Terror ticks + fear duration

Terror ticks + fear duration

in Necromancer

Posted by: FearSeven.6357


I did some testing in the Mist, but I’m not getting clear results. My first results were :

50% fear duration or more = 1 tick without bleed on target, 2 ticks while target is bleeding.

100% fear duration or more = 2 ticks without bleed on target, 3 ticks with bleed (30% spite, 20% runes, 50% trait, 15% stun duration sigil).

But after testing it again, I didn’t get the same results. It just seems random at times.
Just the fact that you get a different amount of ticks based on if the target is bleeding or not, makes it seem a buggy mechanism from the start.

Can someone clarify?

Terror ticks + fear duration

in Necromancer

Posted by: Iceflame.5024


Well there are a lot of discussions on how the condition tick timers work on these forums. You can check them out to understand how they work. Is it buggy? I do not know lol. Inconsistent teleports are a huge bug for in my vision but other people seem to not think of them that way, heh. I can agree with this tick mechanic being a bit strange and unintuitive. This game is very special with a lot of things you see……

Seems to be a lazy mechanic where they decided not to make every condition have a separate tick timer. You can probably understand this cause of the mechanic where conditions from different players stack in duration and replace each other.

At least something positive can be fished out of this mechanic where you can get 2 terror ticks with just 1,5 fear duration, heh.

Terror ticks + fear duration

in Necromancer

Posted by: Pendragon.8735


Terror damage ticks at the same moment as ongoing bleeds and other condition damage. Therefore if you already have bleeds going, and you cast fear in between ticks of bleed, you may get an extra tick of terror, just depends on how soon the next tick is coming up vs when you applied the fear.

If you have no conditions on the enemy prior to fearing them, it will only give you as many ticks as you have duration rounding down. So 1 second fear with 50% duration is still going to be one tick in that case.

It’s actually a pretty fair mechanic because damage will average out over time to give you bonus damage that represents the additional duration you have. Would kind of suck if you had 90% duration increase and just never got more than 1 tick unless you had 100%.

(edited by Pendragon.8735)

Terror ticks + fear duration

in Necromancer

Posted by: Rennoko.5731


Yeah I agree, and actually from a purely skill based level, it would allow you to take advantage of the timer if you can time you fears properly. Of course the awful UI shows an explosion of numbers instead of what is actually happening, making watching their HP bar the only way to tell.