The new thief trend. For lols

The new thief trend. For lols

in Necromancer

Posted by: heavenswrath.9850


I would advise my fellow necromancers to just avoid thieves in general now. It’s gone from an invisible massive crit (which would could handle generally if paying attention), to most of them running perma evade. As we all know our cast times pretty well suck on most skills, which from experience last night makes it almost impossible to land much of anything.

As an example, myself and 2 other necros plus a mesmer tried to focus down a thief yesterday in a big WvW fight. He never bothered to stealth because none of us could land any significant damage at all. Even placing marks didn’t slow him down as evading through a mark triggers it with no effect.

That said I’m not saying thief is OP since he didn’t do much damage himself as he was just evade and evade skill spamming. Just don’t waste your precious playtime attempting to down them anymore lol.

Lyls Ethervain- Necro Eirys Shimmerfang- Mesmer
Feyra Icemane- Thief

The new thief trend. For lols

in Necromancer

Posted by: War Mourner.5168

War Mourner.5168

Perm evade build is pretty dodgy because the evade from death blossom doesn’t actually always seem to work. I was testing it with friends in pvp, and often attacks will hit mid evade, the most notable being illusions, where I would have duelists shooting me, and it keeps hitting even after I death blossomed.

Basically it’s really gimmicky, but yeah, annoying as hell.

The new thief trend. For lols

in Necromancer

Posted by: PinCushion.7390



Where’s my OP gimmick build?