The Most Basic Condi Build

The Most Basic Condi Build

in Necromancer

Posted by: Cempa.5619


0/30/10/10/20 S+D / Staff
Consume Conditions / Spectral Walk / Corrupt Boon / Epidemic / Golem

Curse II 20% Bleed Duration / VII Corruption CD / XI Scepter 33% Condi Duration
DM II Mark size increase
BM I Dagger CD
SR IV Spectral CD / X 3% Mark Life Force

x6 Nightmare
x2 Sigil Battle (Might on Swap)
x1 Sigil Corruption (condi stacks on kill)

Offensive: Build has the full and max Condition damage of the profession, you can always change Runes to max out bleed duration to hit 100% -I didn’t do the math just like the x6 set.


1) Last Grasp: 100% Guarantee that you will never be burst from opener, you will ALWAYS have time to fight back against those glass cannon builds.
2) Golem: Perma Cripple from when you roam -I also like the other elites.
3) Stun breaker that regens LF with a good amount of LF.
4) Corrupt Boon for that critical point in the fight!


The Most Basic Condi Build

in Necromancer

Posted by: paleeshi.1924


Interesting, I will try this out. I’m pretty new to necro, atm running a fear condi build in spvp which is quite fun also.

Could you give some tips on rotation? Well, mainly my issue is that I find myself staying too long with stuff putting up marks instead of spending more time with scepter to stack bleeds. Any tips on how to utilize staff better in a condition build?

Edit: I would rather use sigil of earth with S/D than the battle sigil.

(edited by paleeshi.1924)

The Most Basic Condi Build

in Necromancer

Posted by: Cempa.5619


-Enfeebling Blood (Dagger 5) > Blood Curse (Scepter 1) > Feast of Corruption (Scepter 3)
-Grasping Dead for Cripple and Deathly Swarm to send conditions and blind
-Dump 50% LF on foe burst chain then go to Staff and back to Scepter ASAP
-Staff marks have an ideal order based on fields and finishers
-If you need to heal and don’t have conditions on you use your utilities than DoT you.

Not an expert by any measure, found I win when I can land my abilities…Just land them and you win…The other guy wins when they stop me from landing Scepter 1 x3 and Dagger 5 and then CC me as soon as I go into DS then burst me down so I do no damage in DS and they bypass my marks…I lose.

Know before you engage when you will pop stun breaker and DS…Smart players play CD’s…Newer players don’t set up at all..they tend to die or run away.

In WvW you will end up with a truck load of Crit and when you DS you will have 5 sec of Fury, don’t waste those 5 sec and you will hit like a 10 ton truck!

(edited by Cempa.5619)

The Most Basic Condi Build

in Necromancer

Posted by: Aupheus.9038


hmm, it might be obvious but is this with Khilbron armour stats? Like Prec/Toug/Cond?

The Most Basic Condi Build

in Necromancer

Posted by: Cempa.5619


hmm, it might be obvious but is this with Khilbron armour stats? Like Prec/Toug/Cond?

Yes and always use consumables

The Most Basic Condi Build

in Necromancer

Posted by: HiSaZuL.2843


I can’t take this spec seriously even for pve purpose. You claim that this has “full and max” condition damage yet you drop the biggest buff to condition damage. BIP provides 10 stacks… TEN… of might thats a huge buff to condition damage. You use it right before epidemic or after you stacked your bleeds to increase damage by 1/4 to 1/3 depending on your condition damage.
Why in gods name would you replace that with spectral walk…. and 20 points in SR?… Why?… Unless DS now spews conditions that is the worst place to spend trait points. Yeah DS still can save you from a burst but frankly staying in it for any longer then that is counterproductive in every imaginable way for condition specced necromancer.
You take something so unreliable as CB yet drop a 100% guaranteed damage buff. Don’t get me wrong I also carry CB… and curse it every single time when it fails point blank.

Offensive: Build has the full and max Condition damage of the profession, you can always change Runes to max out bleed duration to hit 100% -I didn’t do the math just like the x6 set.

Yeah you really didn’t do the math :P… bleed duration 100% is taken purely for the barbed precision. The benefit from it in numbers outweights going for max condition damage and undead runes.


1) Last Grasp: 100% Guarantee that you will never be burst from opener, you will ALWAYS have time to fight back against those glass cannon builds.
2) Golem: Perma Cripple from when you roam -I also like the other elites.
3) Stun breaker that regens LF with a good amount of LF.
4) Corrupt Boon for that critical point in the fight!


Never rely on CB at critical point. Its very situational and unreliable. Yes its amazing when it works… too bad more often then not it doesn’t.
And last grasp won’t save you from burst. The protection part of it is laugable purely because it doesn’t last long enough to matter. LF you get out of it… is arguable benefit for defense… Yeah it could prolong your DS time… but if a glass cannon can’t burst your DS… then well… they don’t have a clue and shame on you for not squashing it on the spot. Also if you are getting bursted and your not in DS… well… you are doing it wrong. Considering SA gets removed when you enter DS… well… the whole 6 seconds of protection and LF gains just go out of the window.
Also I’m not too sure about battle sigils. Yeah its great on some classes… on necro only time you should be switching from scepter to staff is when your getting hammered down and you need to get to your team. If you carry double scepter/dagger then well you loose 1 aoe GTFO button + chill + condtion removal + heal for friendlies with a really good source of 3 bleeds all packed into 1 with a conveniently short cd for once.

So basically while I guess I came out like a dick… im just saying its not feasible for pve or pvp. I understand you wan’t swiftness and all that… but just give up. Condition necro is not a solo experience. Unless its 1v1 and it never is.

Again… if you are condition you should have 30 points in curses. Barbed Precision is a 5 point passive trait that gives you the largest damage source from traits(as long as you feed it proper gear). But it heavily relies on having proper bleed duration.
If a condtion doesn’t last for a full duration despite w/e this game/anet tells you. It will only do damage for as many FULL seconds as it has. So yes… 1 second bleed will do same damage as 1.5 second bleed. And that’s why you need to beef up bleed duration.
Hell I’m still torn between wasting 30 points into a useless tree as far as conditions go… to just get durations.
Otherwise 20 death and 20 blood. get staff cd and greater marks + mark of evasion and dagger cd.
But if you like your spec… ignore w/e people say and use it. This class is so terrible, that if you can find something you like you should grab it with both hands. I can’t find anything… I per-ordered this failboat for minions. And this game failed so hard on that. Gotta love it when bigger audience, more finances, a title released for reference(where it was done “well”)… and yet they managed to completely drop everything down the toilet. How?

(edited by HiSaZuL.2843)

The Most Basic Condi Build

in Necromancer

Posted by: Cempa.5619


I can’t take this spec seriously even for pve purpose. You claim that this has “full and max” condition damage yet you drop the biggest buff to condition damage. BIP provides 10 stacks… TEN… of might thats a huge buff to condition damage. You use it right before epidemic or after you stacked your bleeds to increase damage by 1/4 to 1/3 depending on your condition damage.
Why in gods name would you replace that with spectral walk…. and 20 points in SR?… Why?… Unless DS now spews conditions that is the worst place to spend trait points. Yeah DS still can save you from a burst but frankly staying in it for any longer then that is counterproductive in every imaginable way for condition specced necromancer.
You take something so unreliable as CB yet drop a 100% guaranteed damage buff. Don’t get me wrong I also carry CB… and curse it every single time when it fails point blank.

Offensive: Build has the full and max Condition damage of the profession, you can always change Runes to max out bleed duration to hit 100% -I didn’t do the math just like the x6 set.

Yeah you really didn’t do the math :P… bleed duration 100% is taken purely for the barbed precision. The benefit from it in numbers outweights going for max condition damage and undead runes.


1) Last Grasp: 100% Guarantee that you will never be burst from opener, you will ALWAYS have time to fight back against those glass cannon builds.
2) Golem: Perma Cripple from when you roam -I also like the other elites.
3) Stun breaker that regens LF with a good amount of LF.
4) Corrupt Boon for that critical point in the fight!


Never rely on CB at critical point. Its very situational and unreliable. Yes its amazing when it works… too bad more often then not it doesn’t.
And last grasp won’t save you from burst. The protection part of it is laugable purely because it doesn’t last long enough to matter. LF you get out of it… is arguable benefit for defense… Yeah it could prolong your DS time… but if a glass cannon can’t burst your DS… then well… they don’t have a clue and shame on you for not squashing it on the spot. Also if you are getting bursted and your not in DS… well… you are doing it wrong. Considering SA gets removed when you enter DS… well… the whole 6 seconds of protection and LF gains just go out of the window.
Also I’m not too sure about battle sigils. Yeah its great on some classes… on necro only time you should be switching from scepter to staff is when your getting hammered down and you need to get to your team. If you carry double scepter/dagger then well you loose 1 aoe GTFO button + chill + condtion removal + heal for friendlies with a really good source of 3 bleeds all packed into 1 with a conveniently short cd for once.

So basically while I guess I came out like a dick… im just saying its not feasible for pve or pvp. I understand you wan’t swiftness and all that… but just give up. Condition necro is not a solo experience. Unless its 1v1 and it never is.

Again… if you are condition you should have 30 points in curses. Barbed Precision is a 5 point passive trait that gives you the largest damage source from traits(as long as you feed it proper gear). But it heavily relies on having proper bleed duration.
If a condtion doesn’t last for a full duration despite w/e this game/anet tells you. It will only do damage for as many FULL seconds as it has. So yes… 1 second bleed will do same damage as 1.5 second bleed. And that’s why you need to beef up bleed duration.
Hell I’m still torn between wasting 30 points into a useless tree as far as conditions go… to just get durations.
Otherwise 20 death and 20 blood. get staff cd and greater marks + mark of evasion and dagger cd.
But if you like your spec… ignore w/e people say and use it. This class is so terrible, that if you can find something you like you should grab it with both hands. I can’t find anything… I per-ordered this failboat for minions. And this game failed so hard on that. Gotta love it when bigger audience, more finances, a title released for reference(where it was done “well”)… and yet they managed to completely drop everything down the toilet. How?

I have a secret to share with you, I know it will be hard to believe but you can always go in game and test it: You can swap utilities and quite easily..Don’t fall out of your chair its true!

15 in DS or I won’t take your seriously, it is that good and IT DOES guarantee that no glass cannon build will over burst you down in the opener. Tests have been done and videos posted on these forums…With a glass cannon Thief will not kill in in opener..Without you die.

The Most Basic Condi Build

in Necromancer

Posted by: HiSaZuL.2843


….. Yeah…. The day 15 points in reaping stops someone… will be the day. Please do show how it stops something. Go on… educate this ignorant person. Show me what those mighty 6 seconds of protection going to do for you. You can’t even swap to ds because you loose that trash on 60 sec cd. What kind of “glass cannon” would wait 60 seconds, assuming first opener failed… What are you fighting? Dummies in mists?
And you can swap utilities OH MY!
Oh wait… you asked for thoughts on your spec, the one you posted… perhaps post your spec next time?
Since you can’t take criticism. Your spec is horrid. It lacks damage, it lacks survivability, it lacks utility, your runes are completely out of place, your traits are garbage, and even your sigils are bad. Happy now?
And second paragraph wasn’t even engrish. Perhaps you said something smart… and I just simply couldn’t comprehend it. Could happen… but somehow I doubt it.

The Most Basic Condi Build

in Necromancer

Posted by: Engels.8537


Your build has some serious issues,

You are going to gear a rabid setup, that’s the right choise,

1) Runes: You need 2 runes of earth, one in your staff and another one in your scepter, the sigil of corruption is ok in your dagger,

2) Best utility skills are consume conditions, blood is power, epidemic and the last one is your choise, elite is plage form or blood golem, (golem is pretty good due his knockdown),

3) Runes, in the most basic setup, are six runes of the nightmare or six runes of the undead, not the best choice, just the most basic,

4) Traits… our trais are a mess, but in your current spec i would swap dagger mastery with mark of evasion,
Last gasp is awesome, but in your current setup it would be better 20 points on soul reaping somewhere else, probably spite, (I did not put even a single point in spite, because it sucks),

Your build is not optimal, just simple and straight, i used something similar a couple of months until I did realize maxing condition damage it’s not the way to max your damage even in a full condition spect, (I’m running a full condition spec, but making focus on fear and 100% bleeding duration),

PD: Our class is really really strong with the right setup and the needed skill,

And second paragraph wasn’t even engrish.

My english is not very good and i understood everything, which part you did not understand?

Don’t talk to me about toughness and vitality, damage avoidance is all in this game

(edited by Engels.8537)

The Most Basic Condi Build

in Necromancer

Posted by: Shady.8365


I personnaly think it’s a good build, i mean i’m no pro or haven’t done the math’s about every single talent point, but if i was running a condition spec, i’d be similar to yours. I’ve been reading alot in the forums, and from what i’ve read, the stats are mainly comming from the gear not the build. Build is just for the utilites you want.

And utilities are all situational, for example, speed boost is a must for me in pvp/pve/wvw, and even if that means losing blood is power or corrupt boon (which really ****’s when you’re fighting a guardian.

The Most Basic Condi Build

in Necromancer

Posted by: lettucemode.3789


….. Yeah…. The day 15 points in reaping stops someone… will be the day. Please do show how it stops something. Go on… educate this ignorant person. Show me what those mighty 6 seconds of protection going to do for you. You can’t even swap to ds because you loose that trash on 60 sec cd.

You still keep the protection, just like if you go into DS with spectral walk on you keep the swiftness and ability to port to the original cast point. The only thing you lose is the buff that grants life force on being hit.

Sanctum of Rall
Builds: Facemelter Watch The Health Bar