The Evolution of Necromancy
i heard that theres at least 1 change for every trait-line.
but dont get your hopes up cause of that,
it’s Arenanet and we’re necros, so ‘change’ could also mean ‘newly implemented bug’
Gunnar’s Hold
I don’t know, I heard one of the Devs was taking a closer look at our class. I don’t remember his name, but it’s the one that said he fixed Focus #4. Also, a really good TPvP team, which the name of is Paradigm I believe, challenged the Devs to a game. One of the Devs was playing a Necromancer. It’s the little things like this that I hold onto.
Are we pretty safe to bet on seeing this change the 28th?
Chaplan is known to be fond of Necros
I don’t know, I heard one of the Devs was taking a closer look at our class. I don’t remember his name, but it’s the one that said he fixed Focus #4. Also, a really good TPvP team, which the name of is Paradigm I believe, challenged the Devs to a game. One of the Devs was playing a Necromancer. It’s the little things like this that I hold onto.
Are we pretty safe to bet on seeing this change the 28th?
They’ve been “looking” at Necro for awhile. Statements have been made that they are going to do trait adjustments for every class with some more major than others in this balance patch, but they have been mum about the details for the most part.
Best thing to do is set the bar of your expectations fairly low IMHO. If you get a 25 point minor in Spite that is better than useless and some logical changes in other parts of the traits that help give necro the sustain it needs to be viable then be happy. Don’t anticipate that we will suddenly be the old D/D (or S/D) bunker ele, because you are highly unlikely to see that.
I’m at least hoping that the new changes will make me take a step back and redesign some of my builds. At most, I’m hoping we become WANTED in all aspects of the game, and not just because of Epidemic or Signet of Undeath.
Am I setting my hopes to high if I say I want to be able to go to and see “GLF1 necro.”?
Unfortunately, PvE will not be fixed by any changes they make to Necromancers, most likely. The problems are in the PvE mechanics themselves, not Necromancers.
I was talking more of the Necromancer’s performance rising to the level of being wanted, say, over the performance that another class could give. In a particular area of course, we wouldn’t want to make them the best at everything.
We do outperform people in areas, the problem is those areas are useless in PvE. Rennoko talked about it in another thread, but the reason you bring Necromancers in PvE is for debuffing, which we do better than any other class; except no mechanic requires debuffing, and in fact many mechanics make it hard to debuff, and actively favor other mechanics better.
As a Necro, my primary focus is WvW.
GW2 should go back to make sure all the classes are performing as intended, but the necro trait line need tons of love, it all over the place. Minor and major traits in the same tree with nothing in common with each other will make you go crazy trying to understand how these work togther. If the vision of this class was to be master of attrition in a battle, then there should be no other class that should come close to what we do in a condition built. Look at all the group untilies/boons we give up making us less useful in dungeons to have what? Pets we cant command/under perform, condition damage that is weak, power attacks that do far less damage compared to other dps classes, and a bunch of self only skills. Just trying to find a decent built, you have to spread your points over many different trait trees, that you end up do nothing other than players giving you a reason not to use you in thier limit 5 man PvE group. Beside from some Orr farming, the only area that a necro has some success is WvW-zerging. No necro is asking to become gods of the battlefield, but if were to be Masters of Attrition, then make us become the master.
1) Please start with fixing the traits and the trees – think outside the box.
2) Totally revamp Signet untilies, ie Signet of Disease passive +300 CD, active target recieve one of each condition range 1200. Signet of Minons-passive pets have a far better performance, active revive target player. these are examples
3) Add some conditions that will be necro only-ie a condition that is self spreading or a condition with a high resistence to condition removal.
4) As the game stands now, rangers are the only true pet class. If we are to become a true pet class, pets need to add more to the necro performance or group booning.
just my 2 cents
We do outperform people in areas, the problem is those areas are useless in PvE. Rennoko talked about it in another thread, but the reason you bring Necromancers in PvE is for debuffing, which we do better than any other class; except no mechanic requires debuffing, and in fact many mechanics make it hard to debuff, and actively favor other mechanics better.
Yup that sums it up, the strenghs of the Necros are pretty useless in PvE plus some of the Necros strenghs if not all of them are done better by other classes.
We are good at condition management mostly trough changing and transferring them, but it’s not a factor in PvE due to the poor design.
We are good at surviving with Life Force, but surviving is nothing when glass cannons faceroll content.
We do good AoE condition damage, but it doesn’t burst enough to be viable in many encounters, plus it sucks against objects…
Can they make the class more fun in spvp and even more competitive ? Yes, but the class doesn’t fit the PvE by design.
100% World completion.