
Test it yourself before you post about how it “should” work.
Sorry, I use +100% and consistently see the 2nd tick.. I assumed it was necessary.
Thanks, Tenderly, for the information. Very good to know.
Marked Souls
you don’t need to have a summed 100% value as the individual condition and fear duration increases stack multiplicatively. You can see this by examining the tool tip before adding points to spite and then examining the tooltip after. You’ll see the increased duration on Fear. Any further duration increases from tactics, runes, etc., are then based off of the new tool tip value from the points placed into Spite.
To get the 2nd terror tick merely requires a full 2 sec of duration and with 30 pts in Spite (30%), Nightmare runes (10%), and increased Fear trait (+50%) is enough to accomplish this (sum total of 90% condition duration increase).
For however you want to build around terror just keep in mind that trait increases are factored first (in this case the points placed in spite), then everything else.
I’ve stayed at this party entirely too long
At least without Spite points, the only way to guarantee the 2nd tick seems to be having additional 100% fear time.
I’ve experimented with taking my runes off (then at 86%) and at this rate, I never get the second tick unless there is already a condition on the mob, if there is, then it seems to usually come up.
Should be kept in mind the value of additional fear time is not just the tick, but the longer cc itself is going to create more damage for you via other attacks.
(edited by Pendragon.8735)
you don’t need to have a summed 100% value as the individual condition and fear duration increases stack multiplicatively. You can see this by examining the tool tip before adding points to spite and then examining the tooltip after. You’ll see the increased duration on Fear. Any further duration increases from tactics, runes, etc., are then based off of the new tool tip value from the points placed into Spite.
To get the 2nd terror tick merely requires a full 2 sec of duration and with 30 pts in Spite (30%), Nightmare runes (10%), and increased Fear trait (+50%) is enough to accomplish this (sum total of 90% condition duration increase).
For however you want to build around terror just keep in mind that trait increases are factored first (in this case the points placed in spite), then everything else.
The above isn’t correct, and it does not work that way in the game. Yes, the tooltip updates to reflect points you place in spite and food, while it will continue to ignore other traits that effect specific conditions (hemo/master of fear) and runes in its displayed value.
For instance BIP (a long bleed easy to see the effects on).
Base bleed = 30 seconds (tool tip)
Add 30 points in spite = 39 seconds (tooltip changes) (30% increase from base)
Add 40% duration food = 51 seconds (tooltip changes) (70% increase from base)
Add Hemophilia = 51 seconds (No tooltip change) (Actual duration of 57ish seconds) (90% increase from base)
Add Mad king rune 2X bonus = 51 seconds (No tooltip change) (Actual duration of 60 seconds) (100% increase from base).
Lets test fear now – keeping in mind that tooltip is only going to show in increments of 0.25:
Base fear on DS2 = 1 second (tooltip)
Add 30 points in spite = 1.25 seconds (tooltip changes) (25% increase from base)
Add 50% fear trait = 1.25 (No tooltip change) (actual duration best guess should be 80% increase from base or 1.8 seconds – nearly impossible to tell in game)
Add Mad King rune X2 = 1.25 (No tooltip change) (actual duration best guess at 90% increase from base or 1.9 seconds)
Since the fear durations are all within the realm of 0.1 seconds, actually verifying the difference between 1.8 and 1.9 is practically impossible. To test that we go with the terror trait and take cases where the bleed does not proc of barbed precision, as that changes the way the damage is calculated.
Using the above fear setup, I am at 90% increased duration additively and I only get one damage tick from fear. That would seem to suggest that again, all traits/runes stack additively.
I am willing to admit I made a mistake somewhere if you point it out, but that looks pretty additive all around to me.
For fun, I went ahead and got cheese pizza, which adds 8% duration and tried out both above tests at 98% duration (with all increases being added) and no second damage tick from fear or barbed precision. Which means both fear and bleed durations were at 98% increased, on a 1 second base, and failed to damage the last tick, which would require a full 2 second duration.
EDIT: The discussion on terror damage was above lol….
Tested terror some more
- 0 points in spite, 0 points in any kind towards + condition duration, with the exception of the Master of Terror trait (fear +50%)
2nd tick occurs if you do staff 2 > staff 5 (bleeds), as well as staff 3 > staff 5 (poison)
No 2nd tick if you chill with Spectral Grasp, no 2nd tick if you cause vulnerability with Spectral Wall.
Conclusion (to me anyway): with just the Terror and Master of Terror traits, all you need to do is fear an enemy that currently is bleeding or poisoned (probably burning as well, but hey we’re necros) to get 2 ticks.
you don’t need to have a summed 100% value as the individual condition and fear duration increases stack multiplicatively. You can see this by examining the tool tip before adding points to spite and then examining the tooltip after. You’ll see the increased duration on Fear. Any further duration increases from tactics, runes, etc., are then based off of the new tool tip value from the points placed into Spite.
To get the 2nd terror tick merely requires a full 2 sec of duration and with 30 pts in Spite 5(30%), Nightmare runes (10%), and increased Fear trait (+50%) is enough to accomplish this (sum total of 90% condition duration increase).
For however you want to build around terror just keep in mind that trait increases are factored first (in this case the points placed in spite), then everything else.
The above isn’t correct, and it does not work that way in the game. Yes, the tooltip updates to reflect points you place in spite and food, while it will continue to ignore other traits that effect specific conditions (hemo/master of fear) and runes in its displayed value.
For instance BIP (a long bleed easy to see the effects on).
Base bleed = 30 seconds (tool tip)
Add 30 points in spite = 39 seconds (tooltip changes) (30% increase from base)
Add 40% duration food = 51 seconds (tooltip changes) (70% increase from base)
Add Hemophilia = 51 seconds (No tooltip change) (Actual duration of 57ish seconds) (90% increase from base)
Add Mad king rune 2X bonus = 51 seconds (No tooltip change) (Actual duration of 60 seconds) (100% increase from base).Lets test fear now – keeping in mind that tooltip is only going to show in increments of 0.25:
Base fear on DS2 = 1 second (tooltip)
Add 30 points in spite = 1.25 seconds (tooltip changes) (25% increase from base)
Add 50% fear trait = 1.25 (No tooltip change) (actual duration best guess should be 80% increase from base or 1.8 seconds – nearly impossible to tell in game)
Add Mad King rune X2 = 1.25 (No tooltip change) (actual duration best guess at 90% increase from base or 1.9 seconds)Since the fear durations are all within the realm of 0.1 seconds, actually verifying the difference between 1.8 and 1.9 is practically impossible. To test that we go with the terror trait and take cases where the bleed does not proc of barbed precision, as that changes the way the damage is calculated.
Using the above fear setup, I am at 90% increased duration additively and I only get one damage tick from fear. That would seem to suggest that again, all traits/runes stack additively.
I am willing to admit I made a mistake somewhere if you point it out, but that looks pretty additive all around to me.
For fun, I went ahead and got cheese pizza, which adds 8% duration and tried out both above tests at 98% duration (with all increases being added) and no second damage tick from fear or barbed precision. Which means both fear and bleed durations were at 98% increased, on a 1 second base, and failed to damage the last tick, which would require a full 2 second duration.
EDIT: The discussion on terror damage was above lol….
How could you not get the 2nd tick with 90 or 98% increase? Since I’ve gotten it with only 60 % and above poster with only 50%?
you don’t need to have a summed 100% value as the individual condition and fear duration increases stack multiplicatively. You can see this by examining the tool tip before adding points to spite and then examining the tooltip after. You’ll see the increased duration on Fear. Any further duration increases from tactics, runes, etc., are then based off of the new tool tip value from the points placed into Spite.
To get the 2nd terror tick merely requires a full 2 sec of duration and with 30 pts in Spite (30%), Nightmare runes (10%), and increased Fear trait (+50%) is enough to accomplish this (sum total of 90% condition duration increase).
For however you want to build around terror just keep in mind that trait increases are factored first (in this case the points placed in spite), then everything else.
The above isn’t correct, and it does not work that way in the game. Yes, the tooltip updates to reflect points you place in spite and food, while it will continue to ignore other traits that effect specific conditions (hemo/master of fear) and runes in its displayed value.
For instance BIP (a long bleed easy to see the effects on).
Base bleed = 30 seconds (tool tip)
Add 30 points in spite = 39 seconds (tooltip changes) (30% increase from base)
Add 40% duration food = 51 seconds (tooltip changes) (70% increase from base)
Add Hemophilia = 51 seconds (No tooltip change) (Actual duration of 57ish seconds) (90% increase from base)
Add Mad king rune 2X bonus = 51 seconds (No tooltip change) (Actual duration of 60 seconds) (100% increase from base).Lets test fear now – keeping in mind that tooltip is only going to show in increments of 0.25:
Base fear on DS2 = 1 second (tooltip)
Add 30 points in spite = 1.25 seconds (tooltip changes) (25% increase from base)
Add 50% fear trait = 1.25 (No tooltip change) (actual duration best guess should be 80% increase from base or 1.8 seconds – nearly impossible to tell in game)
Add Mad King rune X2 = 1.25 (No tooltip change) (actual duration best guess at 90% increase from base or 1.9 seconds)Since the fear durations are all within the realm of 0.1 seconds, actually verifying the difference between 1.8 and 1.9 is practically impossible. To test that we go with the terror trait and take cases where the bleed does not proc of barbed precision, as that changes the way the damage is calculated.
Using the above fear setup, I am at 90% increased duration additively and I only get one damage tick from fear. That would seem to suggest that again, all traits/runes stack additively.
I am willing to admit I made a mistake somewhere if you point it out, but that looks pretty additive all around to me.
For fun, I went ahead and got cheese pizza, which adds 8% duration and tried out both above tests at 98% duration (with all increases being added) and no second damage tick from fear or barbed precision. Which means both fear and bleed durations were at 98% increased, on a 1 second base, and failed to damage the last tick, which would require a full 2 second duration.
EDIT: The discussion on terror damage was above lol….
your math looks a little funny but I’m not interested enough to debate tbh. I will say that it has been a while since I ran the build though (months, in fact). At the time though the build I stated did in fact yield two ticks of terror dmg with only a 90% duration increase.
The build and explanations can be found here: https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/professions/necromancer/tPvP-Staff-dagger-dagger-build-full-spectral-warrior/first#post376391
edit: I should also mention that I never tested nor ran the build in WvWvW. Only in the Heart of the Mists and s/tPvP.
I’ve stayed at this party entirely too long
(edited by hackks.3687)
How could you not get the 2nd tick with 90 or 98% increase? Since I’ve gotten it with only 60 % and above poster with only 50%?
I am refering to when there are no bleeding/poison/burning conditions on the target. As was explained in the above postings, if the target is bleeding and you fear the target right before that bleed ticks, you could get 2 damage ticks from terror even with just 20% increased duration on fear, because it would tick its damage almost immediately, then again in 1 second. Alternatively, if you cast the fear just after a bleed tick goes off, you would need close to 100% duration to get the second tick in that cirumstance.
The point I was trying to make was that condition duration is all additive, and there is no multiplication factor anywhere, except after all the duration increases are summed times the original duration. I am fully aware that people can get two terror ticks without investing 100% duration into fear, while the mob has a damaging condition on it.
I challenge anyone to find me a way to get an extra damage tick from barbed precision without 100% duration. I would be eternally greatful if you could.
How could you not get the 2nd tick with 90 or 98% increase? Since I’ve gotten it with only 60 % and above poster with only 50%?
I am refering to when there are no bleeding/poison/burning conditions on the target. As was explained in the above postings, if the target is bleeding and you fear the target right before that bleed ticks, you could get 2 damage ticks from terror even with just 20% increased duration on fear, because it would tick its damage almost immediately, then again in 1 second. Alternatively, if you cast the fear just after a bleed tick goes off, you would need close to 100% duration to get the second tick in that cirumstance.
The point I was trying to make was that condition duration is all additive, and there is no multiplication factor anywhere, except after all the duration increases are summed times the original duration. I am fully aware that people can get two terror ticks without investing 100% duration into fear, while the mob has a damaging condition on it.
I challenge anyone to find me a way to get an extra damage tick from barbed precision without 100% duration. I would be eternally greatful if you could.
Ahh okay I see now :-)
your math looks a little funny but I’m not interested enough to debate tbh. I will say that it has been a while since I ran the build though (months, in fact). At the time though the build I stated did in fact yield two ticks of terror dmg with only a 90% duration increase.
The build and explanations can be found here: https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/professions/necromancer/tPvP-Staff-dagger-dagger-build-full-spectral-warrior/first#post376391
edit: I should also mention that I never tested nor ran the build in WvWvW. Only in the Heart of the Mists and s/tPvP.
Not arguing the damage tick requries 100% duration. Arguing the duration does not make it to two seconds at all without 100% duration additively. The misnomer would be that you get full duration and effectiveness out of 90% duration, which was what I wanted to make sure was corrected. Damage yes/possibly, duration no. If a multiple factor exists on any condition, I can’t find it.
Pre-buff patch terror worked the same way as it does now, only dealt less damage. If you can manage to get your fear debuff on the target very close to when the bleed takes its tick for that second, you can grab the extra damage. If no debuffs on the target, your fear starts the 1 second duration before a damage tick can occur, thus requiring 2 full seconds to deal its damage.
alright I just checked it again – I know I said I wasn’t interested, but you piqued my curiosity.
Tested on the Golems in HotM with 30 pts in Spite, 4pc Nightmare runes for 10% condition duration, Master of Terror trait (50% fear duration), and only applying a fear (no other conditions applied) I was able to get 2 ticks of terror dmg.
To summarize: 90% condition+fear duration = slightly more than 2 sec of fear duration and DID NOT require a summed 100% duration increase.
I’ve stayed at this party entirely too long
alright I just checked it again – I know I said I wasn’t interested, but you piqued my curiosity.
Tested on the Golems in HotM with 30 pts in Spite, 4pc Nightmare runes for 10% condition duration, Master of Terror trait (50% fear duration), and only applying a fear (no other conditions applied) I was able to get 2 ticks of terror dmg.
To summarize: 90% condition+fear duration = slightly more than 2 sec of fear duration and DID NOT require a summed 100% duration increase.
This is because the game rounds up float points. The durations for conditions always are modified in quarter of a second intervals, so when it comes to achieving 7.5/8ths of a full 2 second fear, you only need roughly 86% cduration.
Easiest way to get second tick.. 2 lyssa, 2 mad king, rare veg pizza, 20 points in spite. You’ll get it every time.
Or without any spite, just get master of terror and 2lyssa 2mk with the veg pizza buff. Alternative w/o master of terror is the stuff i list above
So what you’re saying is, 90% cduration will get the 2 ticks? I’m slow and want it spelled out for me hehe :-)
If this is for outside sPvP, remember is a new weapon set that is silly OP for Necromancers.
Giver’s statted weapons provide precision, vitality and 10% condition duration and is a easy +20% condition duration.
Commander Ascii :: Tempest Wolves [TW] :: Sanctum of Rall :: Best Necromancer NA
So what you’re saying is, 90% cduration will get the 2 ticks? I’m slow and want it spelled out for me hehe :-)
93 to be precise but for some reason 90% does the trick when rounding up.
7.5/8 = .9375 x100 = 93.75%
10% 2lyssa
10% mad king
50% master of terror
20% 20 pts. spite
90% total.
or you could get lazy and just
40% veggie pizza
50% master of terror
no runes or spite. troll.
(edited by Sheobix.8796)
I will test again later today, but apparently one of the items I was using for fear duration was not working right. I tried several times to get the damage tick at 98% duration on fear and I assure you it did not happen.
Are you saying this applies to the 1 second bleed as well? IE you can have 90% bleed duration and it will round to the nearest quarter second to give 2 seconds? I will try later today with some different rune combinations to make sure that the runes I had on last night were not bugged for some reason. I frequently have my condition sigil break for no reason, it could have happened while i was swapping in and out of rune sets.
I just have always had the testing evidence I have done on these short term effects point to a “round down” as opposed to “round to the nearest” as it pertains to the 1/4 of a second.
Also if it was rounding to the nearest on quarter increments, would it not be:
25/2 = 12.5 + 75 = 87.5 or 88 to cause a round up? I guess you implied earlier the break down was by eights not quarters, which would then make it what you posted above.
The only explanation I have until i get to testing later is something in my testing kit wasn’t applying to fear, even though it was labeled as “condition duration”. I was testing outside of the mists, but it shouldn’t have mattered.
i used eighths because 8/8ths make 2 seconds in terms of 1/4 second intervals.
1/4 + 1/4 + 1/4 + 1/4 = 1 second
afaik you only need 7.5/8 of the full 2 seconds to get 2 seconds in this rounding system implemented in the game.
I believe this was the same rounding issue that screwed with mesmer clone appearance times, because people said that they were attacking before they even rendered on screen
If this is for outside sPvP, remember is a new weapon set that is silly OP for Necromancers.
Giver’s statted weapons provide precision, vitality and 10% condition duration and is a easy +20% condition duration.
My issue with that stat is how extremely under-powered it is in that weapon compared to any other Condition/X/X combination. 10% durations is not worth 100 condition damage stat wise, and 20% duration is not worth 200 condition stat wise.
I love condition duration more than anyone, but I refuse to use those weapons simply because of the existence of rare veggie pizza, which by its very existence makes the claim that level 80 primary stat food is: 100 power, prec, vit, etc and secondary stat of 70. That then makes the claim that rare veggie = other level 80 max level foods and 40% condition duration as a primary stat now = 100 power/vit/condition as a primary stat.
By that very logic the weapon giving up that primary stat should have given 40% duration on a MH/OH and 80% duration on a 2her. That sounds wildly overpowered, and thats why rare veggie pizza is awesome. It breaks the standard stat rules in terms of its return for its cost. Hopefully Anet will not randomly decide to balance it down.
i used eighths because 8/8ths make 2 seconds in terms of 1/4 second intervals.
1/4 + 1/4 + 1/4 + 1/4 = 1 second
afaik you only need 7.5/8 of the full 2 seconds to get 2 seconds in this rounding system implemented in the game.
I believe this was the same rounding issue that screwed with mesmer clone appearance times, because people said that they were attacking before they even rendered on screen
Have you been able to reproduce a 2 second bleed without 100% duration with some combination of food/runes? Later on when I have some time I will hope in the mists and run 90% duration and see if I can get it to work on bleeds, but I have tried this before and been sadly disappointed.
Okay so I believe I have found the culprit here.
I did try testing 10% from lyssa, 30% from spite, and 50% from master of terror. It does not give two terror ticks (@ 90% duration). I was in the mists so I did not try with Mad King runes.
The rune that is causing the confusion seems to be the nightmare runes. I am going to do some more extensive testing in the mists on it but here is what I found out. The above posters comments about having master of terror 50%, spite 30%, and 4x Nightmare runes (10%) do give 2 terror ticks (@ 90%) – - – But here is why:
I used spectral wall because it gives a nice round debuff of 10 seconds of vulnerability against the golem that runs in circles.
Base duration: 10 seconds
With 30 points in spite: 13 seconds (a 30% increase looks right)
With 2x Nightmare runes: 13 seconds (couldn’t tell a difference at all, suppose to be 4%, makes sense)
With 4x nightmare runes: 15 seconds (? an additional 20% increase).
So, I will be going in and testing with bleeds later, but at least at first glance it looks like the reason why this works is because the bonus from Nightmare 4X is way larger than the tooltip states. Almost 20% increase for those 4 runes.
I tested only against vuln and fear, and will test against bleed later.
Unfortunately this doesn’t help the situation of getting the last terror tick at 90% duration (no debuff on target), because if testing above is correct, then nightmare is actually giving you 100% duration on fear in that run setup. I am more concerned about bleed of course, but the same principle applies.
Do you have any other rune combinations you have verified to cause two terror ticks with no bleeding at 90% that do not include nightmare runes? The lyssa, spite, master of terror did not tick twice for me in the mists.
Another post did mention nightmare runes as being bugged, giving a total of 20% duration, they also mention another rune set with same error, but can’t remember the name
I use 30/30/10/0/0 with necromancer runes and every fear I use ticks twice so as long as I apply 2 conditions. I really don’t know what any of your are talking about. Maybe its different outside of tpvp.
I just tried terror trait, but maybe i just dont know how it works….but seems really crappy, tested on a light golem and Doom did 74 dmg on it <.<
I wonder why someone should waste a major trait like that, anyone can enlighten me ?
I just tried terror trait, but maybe i just dont know how it works….but seems really crappy, tested on a light golem and Doom did 74 dmg on it <.<
I wonder why someone should waste a major trait like that, anyone can enlighten me ?
Watch the dmg that comes up after about 1 second.. it’s much higher, I tick for 8xx dmg.
Try putting one bleed on a target and then fear, you should be able to see the larger dmg.
I used bleed, chill and poison on the light golem, and i think max dmg from doom was 114 crit <.<
I still think that trait is a total joke.
I’ll guarantee you that the dmg should be higher.
Do you have zero condition dmg gear on? That may do it, since afaik the dmg relies on condition dmg.
Regardless I do 2 times 8xx dmg with it, and am not even fully exotic geared so I’m quite happy with it.
i was trying it in spvp on dps test golems and i had 1400 condition damage and 2500 attack….
Fear deals a little bit of damage, around 80-90 on hit, and can itself crit. That has nothing to do with “terror”. Terror causes the fear to cause DOT damage over the fear duration, which is 1 to 2 ticks.
If you read your combat log you will see no terror damage, but it should be up around 1100-1200 damage if you have a bleed on the target and it will tick at least once (or around 800 with conditions on the target). If you don’t watch the little white numbers over the mobs head, you won’t see it.
Oh… ty, this explains the trick, with all numbers popping on mobs head i was only looking at combat log, now i saw that 750-1100 dmg.